Crypto Life (CL)
1 min readDec 2, 2022

Unlock rewards with CL cashback!

Did you make an impulsive purchase that you’re starting to regret? Or maybe you splashed out just a little too much last Black Friday weekend.

There’s no need to feel bad, because your CL Card lets you earn up to 2% cashback while you spend! Get 1% in BTC and USDT and 2% in BXX.

You’ll get rewarded every month based on your spendings. Whether you’re out and about on a shopping spree, treating yourself to a meal out, or just getting your coffee to-go — you’ll get rewarded for every purchase you make with your card!

How does it work?

You can claim cashback in just a few taps. Here’s how it works:

  1. Open the Ledger Live app and go to the Card section
  2. Log in to your CL account
  3. Select Loyalty Program
  4. Choose your preferred coin to receive cashback
  5. You’re all set! You will receive monthly rewards of your selected coin to your account.

Simply use your card and cashback is all yours. Now that’s something to look forward to every month!