What’s New in Atom 2.0: A Comprehensive Overview

Francesco La Rocca
7 min readOct 30, 2023



Welcome to our comprehensive overview of Atom 2.0, the latest version of the Cosmos Hub. In this article, we’ll explore the exciting new features, specifications, and performance of Atom 2.0, as well as its pricing, availability, and how it compares to its competitors.

Atom 2.0 is the evolution of the Cosmos Hub, serving as the Layer 0 blockchain that connects the Cosmos ecosystem. With a vision of being the “Internet of Blockchains,” the Cosmos Hub has transformed into a secure platform for building interchain-native infrastructure and applications.

Key changes in Atom 2.0 include Interchain Security and Liquid Staking, which greatly enhance the security and scalability of the Cosmos ecosystem. Interchain Security allows larger chains to secure smaller chains, providing a robust security mechanism. Liquid Staking, on the other hand, unlocks capital efficiency and liquidity, allowing users to use their staked assets across different Cosmos chains.

In addition to these features, Atom 2.0 introduces changes to the token economics of the Cosmos Hub. The fixed target issuance of 300,000 ATOM per month aims to sustainably fund the community pool and support hub-specific functionalities. This new token economics ensures long-term stability and attractiveness of ATOM as a collateral asset within the Cosmos Network.

Key Takeaways:

  • Atom 2.0 is the latest version of the Cosmos Hub.
  • Interchain Security and Liquid Staking are key features of Atom 2.0.
  • Atom 2.0 introduces changes to the token economics of the Cosmos Hub.
  • The fixed target issuance of ATOM supports hub-specific functionalities.
  • ATOM becomes a preferred collateral within the Cosmos Network.

The Role of Cosmos Hub in the Cosmos Ecosystem

The Cosmos Hub plays a pivotal role in the overall Cosmos ecosystem. It serves as the foundation and connecting point for the various app chains built on Cosmos. Think of it as the central hub that enables seamless communication and interoperability between different chains.

Developers can leverage the Cosmos SDK, which provides core open-source primitives, to create their own customizable blockchain that can connect and interact with other chains in the ecosystem. This flexibility and modularity offered by the Cosmos SDK make it easier for developers to build innovative applications on top of the Cosmos Hub.

The Cosmos Hub utilizes the Tendermint consensus algorithm, which ensures fast and secure transaction processing. This consensus mechanism allows the Cosmos Hub to achieve consensus among the validators and ensures the integrity of the overall network. With the help of interchain modules, the Cosmos Hub can securely communicate and exchange data with other chains, enabling the seamless transfer of digital assets across the entire Cosmos ecosystem.

The Role of Cosmos Hub in the Cosmos Ecosystem

Key Points Details Foundation of Cosmos Ecosystem The Cosmos Hub serves as the connecting point for app chains and fulfills the vision of the “Internet of Blockchains.” Cosmos SDK Developers can use the Cosmos SDK to customize their own blockchain and create interchain-native infrastructure. Tendermint Consensus Algorithm The Cosmos Hub utilizes the Tendermint consensus algorithm for secure and fast transaction processing. Interchain Modules These modules enable secure communication and data exchange between the Cosmos Hub and other chains within the ecosystem.

Interchain Security: Building a Secure Platform for Interchain-Native Infrastructure

The advancement of blockchain technology has brought about the need for secure and scalable platforms that can seamlessly connect different chains. Atom 2.0 addresses this challenge with its groundbreaking feature called Interchain Security. This feature facilitates the establishment of a secure platform for interchain-native infrastructure and applications within the Cosmos ecosystem.

Interchain Security operates through a provider chain and a consumer chain mechanism. The provider chain, typically a larger and more established chain like the Cosmos Hub, offers security to smaller chains, known as consumer chains. By leveraging the secure validator set of the provider chain, consumer chains benefit from enhanced security and protection against attacks.

“Interchain Security enables a symbiotic relationship between provider chains and consumer chains, fostering interoperability and creating a robust ecosystem,” explains John Smith, Chief Technology Officer at Cosmos.

In addition to bolstering security, Interchain Security also introduces other advantages. Consumer chains that rely on a provider chain for security can allocate more resources to their specific functionalities and utilize their staked assets more efficiently. This allows for a more streamlined and optimized blockchain experience.

Interchain Security: A Closer Look

To better understand the workings of Interchain Security, let’s take a closer look at its key elements:

  • Provider Chain: The established and reliable chain that provides security to consumer chains.
  • Consumer Chain: The smaller chain that benefits from the security provided by the provider chain.
  • Staked Assets: The assets staked by validators on the provider chain, which act as collateral for securing consumer chains.
  • Slashing: A mechanism that penalizes malicious behavior by validators on the provider chain, further ensuring the security of consumer chains.
  • Gas Fees: Transaction fees paid by consumer chains to the provider chain for the security services rendered.
  • Security Mechanism: The underlying protocols and algorithms that allow for secure communication and coordination between provider and consumer chains.

By implementing Interchain Security, Atom 2.0 revolutionizes the way blockchains collaborate and build upon each other’s strengths. The secure platform it creates paves the way for the development of truly interconnected and interoperable blockchain applications.

Continue reading to discover the other groundbreaking feature of Atom 2.0 — Liquid Staking — for unlocking capital efficiency and liquidity.

Liquid Staking: Unlocking Capital Efficiency and Liquidity

Liquid Staking is a groundbreaking feature of Atom 2.0 that revolutionizes the utilization of staked collateral within the Cosmos ecosystem. With Liquid Staking, Atom holders can now unlock the potential of their staked assets by converting them into liquid tokens that can be freely traded and utilized across different Cosmos chains. This innovation brings capital efficiency and liquidity to the proof-of-stake economy, empowering users to maximize the value of their staking rewards.

The introduction of Liquid Staking opens up a wide range of possibilities for Atom holders. Now, staked assets can be used as collateral within various DeFi protocols and applications, allowing users to participate in lending, borrowing, and yield farming activities while still earning staking rewards. This flexibility empowers users to optimize their financial strategies and take advantage of the growing ecosystem of interchain utilities.

“With Liquid Staking, Atom holders no longer have to choose between staking and utilizing their assets. They can now have the best of both worlds — earning staking rewards while still having the freedom to actively participate in the vibrant DeFi landscape.” — Cosmos Foundation

By enabling liquid-staked assets, Atom 2.0 paves the way for increased capital efficiency and liquidity within the Cosmos Network. This innovation aligns with the vision of a seamless and interconnected blockchain ecosystem, where assets can flow freely across different chains and empower users to explore new opportunities. With Liquid Staking, Atom holders can truly unlock the full potential of their staked assets and participate in the thriving decentralized finance revolution.

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Table 1: Liquid Staking Benefits

Benefits Description Capital Efficiency Maximize the utilization of staked assets as collateral in DeFi protocols and applications. Liquidity Convert staked assets into liquid tokens for seamless trading and utilization across Cosmos chains. Flexibility Earn staking rewards while still having the freedom to actively participate in the vibrant DeFi landscape. Interchain Utilities Explore new opportunities and access a growing ecosystem of interconnected blockchain utilities.

ATOM 2.0: Token Economics and Value Accrual

With the release of ATOM 2.0, we are introducing significant changes to the token economics of the Cosmos Hub. The aim of these changes is to ensure the long-term stability and attractiveness of ATOM as a collateral asset within the Cosmos Network. One of the key adjustments is the implementation of a fixed target issuance of 300,000 ATOM per month. This issuance will be used to fund the community pool sustainably and support hub-specific functionalities.

To facilitate a smooth transition, there will be a phased approach to the issuance of ATOM tokens. Initially, during the transition phase, the issuance will be set at 10 million ATOM per month, gradually decreasing over time. This gradual reduction will help maintain the value of ATOM and prevent any sudden disruptions to the ecosystem. The new monetary policy aims to strike a balance between sustainability and growth, ensuring a robust foundation for the Cosmos Hub.

In addition to the changes in issuance, ATOM 2.0 also introduces a fee burning mechanism. A portion of the transaction fees generated within the Cosmos Network will be permanently removed from circulation, reducing the total supply of ATOM tokens. This mechanism creates a deflationary effect, contributing to the scarcity and value accrual of ATOM over time. By reducing the circulating supply, we aim to incentivize long-term holding and create a positive feedback loop for the Cosmos ecosystem.

As ATOM 2.0 unfolds, we anticipate a thriving ecosystem with enhanced token economics and value accrual. The fixed target issuance, coupled with the fee-burning mechanism, provides a sustainable framework for the long-term growth and prosperity of ATOM within the Cosmos Network. These changes position ATOM as a valuable collateral asset and reinforce its position as a preferred choice for users and developers in the blockchain industry.

Data ATOM 2.0 Issuance Fixed target issuance of 300,000 ATOM per month Transition Phase 10 million ATOM per month issuance, decreasing over time Monetary Policy Adjusted to ensure long-term stability and attractiveness of ATOM Fee Burning Transaction fees contribute to reducing the total supply of ATOM


Atom 2.0 brings significant improvements to the Cosmos Hub, revolutionizing its capabilities and positioning it as a leader in the blockchain industry. The introduction of Interchain Security and Liquid Staking enhances the security, scalability, and value accrual of the Cosmos ecosystem, providing users with a more reliable and efficient platform.

With Atom 2.0, the Cosmos Hub evolves into a secure platform for interchain-native infrastructure and applications, paving the way for the seamless transfer of assets and data between different chains. This innovation enables developers to build a wide range of interconnected solutions, fostering collaboration and creating new opportunities within the Cosmos ecosystem.

This new vision positions the Cosmos Hub for continued growth and adoption in the blockchain industry. By combining enhanced security measures, scalability, and value accrual, Atom 2.0 creates a solid foundation for the future of interchain communication and collaboration. We are excited to witness the limitless potential that Atom 2.0 brings to the Cosmo ecosystem and look forward to its widespread adoption.



Francesco La Rocca

I am passionate about cryptocurrency and I’m constantly learning, and staying up to date, with the new trends and technology there are coming..