Crypto Piece 101: Tavern & Fountain Of Wealth
How is it going with your earnings, mates? The latest features have arrived at Crypto Piece, enabling more options to gain Ori while pumping our players up with ‘blind' rewards.
Note: You can skip to the user guide video at the end of this article
A mysterious underground market where players can buy Devil fruits and the novel Lucky coins
The Tavern shop is located inside the Market function shown on the Homepage.
- Ori Ori no Mi, the legendary devil fruit from the “One Piece” manga, inspired the creation of Ori in Crypto Piece. Those shining orbs are essential in raising tiers to earn more rewards in Battlefield.
- Lucky Coin is the new asset added to the game, bearing B-Coin and O-Coin inside. When you crack one open, the chances to receive B-Coin and O-coin are 40% and 60% respectively. Those can be used to make a magical wish in the Fountain of Wealth.
Fountain of Wealth
The pristine water here offers players 4 buckets of wish — Life, Money, Career, Love. Each wish costs you B-coin and/or O-coin.
If you drop O-coin to make a Life wish, you'll receive a random amount of Ori.
If you flip B-coin for a bet in Money wish, the rewards are massively varied. Here comes the statistical table from our (data-obsessed) Dev team:
🍀 15% chance of “better luck next time"
🔸 45% chance to receive 100 $Belly
🔸 21.35% chance to receive 200 $Belly
🔸 10% chance to receive 500 $Belly
🔸 5% chance to receive 1000 $Belly
🔸 2.5% chance to receive 1500 $Belly
🔸 1% chance to receive 2000 $Belly
🔥 0.1% chance to obtain an NFT 6⭐
🔥 0.05% chance to obtain an NFT 7⭐
The competition is tough as usual but it's the unexpected gift that brings all the fun, isn't it?