DENT Coin — A World Wide Currency to Liberate your Data without Roaming, Using Blockchain Technology To Buy, Sell or Donate Telco’s Unused Data

Crypto Research by William Thrill
5 min readDec 18, 2017


Dent brings together buyers and sellers of mobile data to make use of all the unused data that consumers are paying for, freeing up the world’s data to be bought, sold, or donated allocating this resource to more citizens globally.

Is an open marketplace for the world’s data with a built in economy to keep prices fair and in line with demand while utilizing all the data. Freeing up unused data that is already being paid for to be sold, bought or donated bringing data to more of the worlds citizens.

Dent provides an open marketplace using the Dent coin to buy, sell, or donate data already being packaged by the Telcos. Using blockchain technology to collect the unused data from packages from companies and consumers and repackaging it in the marketplace to be resold in any country free of roaming charges. Excess data can be donated to developing countries and travellers will be able to take their data with them wherever they go. With today’s increasing reliance on technology and data, freeing the world’s data to be used instead of expire makes sense.

Dent allows for anyone to buy and sell mobile data in the marketplace and will act as a conduit connecting the world’s Telco’s in a way never before done.

In short, Dent is revolutionizing the world of data and how it is bought and sold across the globe. It will bring overall costs down, and spread data to parts of the world that need it.

They also set up a very interesting promotional trading campaign with KuCoin, they are basically giving away 10Million DENT to all top 100 traders which I find to be an excellent way to Hype the coin, marketing wise, they certainly know what they are doing:

A great promotional marketing idea from DENT.

Valuable Information:

Coin Name : Dent (DENT)

Total Supply : 100,000,000,000

Circulating Supply : 10,614,760,961

Market Cap : $17,691,941 USD

Pre Ico Price : -

Ico Price : 1 ETH = 400,000 DENT

What problems does this solve in the real world, and what advantages does it provide?

Currently there are millions of Gigs of data that are packaged and sold and unused around the world. Data packages that allow up to 50 Gigs a month and the user only uses 12 Gigs, or companies that pay for dozens of employees to access data and thousands of Gigs go unused. What happens to all this data that has been paid for? In today’s marketplace it simply expires. Dent uses blockchain technology to provide a marketplace to collect all unused data from the Telco’s or consumers and repackage and sell it making it usable on any network across the world. It eliminates wasted data and data roaming charges and provides a way for users to get the most out of the data they are already paying for and it allows Telcos to service more customers.

Too much data is expiring in the 1st world while the developing world is in desperate need of accessible data. There is no reliable way for Telco’s to exchange data packages currently so there is an excess in some places, and a great need in others. With an open marketplace for all the data that would otherwise expire the resources can be reallocated and either sold to those that require it or donated.

How will Dent solve this?

By providing an open marketplace using the Dent coin as currency good anywhere in the world to buy, sell or donate mobile data. The tokens can be used by companies or individuals to buy and sell mobile data free from roaming charges. Imagine your college student on a gap year backpacking through SE Asia and all they need are some dent coins to stay connected no matter what country they are traipsing through? Or the business traveller going from country to country closing deals and all of a sudden no more roaming charges and all the unused data from the admin staff can be redirected to sales? Take all of your companies unused data and donate it to a developing nation and write off what would have expired. The marketplace provides opportunity to Telco’s to reach more customers, and for data to be spread out to more people, and costs to be spread out as well. Providing a more level marketplace with fair pricing by utilizing Dent as the currency.

Dent literally brings the worlds Telco’s together and gives them access to the customers they have been missing all while using data already being packaged.

The open marketplace for mobile data reallocates resources that would otherwise expire and allows those paying for those resources to sell them or donate them at will. The Dent coin ensures that no matter where in the world the transaction takes place, by using the blockchain technology someone in Alabama, USA can sell their unused data package to someone in Bangkok, Thailand. This can positively impact everyone who needs data, and everyone who has an excess that will expire anyway. Dent will spread the data.

An open marketplace that has been created to make use of any resource that expires is a positive step for today’s fast paced world. With the world’s economy shrinking it makes sense to provide a single currency for transactions throughout the globe that will liberate data, which in turn will liberate information. The mobile marketplace is intended to bring the world together even more.

Technology and how it works

By implementing Dent (DENT) the tokens that can be used to buy and sell data in the marketplace it will tie together the Telco’s who are fragmented, the consumers that need data, and the consumers that have an excess of data providing a single place where all transactions for mobile data can be repackaged and redistributed, so everyone has access to mobile data.

This marketplace is designed to keep pricing fair, and mobile data accessible to those that need it. The Dent token will enable anyone to easily access data and aid developing countries who will be able to accept donated data packages.


Want to know if a blockchain startup is a good investment? Check their team out! Look for industry experience or better yet, expertise. Check their track record, have they proven themselves over the course of time? Who are they connected with in their industry?

Dent’s team is filled with all stars from the Telco industry. The founders have over 20 years experience each and just a few of their accomplishments are implementing the first direct mobile operator payment application, and developing the world’s most popular IMAP service with over 4 million applications.

Here is the list of the entire team for your information and perusal:

  • Tero Katajainen Founder & CEO
  • Mikko Linnamäkiaksi Vorowin Co-Founder
  • Andreas Vollmer Co-Founder
  • Ramon Greep SVP of Telco Operations
  • Michael Wirth Director Payment Systems
  • Ville Sundell Smart Contract Specialist
  • Mark Xu Country Manager Japan & China
  • Minho Keng Country Manager Korea




Crypto Research by William Thrill

I do token research, if you don't have time to find promising projects yourself, just follow my posts, it's my job to do this.