A Look into NURUmachi

About my collection on 8Bidou

2 min readMay 12, 2022

As time moves forward and our world becomes increasingly digital, what will happen to spaces and traditions once held so fiercely by those who have come before us?

A daruma, tai guruma, and hariko no tora longing to be taken home

NURUmachi is my examination of what’s happening to ethnic enclaves around the world. The name of the collection stems from ヌル (nuru) meaning “null” and 町 (machi) meaning “town.”

As younger generations move away and move on, traditions sit still, idle, lonely…

What was once something to be played with or cherished even is now something forgotten, collecting dust and shadows by the sun’s daily rotations.

A hatobue, kokeshi doll, and neko ni tako sitting patiently

Will these items and, by extension, these spaces, continue to fade away into obscurity — relegated to mere footnotes — or will they spark a desire to better understand the past and cultivate a brighter, more vibrant future?

There will only be 100 pieces in this collection, at most, with varied edition numbers. Some editions will not be available for sale and will eventually be burned as the collection develops. Some pieces will be 1/1.

To purchase, visit my 8Bidou page and click “24x24 / fullcolor.”

For confirmation my address is: tz1N9n3brQ1ho5qGHqoe5g2LEDLUeQN4uqdR

This will show the pieces in this collection. Click into the piece(s) you like and scroll down until you see a buy button to purchase.

