Why the ANON Masternodes will make ANON one of the best Altcoins!

Crypto Moonie
4 min readAug 6, 2018


ANONymous will be born on September 10. It will fork from zclassic and bitcoin.

Out of all the wonderful aspects of ANON. There’s one that’s very appealing, the masternodes. The coin that forked from zlcassic many months ago didn’t have a node system, but that’s not the case now. And this is why ANON will rise above the crowd of altcoins.

ANON will be hybrid coin. Giving you the opportunity to earn passive income mining and as a node on the network.

The best part? It only cost 500 ANON coins, a new update from the previous 100 ANON. The block reward will now have a a ROI of 500% in which the masternode holders will share 1/5th of the block rewards with all the other nodes, huge ROI compare to the last one. Block rewards in the ANON network is now 50 ANON. But remember Masternodes and Miners share the block rewards. Masternodes get 35% and Miners 65%

This increase is also accompanied with a new 1 ZCL equals 2 ANON coins. This helps increase the number of ANON based masternodes. It also increases the circulation supply by 4 million but it doesn't hurt the value of the coins. ZCL should be holding at least 50% of all the ANON coins.

What is a Masternode?

A masternode is a server on the decentralized network. It’s purpose is to help complete transactions, whether public or private. You relay the transactions to other wallets and people on the network. The ANON team is very savvy, they know of the past conflicts on the DASH network so they worked really hard to prevent any hierarchical structure in the masternode network. This way when it comes down to a vote, no party will have a majority of the stake over any other.

The nodes will help maintain the anonymity of the ANON coin. The reason a masternode cost X amount of money, is so that no one can cheat the system. When you have a stake in it, people will respect and actually help the network run properly. It’s an investment.

Masternodes are a great passive income and a great way to support the ANON network and community. You may think nodes work like Proof of stake ecosystems but under a node system, the technology is more active than just PoS.

I actually reached out to Jake and told him about the Gincoin platform. It’s a blockchain company that helps node set ups to be very easy. Basically a one click turnkey system. Setting up a node requires a bit of knowledge about what you’re doing. But a partnership with this company, anyone can join the network and be a part of the masternode system.

You first need a VPS or a server, maybe a cloud server to help you run the wallet all day 24/7/365.

You will also need a main wallet to send your funds to. That’s how you get paid.

And lastly your computer needs to have storage so that you can store the blockchain.

One of the key take aways I learned from my mentors is the fact that you need to be able to earn money while you sleep. Relying on one source of income wont help you reach financial freedom. That’s why cryptocurrencies have really opened up the doors for people to earn more money. And the fact that the ANON masternode is only 100 anon coins… Well that’s just the best bang for your buck. Don’t believe me? Visit this website and see exactly the price for all the, masternodes available and their ROI.


We will soon see the ANON ticker here and I have a feeling their node system will be one of the most popular.

Thanks for reading, and remember to share this article.

Visit their telegram group : https://t.me/anonymousbitcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ANON_WeAreANON

Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/9XQMspU

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnonymousBitcoin/

And their website! https://www.anonymousbitcoin.io/

follow me @cryptomoonie



Crypto Moonie

A Crypto/Blockchain Expert/Enthusiast. I create high quality content for different Blockchain companies. Here to help you make wise investments!