How to Recover Jaxx Wallet?
5 min readApr 10, 2024


jaxx wallet is going to be retired

The Basic History of Jaxx Wallet

Jaxx Wallet, a popular multi-currency blockchain interface, has announced its retirement, leaving many users in a scramble to secure and recover their digital assets. Launched in 2014 by Decentral Inc., Jaxx gained significant traction for its user-friendly design and ability to manage a variety of cryptocurrencies. However, as technology evolves and the digital wallet landscape becomes increasingly competitive, the decision to retire

Jaxx has pushed users to seek alternatives and methods to transfer their holdings safely. This guide aims to provide a step-by-step process on how to recover your Jaxx Wallet assets effectively. Whether you are looking to migrate to another wallet or simply want to ensure your cryptocurrencies are not lost in the transition, this article will navigate through the necessary measures to protect and retrieve your investments.

How to Regain Access to Jaxx Wallet by Importing Funds to Exodus

If you are facing difficulties accessing your Jaxx Wallet, one option to regain access is by importing your funds to the Exodus wallet. Follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Exodus wallet on your device.
  2. Launch Exodus and select the option to restore a wallet.
  3. Choose the Jaxx Wallet option and enter your Jaxx Wallet 12-word recovery phrase when prompted.
  4. Wait for Exodus to synchronize and import your Jaxx Wallet funds.
  5. Once the synchronization is complete, you will be able to access your Jaxx Wallet funds using Exodus.

It’s important to note that while importing your Jaxx Wallet funds to Exodus can help you regain access, it’s crucial to ensure the security of your recovery phrase. This 12-word phrase is essentially the key to your funds, so it should be kept private and secure at all times. Consider storing it in a safe place, such as a secure password manager or a physical safe, to prevent unauthorized access.

Additionally, after successfully importing your funds to Exodus, take the time to explore the features and security measures offered by the Exodus wallet. Familiarize yourself with the backup options, security settings, and any additional layers of protection available to safeguard your digital assets.

How to Find My Jaxx Wallet Seed Phrase?

The Jaxx Wallet seed phrase, also known as the recovery phrase, is a crucial element for regaining access to your wallet. It serves as a backup in case you need to restore your wallet or access it from a different device.

Follow these steps to find your seed phrase:

  1. Launch the Jaxx Wallet app on your device.
layout of the jaxx wallet app

2. Click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) located at the top-left corner of the screen.

jaxx wallet app menu

3. Select the “Backup Wallet” option from the menu.

jaxx wallet app backup wallet option

4. After selecting backup wallet, you will see your 12-word seed phrase displayed on the screen.

jaxx wallet backup phrase seed phrase view

Make sure to write down your seed phrase and keep it in a safe and secure location. It is crucial to protect it from unauthorized access to prevent any potential loss of funds.

Understanding the significance of the seed phrase is essential for every cryptocurrency user. This unique combination of 12 words acts as the key to your digital assets, allowing you to restore your wallet and access your funds at any time. It is recommended to store your seed phrase offline, such as in a secure physical location like a safe or a locked drawer, to minimize the risk of it being compromised.

In addition to securing your seed phrase physically, consider encrypting it with a password or using a secure method like a metal seed phrase storage device for an added layer of protection. By taking these extra precautions, you can safeguard your cryptocurrency holdings and ensure that you always have a way to recover your wallet in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Where Can I Find Jaxx Wallet File to Recover My Wallet?

If you are unable to access your Jaxx Wallet using the methods mentioned above, you can try recovering your wallet using the Jaxx Wallet backup file.

Steps How to Recover Jaxx Wallet

Locate the Jaxx Wallet backup file on your device. The file extension is .backup.

Open the Jaxx Wallet app and select the “Restore Wallet” option.

Browse and select the Jaxx Wallet backup file from the location where it is saved.

Follow the on-screen instructions to restore your wallet using the backup file.

By following these steps, you should be able to recover your Jaxx Wallet using the backup file.

It’s important to note that keeping your Jaxx Wallet backup file in a secure location is crucial for safeguarding your funds. Consider storing the backup file on an external hard drive or a USB drive that is kept in a safe place, away from potential threats like malware or unauthorized access.

Common Challenges During Recovery of Jaxx Wallet

During the recovery process of your Jaxx Wallet, you may encounter certain challenges that can hinder your progress. Here are some common challenges you may face and possible solutions:

Forgotten Password:

If you have forgotten your Jaxx Wallet password, you can attempt to reset it using the “Forgot Password” option. You may need to enter your recovery phrase to reset the password successfully.

Lost Seed Phrase:

If you have lost your Jaxx Wallet seed phrase, it becomes significantly more challenging to recover your wallet. It is crucial to keep multiple backups of your seed phrase and store them securely.

Congratulations Wallet Recovered

Make sure to double-check the accuracy of the information you provide during the recovery process to avoid any potential errors.
Recovering your Jaxx Wallet can be a daunting task, but by following the appropriate steps and utilizing the available recovery options, you can regain access to your funds and continue managing your cryptocurrencies seamlessly. Remember to always prioritize the security of your wallet by keeping your seed phrase and backup files secure.

Read more about wallet recovery on our website here:

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