CRYPTonFly Solutions for reduce the flow of migration to the EU
4 min readMay 2, 2016


Currently, the EU main problems are annually increasing flow of migrants and the constantly increasing costs for the reception, maintenance, deportation and adaptation of migrants in the EU.
According to the EU agency Frontex, in just the first ten months of 2015, to EU came about 1.2 million migrants.
Under the current trends the migration flow will continue to grow.
From the EU budget in 2016 to solve migration problems will be allocated 9.3 billion euros.
According to IfW forecasts, beginning 2016 to 2022, only Germany will spend on migrants from the warring states from € 25 billion. Up to € 55 billion, and the amount of annual expenses for a migrant may reach € 16 000.
According to maximum estimates, migrants will cost the German economy € 385 billion in the next seven years.
Costs of Germany for the construction of social housing for migrants who have received refugee status will be significant.
In the suburbs of major cities in Germany, such as Berlin and Hamburg and around their is planned to build entire villages for migrants.
If till 2020 in Germany each year will come a million migrants, general costs from the national budget of Germany will be reach 2% of GDP. These costs do not include the potential costs of national budgets of other major EU countries, such as France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

How CRYPTonFly helps to solve the migration crisis in the EU?
Migration crisis in the EU is pushing the EU’s economy to changes in the economic structure and promotes to the emergence of new opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to the use of various innovative solutions.
The unique integrated solution of the above mentioned problems is CRYPTonFly platform and a new generation of cryptocurrency called CRON$ (US patent pending), which combines all the latest advances in the field of information technology (IT) and financial technology (FinTech), manifested in a number of services — their predecessors.
CRYPTonFly economically stimulates and motivates of each illegal migrant to return to his native country of residence, stimulates and motivates of each potential migrant to stay in their country of residence, and stimulates and motivates of each legal migrant who have refugee status, quickly adapt and to socialize to the EU country of residence.

Conditionally, we can distinguish 3 target groups of migrants, to which will be effectively applied CRYPTonFly financial instruments:

  1. Potential migrants living in their home countries, who are planning to migrate to the EU.
  2. Illegal migrants — potential returnees who are in the EU and who have not received refugee status.
  3. Legal migrants — migrants, who have received the status of “refugee”.

The main focus is on the dotted impact of CRYPTonFly financial instruments directly to each migrant from each target group, that will stimulate growth of the consumption of goods and services in the country of residence of migrants.
Implementation of the plan will allow constantly to involve to creation and circulation of CRON$ a significant part of the EU financial resources to solve the challenges related with the migration crisis that also will stimulate growth of the consumption of goods and services in the country of residence of migrants.

Summary of CRYPTonFly platform.
CRYPTonFly, called the CRON $, was created for motivation and stimulation of human to active lifestyles in the various spheres of everyday life and allows to create new generation of cryptocurrency by performing of certain actions that can be identified and reliably measured by means of telecommunication devices, such as smartfones, tablets, PC, etc.
CRYPTonFly enables to each user “on the fly” generate money by converting the amount of a time during which the user performs certain actions into the CRON$ or by converting of a certain amount of performed actions into the CRON$.
CRYPTonFly platform based on a blockchain technology which ensures transparency, reliability and decentralized data storage principle.
Tracking of users activity and charging of rewards will be provided by means of mobile application “CRYPTonFly”, by user reporting system and by implementation of transactions by means of CRYPTonFly prepaid cards.
CRYPTonFly project consists of a set of online services, including a mobile application, website, CRYPTonFly exchange, payment system that are under development and testing.

Main Goals and Objectives of the proposed Plan.

The main goals and objectives of the proposed plan are:

  1. Stimulate domestic consumer demand for each potential migrant in the country of his residence and his constant motivation to stay permanently in his country of residence by means of financial instruments of a new cryptocurrency “CRYPTonFly”, which will lead to a significant reduction in the flow of migrants to the EU.
  2. Stimulate domestic consumer demand for each illegal migrant on the territory of his home country, where he lived and motivation for him to return to home country for permanent residence by means of financial instruments of a new cryptocurrency “CRYPTonFly”, which will lead to a significant reduction in the total number of illegal migrants in the EU.
  3. Stimulate domestic consumer demand by means of financial instruments of a new cryptocurrency “CRYPTonFly” for each legal migrant, that got refugee status and his motivation quickly adapt in EU country, which granted him that status, which will lead to an influx of qualified specialists and legal migrant workers and will contribute growth of the EU economy.

Implementation Progress of the proposed plan will be described in the following articles.

