Crypto Life (CL)
3 min readFeb 2, 2024

What Are BRC-20 Tokens?

Many of us are familiar with ERC-20 tokens, but do you know about BRC-20?

Put simply, a BRC-20 token is an experimental token standard that enables fungible tokens to be minted and transferred on the Bitcoin blockchain.

The key difference between BRC-20 and ERC-20 tokens is that they run on completely different networks. BRC-20 operates on the Bitcoin blockchain, while ERC-20 operates on the Ethereum blockchain.

The ins and outs of BRC-20 tokens

At the core of BRC-20 tokens are smart contracts. These self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code enable the creation and management of tokens on the blockchain. BRC-20 tokens, like their ERC-20 counterparts, rely on these smart contracts to define how tokens can be transferred, who can transfer them and how users can access token-related data.

Another defining feature is interoperability. BRC-20 tokens are designed to seamlessly interact with other tokens and decentralised applications (DApps) within the same blockchain ecosystem, This interoperability fosters a cohesive and interconnected blockchain environment where different tokens and applications can collaborate.

Key Features

  • Fungibility

BRC-20 tokens are fungible, meaning each token is identical and interchangeable with every other token of the same type. This characteristic is crucial for tokens aspiring to serve as a medium of exchange within a blockchain network.

  • Transferability

The standard defines methods for transferring tokens between addresses, ensuring a standardised process for peer-to-peer transactions. This simplifies the implementation of wallets and exchanges that support BRC-20 tokens.

  • Token Metadata

BRC-20 tokens can include additional information or metadata beyond the basic transfer of value. This feature is particularly valuable for representing assets beyond simple currencies, such as certificates, memberships, or ownership of physical assets.

Creating and Managing BRC-20 Tokens

To create BRC-20 tokens, developers deploy a smart contract on the blockchain. This contract outlines the rules and functionalities of the tokens, including the total supply, token name, symbol and other parameters.

From there, the smart contract allows the minting of new tokens, representing the creation of additional units. On the other hand, tokens can also be burned and permanently removed from circulation. Both these mechanisms provide flexibility in managing token supply.

Significance in the Blockchain Ecosystem

  • Crowdfunding and ICOs

BRC-20 tokens have been widely utilised for crowdfunding purposes through Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). These events enable projects to raise capital by selling tokens to investors, providing them with a stake in the project.

  • DApp Integration

Decentralised applications often integrate BRC-20 tokens to facilitate various functionalities within their ecosystems. These tokens can represent in-app currencies, assets, or voting rights — enhancing the utility of DApps.

  • Standardisation for Development

The standardisation offered by BRC-20 simplifies the development process for token creators. Developers can adhere to established conventions, making it easier to build, audit and integrate tokens in various platforms.

The fungibility, interoperability and standardised features of BRC-20 tokens make them a preferred choice for various applications — from fundraising to powering decentralised applications. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, BRC-20 tokens are poised to play a crucial role in shaping the future of decentralised ecosystems.