Introducing Crypto Racing League: a decentralized racing game on the Ethereum Blockchain

Crypto Racing League
7 min readJan 29, 2018


After many long weekends of too much pizza and not nearly enough coffee, we are proud to announce the grand launch of the Crypto Racing League: a decentralized racing game on the Ethereum blockchain. This article will provide a brief outline of what to expect from the hottest new blockchain game.


The overall game can be split into a few sections: Trading, Garage, and Racing.

Trading: Car parts and consumables can be bought, sold, and traded at a live market. Loot boxes of varying rarity can be purchased from the online store.

Garage: Each player will have access to a garage where they can hold an unlimited number of cars. Each car is fully customizable from thousands of unique car parts. There are currently six types of car parts: Tires, Engine, Transmission, Brakes, Exhaust, and Intake. As players earn loot boxes they will receive unique car parts from one of these six car part categories. Each car part can only be raced a limited number of times before breaking, so the player will have to choose wisely when to use rare car parts.

Racing: At the end of the day, racing is the name of the game. Racing will be broken into two types of racing — rally and circuit. It is important to note that racing adds mileage to your car and items (that are active in the race). Eventually the car and items will be rendered unusable unless you use consumables to increase the max mileage limit.

Each component of the game (trading, garage, and racing) builds on the other, creating a dynamic and rich gaming experience. With that said, if the player chooses to only participate in a free to play version of the game — say only trading / collecting cars, they can still experience a rich game experience.

Like many other blockchain collectible games, we equally facilitate gamers who solely wish to collect valuable digital assets as well as those who wish to experience full game play.

Early Access Whitelist

LIMITED TIME OFFER ONLY! Sign up now to be first to have access to Premium Early Access Kits! These are limited loot boxes that can be opened for Limited Edition Founders Gear or can be Hodl’d and sold on the market later. So make sure to visit and submit your email now!


The game will have 6 groups of items: Loot Boxes, NOS Tokens, Cars, Car Parts, Consumables, and Cosmetics.

Loot Boxes: As is common in many popular games, the main way to receive cars, car parts, consumables, and NOS Tokens is through loot boxes. Each loot box has a corresponding rarity level which determines how many items the loot box holds as well as how rare the items inside will be.

NOS Tokens: Every car needs gas to drive, even digital ones. In order to enter Races a player must pay NOS Tokens to play. NOS Tokens are also used to purchase Loot Boxes through the online store. You can win them by placing in races!

Cars: Each player can have an unlimited number of cars in their garage. Each car has its own base stats which are enhanced by the car parts the player chooses to load into the car. It is essential to have more than one car because after a player wins a race, the car (and corresponding car parts) will be taking a victory lap (essentially it will be on a cool-down) and be unusable for a brief period of time — allowing other champions to race while the winner enjoys their spoils.

Car Parts: Each car has 6 upgradeable parts: Tires, Engine, Transmission, Brakes, Exhaust, and Intake. Each car part has four base stats: luck, handling, top speed, and acceleration. These stats determine a car’s overall performance and chance at winning a race. In Rally Races certain stats are more important than others, whereas Circuit Races look holistically at a cars statistics.

Consumables: Consumables are one time use items. Consumables have a range of benefits which include, but are not limited to: permanently increasing a player’s car or car part’s base stats, increasing a player’s chance to win their next race, decreasing your opponents chance to win their next race, changing road conditions for one race, increasing mileage for your car or car part.

Cosmetics: Who doesn’t love a slick looking ride? At Crypto Racing League we take our cosmetics very seriously and offer a wide variety of cosmetic upgrades which include, but are not limited to: neon under lighting, special paint jobs, tinted windows, custom wheels, hats and more!


A large component of any collectible based game is the ability for players to buy, sell, and trade items. To keep transactions simple and secure, all transactions go through the Ethereum network. Furthermore all items that are bought and sold are traded in Ethereum.

To dive into the technical details Loot Boxes, Cars, Car Parts, and Cosmetics are all ERC721 Tokens which means they are unique and non-fungible. This is a pretty big deal because that means every player has completely unique cars, car parts, loot boxes, and cosmetics — meaning one of kind cars for every player.

Loot Boxes

A key component of gameplay is loot boxes and it warrants a deeper look. Loot boxes have 5 different categories: generic, car part, car, cosmetic, and consumable. Generic loot boxes have the option to hold any item (car parts, cars, cosmetics, consumables, etc.) Whereas category specific loot boxes will only hold items from the specified category.

Loot boxes also have an associated rarity. Common loot boxes will have a higher chance of dropping common / low level items. Rare loot boxes will have a higher chance of dropping rare / higher level items.

Ready to start racing? Head over to our site to get started. Go out and get your loot before someone else does!

What happens when you are late to Crypto Racing League


Players will have two types of racing (rally and circuit). Each is outlined below.

  1. Rally — A rally race is a skilled race with variable road conditions. A player needs to strategically build a car with the road conditions in mind to maximize their chance of a win. An example of this is how a player’s car stats are affected by a curvy track versus a straight track. While racing on a straight track, a car with a higher top speed stat has the advantage, but this advantage is lost on a curvy road. Whereas a player with a higher handling stat has an advantage on a curvy track which is lost on a straight track.
  2. Circuit — A circuit race requires less strategy and looks at the cars statistics holistically. Or in other words, luck, top speed, acceleration, and handling are looked at equally when contributing to a player’s chances of winning.

Lets Get Started

It’s time to get out there and race! Head over to our site to get started! If you sign up now you will have access to special limited time offer items which will surely prove to be some of the hottest items in the game, so sign up now before they all run out!

Join today to start with a free starter car and a bag of NOS tokens when the game launches!


It’s simple. It’s free. It’s a guaranteed way to get great gear.

Signing up and receiving your first car and NOS tokens is completely free, but so is signing up your friends! The added bonus is that you get more NOS tokens or loot boxes for every few friend you sign up! The more NOS, the more great items you can get, it’s a win-win!

Limited time offer

As an incentive to get everyone out and racing we have a great limited time offer! We will be putting up an Premium Early Access Kit at a HUUUUUGE discount. These will be available for purchase first to people who were registered for the early access whitelist.

Media Coverage of our Early Access Loot Boxes

We are selling 1000 Premium Early Access Kits for 0.45 ETH. Each box has exclusive founder parts and cars that are EXTREMELY RARE! The best part is that you do *not* even need to open them! They can be traded just like any other item in Crypto Racing League. So get out there and start racing!

Coming Soon…

Look out for our next medium posts which describe the upcoming crafting and upgrade systems, as well as more details on how races work and an exclusive sneak peek at the available cars :)

Follow us on Social Media for more updates!

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