Crypto Link’s SOS system

Crypto Link
2 min readAug 4, 2021


Crypto Link is a open-sourced (GNU General Public License v3.0) multi-functional & multi-guild/server Discord payment and merchant solution serving as the bridge between the Stellar Ecosystem and Discord users. In its core it allows for execution of Peer to Peer micro payments amongst Discord users on server where it has been integrated. More on Crypto Link can be found through article Hello World from Crypto Link.

Due to its wide spectrum of functions, allowing user to have full connection with the Stellar network, initiate various queries and make payments we have integrated help system. It can be accessed over DM with the bot or through public channels with command:


Once executed, system will return all available commands which will allow you to explore all integrated functionalities.

Under !help about all information on Crypto Link system and its integrated functionalities can be found. To get quickly started use !help get_started.

A further set of sub-commands have been integrated into help system, to introduce other parts and allow you for full experience with the Crypto Link over Discord. Sub commands are divided in categories: currencies (all integrated tokens and their information), wallets (explanation on all wallet systems currently integrated), account (available commands to operate with your personal account, access statistics, etc.),payments (a quick guide on how to make P2P payment over Discord), membership (explanation of memberships and integrated merchant system), and owner (dedicated commands for server owners only).

Still can not find what you are looking for, something not working or missing, please feel free to join us on Discord Server (invite) or sent us a message over Twitter and we will respond ASAP.

In-case if you would like to know more or you have missed previous articles, please read brief introduction about system through Hello World from Crypto Link, how to Operate with Crypto Link System or How to get started.

Crypto Link staff



Crypto Link

Crypto Link, Discord bot which allows for instant peer to peer (P2P) transactions, monetization and project promotions & ICO’s on Stellar Blockchain