Why PulseChain is Better than ETH and Bitcoin

Technology investor
2 min readOct 1, 2023

PulseChain is a fast, open-source, public blockchain and a cost-effective hard fork of the Ethereum blockchain . It is the first hard fork to contain the complete state of the Ethereum blockchain, meaning that it holds records of every transaction, user account, and smart contract interaction on Ethereum . PulseChain aims to increase Ethereum’s value by sharing its load, enrich ETH users by giving them a free copy of their tokens and NFTs on the Pulse network, reduce pollution by replacing proof of work miners with proof of stake validators, and empower PulseChain holders by allowing them to earn PLS for helping to secure the network .

PulseChain has several advantages over ETH and Bitcoin. First, it is faster than both of them, with 3-second blocks instead of 12 or 10 minutes . This means that transactions can be confirmed more quickly and cheaply on PulseChain. Second, it has no inflation, unlike ETH and Bitcoin, which have a fixed supply of coins that increases over time. PulseChain also burns fees, making it deflationary and increasing the scarcity and value of PLS. Third, it is more environmentally friendly than ETH and Bitcoin, which use a lot of energy to power their mining operations. PulseChain uses proof of stake, which does not require any energy-intensive computations to validate transactions.

PulseChain also has a growing community and social presence, which are important factors for the success of any blockchain project. PulseChain raised billions of dollars in an initial coin offering (ICO), or what it termed a “sacrifice”, to improve upon Ethereum’s value proposition. The sacrifice phase attracted thousands of supporters who donated to various charities and causes, including medical research, political advocacy, and environmental protection . PulseChain also has a strong presence on social media platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and Reddit, where users can interact with each other and the developers. PulseChain’s founder, Richard Heart, is also a well-known figure in the crypto space, who regularly engages with his followers and hosts live streams on YouTube .

In conclusion, PulseChain is a better alternative to ETH and Bitcoin because it offers faster, cheaper, greener, and more rewarding transactions. It also has a loyal and active community that supports its vision and goals. PulseChain is not just a fork of Ethereum; it is a new and improved version of it.

