Darcy Donovan AMA Recap in Crypto Revolution Masters Telegram Community

Crypto Revolution Masters
8 min readDec 2, 2022


On 1st of December Ive had the Honor to have the Famous Film and Television Actress Darcy Donovan as my guest! It was a great Session! Let’s take a look!


Darcy Donavan: Hi Danny

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Welcome Darcy! Happy to have you with us today!

Darcy Donavan: Thank you! Happy to be here!

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Could you please tell few words for yourself and how did you get passionate about Crypto?

Darcy Donavan: I’m a Film and Television Actress, Recording Artist, Author, Philanthropist and Entrepreneur. Been in movies and television shows such as Anchorman, Modern Family, Parks and Rec and many others.

I love Crypto and Web3 so much, but 6 years ago, I really knew nothing about it. It was in 2017 when a friend of mine had gotten into Cardano and told me how he had made some money. When he told me about it, it really got me curious. Being the Entrepreneur that I am, I started researching and invested into it, along with several other blockchains. I’m always learning and growing in everything that I do and the more research I did in Web3, the more excited I got about the technology and opportunities it offers. I think everyone should learn as much as they can about Web3. As I like to say, diversify and multiply!

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Wow. Impressive Darcy. How you find time for everything you do? I guess every day is very busy for you 🙂

Darcy Donavan: Hahaha, I only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day, but I also have a great team that works for me as well. I wish I had more time in the day for sure.

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Could you please share interesting or funny story from the Movies you were playing?

Darcy Donavan: Well Danny, one of my favorite stories was when I was on the set of Anchorman with Will Ferrell and Paul Rudd. The director, Adam McKay, had a vision for the movie and instead of just having us film normal takes from the script, he would also have us film several more takes, doing improv. I have to tell you, it was so much fun and I loved it. You never knew what was going to come out of the actor’s mouths. I think that is why it was such a successful movie with all of the iconic one liners. If you were to look at the original script, you would see that the movie is completely different, due to all the improv we did while filming.

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Awesome. And yeah I love that movie personally!

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: What do you think about the current Crypto Market Situation? And what Advices you can give to the Community?

Darcy Donavan: I know that a lot of people have been affected by the current market, but me personally, I look at the current market as a builder’s market. Throughout history, times like these, have been when the most millionaires and billionaires have been made. This is the time when you invest and build your business. HODL!

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: True. I agree with you here. Building is super important when Market is down and we are in Bear Circle.

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters:
I see on your Twitter that you are involved in a lot of NFT Projects. What do you like about the NFTs and their Future in the Crypto World?

Darcy Donavan: I really love this question, Danny. I think that Web3 as a whole, is our future. NFTs are just one aspect of this and we’re going to see a lot of use cases. In July, when I was speaking at “NFT Expoverse”, I met with the team at Delorean. Their new Alpha A car will be attached to their NFT. That NFT is your pink slip for the car and also the key to start your car. This is just one example of where NFT utilities are going. I’m also excited about the utilities coming with my NFT project as well, as many of these cool utilities have never been offered before. 😉

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Can’t wait for your NFTs. 💪💪💪

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: I was living many years in USA and my favorite City there is Miami? What about you? Which one you like most and why?

Darcy Donavan: Miami is a fantastic city Danny! I can easily see why it would be your favorite. I was born in Miami, but my parents divorced when I was 2 years old and my Mom ( who was originally from Nashville) moved back to Nashville when I was very young. I am torn between Nashville, TN, and Los Angeles, California. Nashville, because that is where I grew up and Los Angeles, California, where I currently live. Nashville has a special place in my heart, since I grew up there, but I gotta admit, you can’t beat the weather here in LA! haha

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Wow. I’ve been in both Nashville and Los Angeles. What I like most in USA is that everywhere you go you see a lot of different things and a lot of different people. Especially the small towns are amazing


Q1 from @Dhrumil72658101
Hi m’am,From artists like Pitbull and Snoop Dogg to actors Johnny Depp and Ashton Kutcher, recent years have seen a surge in the number of celebrities to get involved with cryptocurrencies/NFT’s. So are you too planning to release your own NFT’s collection?

Darcy Donavan: Yes, I am! I will be releasing my NFT project within the next couple months. I would love for you to check it out if you would like to. You can follow my project on Twitter, @Stardawgs. It’s a 3D NFT project tied to movies that I am producing. Like I mentioned before, there are some great utilities and easter eggs coming along with this project. I am very excited about it.

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: You currently working on a movie 🎬?

Darcy Donavan: We are writing the script for the first movie attached to the NFT project.

Q2 from @samuelKenny01
Can you tell us more about StarDawgs? I learnt they are NFT about the movies you have produced. Are those going to be your old movies, latest or both?

Darcy Donavan: Thank you for this question! I would love to tell you all about it. The NFTs are tied to brand new never-before-seen movies that I am producing. My Team and I are in talks with a Blockbuster Movie Director for the film. We are also gathering the crew and other assets that we need for when we begin Film Production after Mint. Everything is coming along nicely, and we are right on track with our Roadmap.

Q3 from @Skyzzy12345
With the early start of your career in the industry, you were able to see the obstacles of life and overcome them, what would you say was the toughest of them all ? How were you able to overcome them ?
Again, what inspired Darcy’s Daily Dose of Inspiration ?
What’s the…..

Darcy Donavan: Thank you! That is a really thoughtful question. Honestly, it hasn’t been easy at all. I have been through a lot of difficulties and adversities throughout my life. Coming from nothing and having to work hard to achieve everything that I currently have has really shaped who I am. I would say that I overcame the obstacles by never taking no for an answer. I was always very tenacious. So many people would tell me something was too hard for me, or that it just wasn’t possible, or that I should just give up or settle for less. Where would I be today if I had listened to them back then? If someone says that I can’t do something that I am passionate about, I will do everything in my power to pursue my dream and prove them wrong and that anything can be done with perseverance, hard work and believing in yourself.

In regards to what inspired “Darcy’s Daily Dose of Inspiration”, that would be my fans. Over the years, I have been posting inspirational messages on my social media pages. My fans were the ones that told me to put those inspirational messages into a book, so I did. The book has literally saved lives. The book has helped people dealing with depression and thoughts of suicide. When I read messages and letters of fans that I have helped over the years from suicide, addiction and major depression and life changing events, I couldn’t be more humbled and honored. I am proud to know that my book and words are out there making a difference.

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: How we can get your Book?

Darcy Donavan: It’s available in stores and online. You can also find it on Amazon.

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Thank you Darcy 😊

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Btw what’s your favorite movie and book? 😊

Darcy Donavan: I would say that one of my favorite movies is “Rudy”.
There are so many books that I love. It’s hard to pick one.

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Never seen it. Will be on My list for the Weekend 🙂


Telegram User:

Why have you chosen the crypto world?

Darcy Donavan: I believe that Web3 is the future. Over the years, we have seen the evolution of tech and finances. I believe that we are on the ground floor of a major shift.

Telegram User:

I understand that you are the CMO of the cryptocurrency, Ecoin Finance and Advisor on the Global Blockchain Council, in that regard, your ability to bring about new innovative and technological ideas in the space over the years must be spectacular considering your experience and expertise;
How much of an impact do you think you’ve had on the lives of the fans and the entire crypto space? What’s your dream towards your loyal fans who always believe and follow your Crypto advice?

Darcy Donavan: I hope to help people understand the Web3 space better, so that people can make better financial decisions. I tell everyone to do their research on anything that they are going to invest their money into and only invest what you can afford.

Telegram User:

Why you choose Binance Smart chain? we see some chain pop up with good scalability too, then why you choose BSC?

Darcy Donavan: I like BSC for the speed and ease of use, but I like a lot of different blockchains. My NFT project will be on the ETH blockchain.

Telegram User:

👀 I saw on your website, that you have NFT. I’m sure many of your fans don’t know the world of NFT. So, before I own one of your NFTs, what are the advantages of owning one of your NFTs?

Darcy Donavan: I will be releasing my NFT project in the next couple months. People who buy and hold my NFTs will get profits from the movies, the NFTs will also be available to walk around in the Metaverse and depending on which NFT you hold. you could get an acting role in one of my upcoming movies tied to the NFT project.


Darcy Donavan: Fo anyone that wants to see more of what I post on social media, the links are below.


Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: Thank you for your Valuable time today Darcy! I know you are super busy person. Final Words for the Community please

Darcy Donavan:
Never let anyone dull your sparkle! 😁

Believe in yourself and believe in your dreams. Follow them, never give up, that’s the most important thing. If you believe you can get there, then one day you will. You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up. There is no failure except in no longer trying.

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: I couldn’t say it better ❤️❤️

Danny | Crypto Revolution Masters: And I’ll add people of 1985 are the best ones! Also born in 1985! 🔥🔥

Darcy Donavan: Awesome!


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