Announcing the cryptoraves Roadmap & Launch Plans (Part 4)

3 min readMar 5, 2019


This is part 4 of a blog series on Bringing a Tokenized Economy to the Masses. Click for the preceding blogs: part 1, part 2, and part 3.

UPDATE: We have launched! Read the announcement here!

On Thursday, April 25th, 2019, cryptoraves launched our Alpha product, with the goals of: gauging community interest, obtaining feedback, testing functionality and infrastructure, and adjusting our Beta-Launch features based on the community’s feedback.

Alpha-Launch Features:

  • Users can request (via Tweet & free airdrop), and experiment with, free cryptoraves official tokens (Tweet: @cryptoraves #makeitrave)
  • Users can distribute tokens on Twitter using command Tweets (such as: @cryptoraves 2000 @Alice)
  • Users can view their (and other user’s) token balances and transaction history on our website

We launched our Alpha product on the Loom PlasmaChain on April 25th, 2019. We plan to launch Beta around Q1 2020.

Beta-Launch Features:

  • Users can still claim free cryptoraves tokens and use as described in the Alpha-Launch features
  • Users can also launch their own personalized crypto token (@Alice cryptoraves tokens, as based on their Twitter handle) for a target fee of around $15 (costs under evaluation, final price to be determined)
  • Users can “re-gift” tokens they’ve received from other users
  • Users will see a social value metric displayed for each personalized token (based on a pre-defined algorithm)
  • Users can export their tokens to their own wallets
  • Website will display an enhanced token portfolio page with more navigation features, a leaderboard, and other enhancements

And for the Ethereum community, here are the technical details behind the project.

  • Cryptoraves are ERC-20 tokens
  • The cryptoraves platform provides wallet and private key management
  • Cryptoraves will be launched from the Loom PlasmaChain, a Layer 2 solution, to ensure feasibility with respect to cost and scalability for a mass audience
  • The Export feature allows users to export tokens to their Layer 1 Ethereum wallet

We are excited about this project and have big ideas about where this could take the blockchain. But we will need the Ethereum community’s help and participation during our Alpha Launch!

To help our project:

  1. Request your cryptoraves tokens. (Tweet: @cryptoraves #makeitrave)
  2. Tweet them liberally. (See our website for instructions)
  3. Provide feedback on Reddit.
  4. If you’re interested in donating, visit our website.

What’s next?

Following Alpha-Launch, we’ll produce a report that details level of interest, feedback, engagement metrics, etc. Since we are a team of 2 with limited resources and budget (we’ve bootstrapped the entire project to date), we’ll likely be pursuing funding to get us to the Beta-Launch. If you would like to receive updates on our project, and be notified when we initiate the Alpha-Launch, send your email address to:

Shannon Plasters is the Head of Business Strategy for cryptoraves, LLC. She is a tech newbie, but passionate about good ideas and helping to build something amazing. Email her at

To learn more about cryptoraves, visit our website or see our blog series.

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You + (Being Awesome) = (Token Value)². They’re Personalized Tokens You Can Tweet, For FUN! Test Drive Your Own Token Economy. Right On Twitter.