Recognizing the Signals that Precede a Planetary Paradigm Shift.

Nova K. Dynasty
7 min readJan 24, 2018


The Lunyr Mission, The Power of 3, Rebirth & Regeneration, & FUD

The Blue Lagoon, Iceland.

Hello world, my name is Nova K. Dynasty. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, where I witnessed the emergence of the internet and dot com industry. I remember when my parents purchased our first Apple computer. I was fascinated by technology. Adopting an actual computer into our household was revolutionary and I experienced a massive paradigm shift. I remember hearing my parents debating on whether or not they should invest in Apple. I never quite understood why they chose not to invest in such a technological breakthrough that would change the entire globe. Reflecting on this today however, I realize, they may have been subjected to fear, uncertainty and doubt also known as FUD. The media has a way of instilling fear into the masses, and embedding subconscious seeds of doubt, that can manipulate people into making unwise decisions, or even worse, not acting on opportunities that would lead to the empowerment of individuals, and the advancement of the human beings as a whole.

I remember when search engines and social media first arrived on the scene. I was fascinated by yahoo and I began exploring the internet, and learning how to create html. Black Planet was the first social media site I registered for, but it was the emergence of Myspace that lead to the transition from face to face interaction, to digital interaction. I became quite popular on Myspace due to the informative blogs I would post. I received quite a large following, and was given some honorable mentions and positive feedback by my audience. They encouraged me to continue with my writing. It was at that moment that I realized the true power of having a platform. Unfortunately my Myspace account was hacked and I have yet to recover my writings. I reached out to Myspace several times to resolve this issue, and have yet to receive any response. I may continue to pursue the recovery of my lost documents, but for now I have moved on.

Fast forward a few years, and here comes Facebook. I would have never anticipated its rise to social dominance. If I knew what I know now back then, I’d be one wealthy woman. Anyway, I’m saying all of this because history tends to repeat itself. The ability to recognize signals that aim toward a paradigm shift are imperative, because it allows the individual to foresee what is to come. Not prophetically so to speak, but prediction, based on previous historical events. I had the opportunity to get involved in Bitcoin when it was priced at $2,400 USD, but I was preoccupied with global exploration. I have been traveling overseas since the age of five, and experiencing new cultures has always been my number one passion, that is until I discovered the existence of digital transformation.

Mistakenly, I didn’t research cryptocurrency after a friend suggested I get involved in investing in the digital currency. This friend urged me to jumpstart my digital asset investments, which grabbed my attention, yet I still neglected to research the topic in its entirety. I was heading back home from Japan in late April 2017. Two days after returning from Japan I mysteriously came down with a critical case of septic shock in which I went into a coma. I experience multiple organ failure and was placed on dialysis, and a respirator. The doctors told my parents that my chances of survival were slim. I pulled through however. I received two trachea surgeries, two blood transfusions, and a plasma transfusion, and was tube fed for over six weeks. I had to learn to walk, speak, and write all over again. I suffered from ICU psychosis. During my physical rehabilitation I worked with several specialists, a neurologist, psychologist, speech therapist, physical therapist, and nutritionist, all of which were quite baffled by my expedient recovery and the intelligence I displayed. This was was the most traumatic event of my life, but also the most transformational.

September 2017 I decided to book a last minute trip to Iceland in which I suffered from a near fatal accident going off-road adventuring off the coast of the Icelandic countryside. Myself and the other four passengers luckily survived. Fast forward to late October 2017 and I was rear-ended by a young woman going 50 mph in a 25 zone going southbound on Santa Monica boulevard in Los Angeles. Three near death experiences in one year was a bit much for me to handle, but I realized the universe was attempting to convey a deeper message to me, one that I consider was of a metaphysical nature. I kept seeing the number three everywhere. I started studying numerology and how the universe communicates in numbers. I will speak on this topic in a another article.

Oddly, I heard about Bitcoin for a third time. They say three times a charm, so I finally decided to pursue investing in cryptocurrency by the late November 2017. It was from this point forward, that I entered the rabbit hole, and since then have yet to look back. I became completely immersed in the world of digital transformation. I had no idea that there were nearly two thousand altcoins on the market, and that it wasn’t too late to start investing in the digital revolution. I began conducting in-depth research on Blockchain technology, hashes, deterministic keys, atomic swaps, smart contracts, distributed applications (dAPPs), airdrop technology, artificial intelligence, etc. I became so obsessed with the digital revolution that there were nights I did not sleep. At one point I was awake for over 48 hours. I learned more about technology in the last few weeks than I have in an entire lifetime.

I was having some technical issues with gdax, gemini and some of the other exchange sites, but I refused to quit. I read forums, and looked up videos on solutions to break through this resistance. It is said that you will face resistance when you are nearing a breakthrough. I finally was able to access Gdax via Coinbase, and reduce those deplorable exchange fees. Fast forward December 28, 2017 and my Bitcoin finally dropped into my Coinbase account. I transferred it to Gdax and from Gdax to Binance. I literally got into Binance before they closed all new registrations. I completed my first successful trade and saw that my initial investment doubled in less than a week, that gave me the confidence to begin seriously investing in the emerging technologies.

I discovered Lunyr one day, and decided to check out the website and read the whitepaper, and was immediately impressed by the project. My foresight capabilities kicked into high gear and I saw Lunyr rising to the superior form of Wikipedia. What caught my attention was my ability to see myself actually benefiting from such a product. As cliche as this sounds, knowledge is power, but knowledge is obsolete when not properly applied or explored in depth. What impressed me most about the Lunyr project was the emphasis on providing accurate information, something Wikipedia has struggled with in the past. I have researched occult topics in the past, as well as historical events that were intentionally covered up, and the ability to bring truth to the world is something I highly value as a writer. We live in a world where censorship is a major issue. Where those in positions of financial, social and political power tend to manipulate the masses, and prey on their lack of access to reliable, accurate, and honest information. The fact that Lunyr is an ethereum-based world knowledge platform which rewards its users with tokens is quite revolutionary. Finally, a way for people to be incentivized through their engagement and interaction.

I began to research the projects and their associated digital currencies based on undervalue. I saw that many new investors were rushing to acquire coins based on their USD value, rather than actually taking the time to research the projects, their teams, their roadmaps and white papers. Instead of evaluating a coins worthiness based on USD valuation, I looked at the value each project would have when it comes to contributing to the future world we are now transitioning into. Understand that fiat currency possesses no intrinsic value. So why should one exchange their valuable time and energy for such a meaningless piece of paper? I understood to invest into the promising projects which solve real-world issues. I decided to set goals to become vested in the projects and products in which I foresaw being utilized on a normal everyday basis in the near future. So I created a list of my must get involved in projects, and of course Lunyr was in the top five.

I hope to inspire the masses to begin exploring in-depth what their life purpose is. We have all incarnated upon this planet for a specific purpose in which we have created a sacred contract with our higher self to fulfill prior to transitioning into a new form. Energy never dies, and is simply a transferred from form to form. I would like people to take the opportunity to live more passionately, and engage in activities that they find enjoyable and life-altering. In a world, where people are constantly bombarded with fake media, advertisement, societal pressure, and financial obligations, we become subjected to not looking beyond the veil. This is a call for all of you to uncover that veil, delve deep within, and discover what brought you here in the first place. Everything happens for a reason, and you do not exist based on mere chance. With all of the resources and opportunities available, you do not have to continue subjecting yourself to centralized control and restriction. Let this be an invitation to free yourself, and enter a star gate that will lead you into a new world of endless possibilities. The sky is not the limit, for there is no limit! What one can conceive, can be achieved.



Nova K. Dynasty

Global Documentarian, Visionary & Futurist on a Quest to Revolutionize the Planet through Bringing Awareness to the Masses.