Crypto Arbitrage, Pump&Dump, Main News, Coin Listing.

2 min readOct 3, 2018


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Crypto Arbitrage
Arbitrage in Crypto World is a good opportunity to get profit from price differences between Exchanges.
As an example, we will take this signal from our bot:
We can see that price on Binance of #GAS/BTC moved up +2.01% in less then 2 min.
When the price on Huobi (-1.53%) and OKex (-2.00%) are lower that moment.
We can take that +2.01% from the other exchange you use before it becomes flat.

When the price movement is going up in very short time, it means people are investing in this coin.
Another posibility is that they are trying to profit from hamsters (People who do not understand how Pump&Dumps works. They buy high and sell low).
In both cases we can win. Both works short only.
In the first case, that happens when good news comes over, like listings, or any big announcements from top exchanges connected to the coin. There might also be people who pump the coin on another “Main Exchange” with
the highest vol. and the price getting flat on other trade places.
In the second case you need to be very careful and buy when the pump just started. Never buy at a high price, and get attention on orders, walls and order history to see if the bot manipulates with orders or actual people make them.

Main News, Coin Listing
News has always played a big role in trading. Information is the most importent thing in the market.
When something good comes out, the price movement can get very high. For example if there is any news of new coin listing on any big vol exchanges,
the coin can rise from 20% to 100%. But the problem is that there is a lot of news that does not play any importent role on that.
We made a filter, that removes all that non-importent news, and shows the important news in the same time frame. Our main newssource is from Exchange pages and Twitter.

