EOS’s top 26 Referenda

7 min readMar 29, 2019


We’ve reviewed all the EOS referenda which had more than a million votes, and commented on all of then.

First these principles:

1) We assume that referenda are for changes to the EOS Mainnet code, governing documents, procedures — things that effect the entire EOS community. There were some proposals which we agreed with, but which didn’t seem like community business. On these, we abstained.

2) Major governance changes: for reasons expressed in this article — EOS as a Frontier — we are abstaining officially, though articulating our preference in a memo.

3) No experimentation. If a change isn’t clearly a positive, but just different, we vote against it. Experimentation should happen on side chains.

Should EOS tokens sent to eosio.ramfee and eosio.names accounts in the future be allocated to REX?
ID: rex4all
Proposer: eosreferenda
Created: 01:53:39 pm, Jan 12 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 12:00:00 am, May 12 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 24,158,291 EOS
Yes Votes 23,954,291 EOS
No Votes 204,000 EOS
Turnout: 2.32%

Yes — Make resources less expensive.

Delete Eos Core Arbitration Forum ?
ID: decaf
Proposer: freeos4decaf
Created: 06:18:48 pm, Jan 11 2019 (3 months ago)
Expires: 07:18:30 am, May 11 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 22,253,594 EOS
Yes Votes 22,054,171 EOS
No Votes 197,316 EOS
Turnout: 2.14%

YES — ECAF has lost legitimacy.

Should the EOS mainnet establish the EOS Commons Development Program as outlined in this referendum?
ID: wps
Proposer: eosalliance2
Created: 03:47:52 pm, Jan 12 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 10:40:00 am, May 12 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 17,417,888 EOS
Yes Votes 6,573,437 EOS
No Votes 10,844,450 EOS
Turnout: 1.68%

No — It seems like unnecessary inflation and too high a risk for abuse.

Should EOS adopt the EOS User Agreement (EUA) in place of the interim Constitution?
ID: eosuseragree
Proposer: eosuseragree
Created: 10:49:55 pm, Feb 07 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 04:32:00 pm, May 08 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 15,592,967 EOS
Yes Votes 15,024,093 EOS
No Votes 103,478 EOS
Turnout: 1.5%

Abstaining because of a lack of consensus on the

POLL: Should Referendum Proposals Have A Small Cost In Order To Eliminate Spam Proposals?
ID: pollpropcost
Proposer: colintcrypto
Created: 10:08:28 pm, Jan 15 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 05:08:21 am, Jul 14 2019 (in 4 months)
Total Votes 13,081,307 EOS
Yes Votes 12,982,836 EOS
No Votes 98,471 EOS
Turnout: 1.26%


Reduce the annual rate of inflation to 1%
ID: inflation
Proposer: eosvibesvote
Created: 05:28:29 pm, Mar 07 2019 (20 days ago)
Expires: 12:00:00 am, Jun 01 2019 (in 2 months)
Total Votes 11,504,823 EOS
Yes Votes 8,594,536 EOS
No Votes 8,403 EOS
Turnout: 1.11%


Spread out WPS tokens evenly to everyone.
ID: fundeveryone
Proposer: scatterhwtst
Created: 09:36:36 pm, Jan 11 2019 (3 months ago)
Expires: 11:36:24 am, May 11 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 8,926,337 EOS
Yes Votes 264,075 EOS
No Votes 8,662,261 EOS
Turnout: 0.86%

NO — We want inflation to go to productive parties.

Let’s get the exchange to develop a voting tool (거래소에서 투표툴을 개발하도록 유도합시다)
ID: kiliman
Proposer: koreapartner
Created: 06:11:16 pm, Jan 11 2019 (3 months ago)
Expires: 03:11:11 am, May 12 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 7,312,192 EOS
Yes Votes 6,611,711 EOS
No Votes 74,936 EOS
Turnout: 0.7%

ABSTAIN — Good idea, not sure this community business.

POLL: When Staking, Should Users be Able to (Optionally) Increase Their Future Unstaking Duration?
ID: unstaking
Proposer: colintcrypto
Created: 11:35:36 pm, Jan 15 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 06:35:27 am, Jul 14 2019 (in 4 months)
Total Votes 7,140,994 EOS
Yes Votes 7,134,328 EOS
No Votes 6,666 EOS
Turnout: 0.69%


Voter enforced standby Block Producer rotation
ID: chainri4cvib
Proposer: chainriftxxx
Created: 10:12:58 pm, Mar 15 2019 (12 days ago)
Expires: 11:12:51 am, Jul 13 2019 (in 4 months)
Total Votes 6,921,980 EOS
Yes Votes 6,921,980 EOS
No Votes 0 EOS
Turnout: 0.67%


BP Enforced Minimum Requirements
ID: bpminrequire
Proposer: cryptoranger
Created: 01:57:30 pm, Jan 12 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 07:57:22 am, May 12 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 6,319,035 EOS
Yes Votes 6,133,505 EOS
No Votes 185,531 EOS
Turnout: 0.61%


REX Voting Approval Needed ASAP. Most of the Community Wants REX So Lets Vote For it & Lets Make it Happen guys & girls :)
ID: rexrexrexrex
Proposer: solarcelleos
Created: 10:29:33 pm, Jan 13 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 05:29:30 am, May 13 2019 (in 2 months)
Total Votes 6,217,742 EOS
Yes Votes 5,594,169 EOS
No Votes 17 EOS
Turnout: 0.6%


Protocol-level block producer rotation
ID: lb.bprotate
Proposer: libertyblock
Created: 03:01:20 pm, Mar 18 2019 (9 days ago)
Expires: 12:00:00 am, Jul 15 2019 (in 4 months)
Total Votes 4,943,758 EOS
Yes Votes 4,943,758 EOS
No Votes 0 EOS
Turnout: 0.48%


Let’s create a credible agency or site that can tell you how much BP is working!!!
ID: kilimanjalo
Proposer: koreapartner
Created: 01:15:35 am, Jan 12 2019 (3 months ago)
Expires: 10:15:30 am, May 12 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 4,714,651 EOS
Yes Votes 3,487,630 EOS
No Votes 1,227,021 EOS
Turnout: 0.45%

ABSTAIN — Love this idea. Not sure it needs a referendum.

Should EOS adopt the EOS Community Constitution (ECC) in place of the interim Constitution?
ID: ecc
Proposer: eosamsterdam
Created: 04:45:30 pm, Feb 26 2019 (a month ago)
Expires: 05:45:23 am, Jul 26 2019 (in 4 months)
Total Votes 3,257,687 EOS
Yes Votes 401,814 EOS
No Votes 2,855,873 EOS
Turnout: 0.31%

ABSTAIN — Though an improvement over the launch Constitution, we have a slight preference for the EUA.

Add a comment box to every proposal so every user can voice their opinion on what is being proposed
ID: addcommentbx
Proposer: solarcelleos
Created: 05:53:06 am, Jan 12 2019 (3 months ago)
Expires: 12:52:33 pm, May 12 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 2,912,216 EOS
Yes Votes 2,274,981 EOS
No Votes 3,955 EOS
Turnout: 0.28%

NO — Not a big deal either way.

Reward Vote
ID: rewardvote
Proposer: alanonestars
Created: 08:17:27 am, Jan 12 2019 (3 months ago)
Expires: 09:17:07 am, May 12 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 2,849,327 EOS
Yes Votes 1,166,465 EOS
No Votes 1,682,862 EOS
Turnout: 0.27%


EOS to fund a true identity project
ID: trueidentity
Proposer: workcoinfred
Created: 05:11:49 am, Jan 13 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 09:11:42 am, May 15 2019 (in 2 months)
Total Votes 2,833,874 EOS
Yes Votes 2,786,622 EOS
No Votes 47,252 EOS
Turnout: 0.27%
Sustained Days: 0/3

NO — Already being worked on. Funding source unclear.

one person one vote Max 30 votes.
ID: 1person1vote
Proposer: eosforfuture
Created: 08:31:00 am, Jan 13 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 02:00:48 am, May 13 2019 (in 2 months)
Total Votes 2,037,927 EOS
Yes Votes 229,705 EOS
No Votes 1,808,221 EOS
Turnout: 0.2%

NO — Side chain

Ability to Be Notified of New Referendum Proposals
ID: newproposals
Proposer: ha2tqmzrgene
Created: 12:59:46 am, Jan 12 2019 (3 months ago)
Expires: 07:59:39 am, May 11 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 1,997,818 EOS
Yes Votes 1,434,950 EOS
No Votes 562,868 EOS
Turnout: 0.19%

ABSTAIN — Good idea. Not sure this is community business.

Make the unstaking period 30 days instead of 3 days.
ID: higherstake
Proposer: giztcobyhage
Created: 06:29:15 am, Jan 12 2019 (3 months ago)
Expires: 05:28:35 am, May 12 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 1,990,519 EOS
Yes Votes 18,524 EOS
No Votes 1,971,995 EOS
Turnout: 0.19%

NO — Too experimental. Side Chain.

Increase the number of active BPs to 200
ID: hemlis1
Proposer: ge4tamjzgyge
Created: 10:16:14 am, Jan 13 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 12:16:11 pm, May 14 2019 (in 2 months)
Total Votes 1,591,372 EOS
Yes Votes 203,513 EOS
No Votes 1,387,859 EOS
Turnout: 0.15%

NO — Not sure it would send inflation to a good place.

Increase BPs to 100
ID: moredecent
Proposer: gm4tqnjzhage
Created: 10:57:32 pm, Jan 12 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 11:57:20 am, May 12 2019 (in a month)
Total Votes 1,552,938 EOS
Yes Votes 235,403 EOS
No Votes 1,317,535 EOS
Turnout: 0.15%

NO — Too experimental. Side chain.

Return the 4% inflation to staked voters
ID: holderreward
Proposer: libertyfree1
Created: 04:53:12 am, Jan 13 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 12:00:00 am, Mar 31 2019 (in 3 days)
Total Votes 1,530,671 EOS
Yes Votes 453,496 EOS
No Votes 1,077,175 EOS
Turnout: 0.15%

NO — Burn it.

Removal of YES/NO visible percentages in Referendum, as voters should not be biased by those who already have voted.
ID: referendum
Proposer: hezdinzxgqge
Created: 01:07:40 pm, Jan 14 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 12:00:00 am, Mar 31 2019 (in 3 days)
Total Votes 1,487,168 EOS
Yes Votes 41,937 EOS
No Votes 1,445,231 EOS
Turnout: 0.14%

Abstain — Not community business.

Block Producers should be paid more tokens when USD EOS price lower and less tokens when USD EOS price higher.
ID: gu3tenbsgqge
Proposer: gu3tenbsgqge
Created: 10:49:52 pm, Jan 12 2019 (2 months ago)
Expires: 11:49:31 am, May 13 2019 (in 2 months)
Total Votes 1,468,131 EOS
Yes Votes 105,498 EOS
No Votes 1,362,633 EOS
Turnout: 0.14%

NO — Let’s be grownup entrepreneurs, bear risk and reap rewards.


CryptoLions is an EOS Block Producer based in Ukraine. We strive to make EOS more valuable by building projects that improve the ecosystem, by setting the standard for transparency and accountability, and by popularizing EOS all over the world.

website: http://cryptolions.io/
github: https://github.com/CryptoLions
telegram: https://t.me/CryptoLions_io
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twitter: https://twitter.com/EOS_CryptoLions
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youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB7F-KO0mmZ1yVBCq0_1gtA

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