Earn Passive Income with Nodepay: Farming Nodepay Chrome Extensions on Multiple VPS

Crypto Node Farmer
6 min readMay 31, 2024


With the increasing demand for decentralized applications and blockchain technology, Nodepay offers a unique opportunity to monetize your unused internet bandwidth.

By leveraging multiple Virtual Private Servers (VPS), you can maximize your earnings efficiently.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up multiple VPS with Ubuntu Desktop, XRDP, and Google Chrome to run the Nodepay Chrome extension.

More about NodePay Project

Nodepay provides a decentralized network infrastructure designed for AI training. By joining the Nodepay Network, you can monetize your unused internet bandwidth by selling it to AI companies. This enables seamless transfer of public training data, efficient data labeling, model sharing, and supports remote distributed training.

As I write this article NodePay is :

  • 50,000+ Twitter followers
  • 125,000+ Active users
  • 30,000+ members on Discord

To start earning points and rewards, you will have to register.

From your computer register to nodepay from their site or using my referral code : Register to NodePay

So let’s get a slice of the cake on this project!

As usual, DYOR :

Getting your VPS on Contabo

Why Choose Contabo?

Contabo is known for its affordable and high-performance VPS solutions, making it an excellent choice for running multiple instances of Nodepay. For Nodepay, I recommend the entry-level VPS (VPS 1).

Technical Specifications of the Entry-Level VPS

  • CPU: 4 vCPU cores
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • Storage: 400 GB SSD
  • Bandwidth: 32 TB Out + Unlimited In (200 Mbit/s Connection)
  • Price: Starting at around $6 per month

You can get your VPS on Contabo with this link (affiliate link) : Cloud VPS 1

As I recommended, let’s setup a VPS 1 :

Select the term length, I keep the default value as 1 Month because we don’t know where the project is going.

I keep also default region to European Union, with this option server will be located in germany, that seems good to me.

I’m also keeping the default storage value, as 100GB of NVMe might not be enough with ubuntu desktop installed.

Here, I recommend installing Ubuntu 22.04 as it is free and up to date.

Define a password and keep it safe until the next steps.

Now you can order your VPS. It could take few hours for the VPS to be installed and ready.

Setting Up Your VPS for Nodepay

To get started, you’ll need to install Ubuntu Desktop, XRDP for remote desktop access, and Google Chrome on your Contabo VPS. Below is a shell script that automates this setup process, including creating a user and password for XRDP access.

Shell Script for Ubuntu Desktop, XRDP, and Google Chrome Installation

Don’t just run this script by pasting directly in the terminal, please continue reading, I’ll explain evertything :


# Script by Node Farmer
# Medium: https://medium.com/@cryptonodefarmer_80672
# X: https://x.com/_node_farmer_
# Telegram: https://t.me/+Hrs33jHFE0liMWNk
# Discord: https://discord.gg/GXRvQByQ

# Define user and password variables for remote desktop
# Don't use root



# Update the package list
sudo apt update

# Installing GNOME Desktop
sudo apt install -y ubuntu-desktop

# Installing the remote desktop server (xrdp)
sudo apt install -y xrdp

# Adds the user USER with the password
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash $USER
echo "$USER:$PASSWORD" | sudo chpasswd

# Adds the user USER to the sudo group for administrative rights
sudo usermod -aG sudo $USER

# Configures xrdp to use the GNOME desktop
echo "gnome-session" > ~/.xsession

# Restarts the xrdp service
sudo systemctl restart xrdp

# Enables xrdp at startup
sudo systemctl enable xrdp

# Installs the necessary dependencies for Google Chrome
sudo apt install -y wget gnupg

# Adds the Google repository key
wget -q -O - https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add -

# Adds the Google Chrome repository
echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list

# Updates the package list again
sudo apt update

# Installs Google Chrome
sudo apt install -y google-chrome-stable

echo "Installation complete. GNOME Desktop, xrdp, and Google Chrome have been installed. You can now connect via Remote Desktop with the user $USER."

Steps to Execute the Script

  • Customize User Credentials: Replace `yourusername` and `yourpassword` in the script with your preferred username and password.
  • Access Your VPS: Use an SSH client to connect to your Contabo VPS. If you are on Windows, I recommend using Putty. Use the credentials sent by contabo or the credentials you defined when ordering the VPS
  • Create the script file : run nano command to create the file
nano setup_nodepay.sh
  • Run the Script: Copy and paste the above script into nano, save it and make the file executable
chmod +x setup_nodepay.sh

Installation will take several minutes…

  • Connect and enjoy your new desktop: Once setup is finish, you can connect to your VPS using a Remote Desktop client (such as Microsoft Remote Desktop) by entering your VPS IP address and the credentials you defined in the script

Installing Nodepay Chrome Extension

After setting up the desktop environment and installing Google Chrome, the final step is to install the Nodepay Chrome extension:

  • Open Google Chrome on your VPS by clicking on Activities at the top left.
  • Navigate to the Chrome Web Store and search for «Nodepay Extension» or click on this link.
  • Install the Nodepay extension and log in with your account credentials. (remember to register first using NodePay website or using my Referral)
  • Start earning by running the Nodepay extension.

As I write this article, the average Network Quality I observed on all my VPS is between 40% and 60%.


By utilizing Contabo’s affordable and scalable VPS solutions, you can effectively run multiple instances of Nodepay, thereby maximizing your earnings from unused internet bandwidth. With the provided shell script, setting up your VPS with Ubuntu Desktop, XRDP, and Google Chrome is straightforward and efficient.

If you liked this article, don’t miss the next ones for more node opportunities by following me here on Medium or by joining me on my social networks :

