Pteria AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Telegram group

Crypto Revolution Masters
11 min readNov 11, 2020


On 9th of November, Pteria conducted an AMA on Crypto Revolution Community. Our guests were Pteria Team and Alex Disnac. Impressive interest from our Community with a lot of questions on both Twitter and Telegram. Let’s take a look at most interesting points of the AMA.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay guys. It’s time for another portion of Crypto Revolution AMAs. Let’s welcome Pteria: Alex Disnac and Pteria Team. Chat is muted. Welcome guys. Glad to have you with us today.

Alex Disnac: Hello guys!

Pteria Team: Hi Everybody, is a pleasure to be here. Feel free to ask us any question you would like to do about Pteria DAO.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: We will get to this part soon. Could you please introduce yourselves guys and tell us how did you get involved into Crypto?

Pteria Team: We are Pteria DAO, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, we have roots in gaming and crypto industries with strategic partners. We have decided to mint Pteria token to be used by third party projects as utility tokens in their projects.

Our first partner that has decided to use Pteria token in its business model has been Wallem (, a mobile gaming promoted by the YouTuber Pewdiepie (107M of followers). We just began our adventure one week ago.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: That’s huge. Few words for yourself guys. And how the idea for Pteria was born? What kind of background you have?

Pteria Team: Pteria was born to let the Gaming Industry cross the Defi without the need to drastically change its model. We give them a ready-to-go integration with Pteria, increasing the liquidity of the token and using the huge number of gaming. In our Team we have big worldwide gaming influencers, crypto Pioneers and Defi Devs high skilled.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: You got all you need for success. Could you please tell us few words for Pteria Tokenomics?

Pteria Team: We are a good melting pot of people and knowledges, everyone with his/her own experience, together we are doing a great project.

As the manifesto for the Pteria token, only those projects that do not already have a proprietary token and that are affiliated with, or related to the gaming industry will be chosen. Another key requirement for projects receiving Pteria allocations is constant token-burn during normal flow. The Pteria DAO was in fact created precisely for this — to reward interesting and deserving projects by giving them tokens to implement on their platform and encouraging the use of blockchain in the games sector.

The first project involved (Wallem) has a huge burning potential, because Players CAN NOT withdrawn their Pteria in App: they can use only to join events and buy games skin. Every time a user spend his Pteria in Wallem, this Pteria are 100% burnt.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: How you choose the interesting Projects. What kind of Conditions they have to cover?

Pteria Team: We chose projects based on: burn capacity and number of players/user already in that project.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Got it.

Pteria Team: Benefits of the project are: ready-to-go integration, Pteria token to be used in App for its users, 10% in Pteria earned AFTER the Pteria used for players will be totally burnt.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Your Contract is audited?

Alex Disnac: DAO contract yes, is already audited. The Dao is based on Aragon™

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you. Where people can buy Pteria at the moment?

Pteria Team: At the moment Pteria is available on Uniswap and Balancer, let me share the links.

Alex Disnac: Uniswap:

Pteria Team: Soon we’ll announce the 12 month staking that give 24% annual fee. Linear release of the Capital from month 13th to 24th.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Nice. Looking forward to it.

Pteria Team: Pteria DAO is a long term project. We have several partners that will be announced month by month.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: You have plans for Listing on CEXs?

Pteria Team: Yes, we would like to go in CEXs, already talking with important ones, let’s see ;) Brands that have already affiliated with the project (directly with us or through our partner — as Wallem) are: Armani Exchange, IBM, Pewdiepie, Marzia Kjellberg and more will be announced. We started just a week ago ;)

Danny | Crypto Revolution: And you already archieved so much. Most of the Projects don’t achieve this for months. Lol. Thank you for the Introduction, Pteria Team.

Pteria Team: Our pleasure.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Jumping straight to Twitter questions now.

Q1 from @R7Clover

Can you list 1–3 killer features of PteriaDAO that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

Pteria Team: Our three main features can be split in DAO, Adoption and Burn. Let me better explain:

DAO. Well, PTERIA is the governance token of PteriaDAO and each token corresponds to one vote. In this way we encourage token holders to actively participate in the project, deciding together on the future of PteriaDAO.

ADOPTION: Unlike 99% of the crypto projects which first carry out an ICO or presale and then work on the product, PTERIA was self-funded and created a utility token which is already used in a popular game, Wallem. This is just the first of many games that will use our Token.

BURN. Pteria is a token with deflationary supply. In its first collaboration, PteriaDAO gave Wallem 2.2M tokens. Most of these are used in the game and then burned, after which Wallem will have to buy new tokens on the market creating continuous demand. The same will happen with the next partners. PteriaDAO offers also NFTs (2 already sold for 120 ETH) and the proceeds are used to buy PTERIA tokens and then burn them.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Oh man. This is really exciting. Your Concept is really good.

Q2 from @kiki_pearl

Do the token holders have right to participate in the governance of Pteria? On what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?

Pteria Team: Yes, token holders have FULL Governance of Pteria DAO. Pteria’s strong point is precisely the DAO. That is, an organization that allows everyone to decide the fate of the project. The token holders can in fact make proposals or vote on those already published. All this will be possible through Aragon Protocol and via the governance forum, available at Every Pteria is 1 vote. Every Token Holders with a minimum of 100 Pteria (to avoid Scam) can submit a proposal to all the DAO.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Btw now a lot ot people in Crypto are only looking for the Price. Let’s call them the Moon Boys. They are jumping and getting out from Project to Project. How you can fight the Moon Boys guys and let them stay long term with Pteria? And that’s why so many people are burning out from Rug Pulls in my opinion.

Pteria Team: Moon Boys are welcome, we’ll say “Good bye” to them when we’ll reach Mars ;)

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Lol.

Q3 from @Clarasaktii

Adoption is a challenge for any blockchain project, especially in this sensitive period of the entire market when many blockchain projects die because only a few are using their platform. What is your team’s strategy and vision on this issue?

Pteria Team: We agree 100%. For this we are very focused to partner with already consolidated Games Industry partners: they have numbers, promotions via influencers and always fresh games. We haven’t Pteria staked on 1 single Project, Pteria token drive trasversal to many different projects partners. This can guaranteed not a single “launch to the moon”, but a long structured way.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. This is exactly what I like in you guys. The long term vision. Thanks for the answers, Pteria Team. Ready for Quiz Part? Who will handle the Quiz?

Alex Disnac: Let’s go!


Question: What’s the MAX Pteria token supply?

Answer: 21M.

Question: Which was the first youtuber to mention Wallem (the first app that is using the Pteria tokens)?

Answer: PewDiePie.

Question: All-Time high price according to CoinGecko…?

Answer: $7.30.

Question: Let’s see who is the fastest member to find and join the PTERIA official telegram group! 3..2..1.. Good luck!



Telegram User:

Partnerships are crucial for Adoption, so can you tell us what partners you have currently and future partnerships?

Alex Disnac: (iOS and Android game with 50.000 Downloads! Sponsored by PewDiePie).

Telegram User:

What is guarantee Pteria wil not scam with investors? There were many project come and scam with investors, so how Pteria will gain investors trust?

Alex Disnac: Pteria is a self-funded project (no presale or ico). No scam sir, PTERIA is here to stay!

Telegram User:

I want to support your project, Tell us more about the Ambassador Program and in what ways can we participate?

Alex Disnac: The ambassadors program will be announced in a few days on our governance forum:

Telegram User:

Hey Can you please brief about FEATURES & BENEFITS to our community?

Alex Disnac: DAO, Adoption, Burn, Influencers.

Telegram User:

Currently most investors only care about profits at the moment but ignore the long-term benefits. So can you give them some advice why they should buy and hold this token/coin in the long term?

Pteria Team: We didn’t made any public sale even having the Wallem Partner launching with Pewdiepie. We strongly believe that this project will increase its value in long term, “moon boys” probably will get off the project at the first time Pteria will go under $2, but our mission is to integrate Pteria token in several project and launch it all the time as a new project. Keeping the hype high during next years. This is PTeria DAO.

Telegram User:

Are you satisfied with the progress you have made so far?

Alex Disnac: Absolutely Yes. We have already 650+ token holders and 1000+ telegram group members! Pteria was featured on, Decrypt, Cryptonomist.

Telegram User:

You said the DAO is an organization that allows everyone to decide the fate of the project. What if users are proposing what will favour them and jeopardize the purpose of the project? What will the team do in this case?

Pteria Team: We’ll follow the 51% of voting, we are pretty sure who own Pteria token and have the right to votes will take always the right decision discussing it in the forum and in TG channel.

Telegram User:

At this point, do you think you need exchanges as a binance to keep growing? Or is it better to forget those things and focus on other activities?

Alex Disnac: We are interested in CEXes as well and we have already contacted many of them (only top tier exchanges).

Telegram User:

How important is the community to you? And how can we collaborate or help you for the development of the project?

Pteria Team: Community for us is VERY important, we would like to involve you in the project as well, a DAO is made by people. We are People. join us and follow us to understand how we deeply believe in the Community that is growing around PTeria DAO.

Telegram User:

Staking programme is very important for any project, can I stake Pteria token? Do you have any plan of starting staking programme?

Alex Disnac: Yes. But our staking program will be different (fixed interest rates 2% monthly and tokens will be available every 3 months. We dont want to inflatiate the token supply).

Telegram User:

Has your smart contract been audited by the blockchain system and Why should we feel safe when liquidation provider for #Pteria?

Pteria Team: Liquidity in locked. Every single ETH in the Pool to increase the liquidity has been paid by our personal investment because we strongly believe in the project. We are not “protecting” the investors as any other project says: we ARE the investors.

Telegram User:

Most of the farm coins suffer from high APY and are constantly printing new tokens. For example, I farm $PTERIA… Receive more $PTERIA and throw away my extra tokens. Most of the farm coins have failed and will fail on Token Metrics only. Where does the buying pressure for $PTERIA come from? @pteriateam @alek1991s

Pteria Team: We don’t do any kind of farming, We do not like it and we do not believe farming can be good for any tokens.

Telegram User:

Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?

Alex Disnac: We will have MAaaanyyy burns! Just look into our @pteriateam Avatar! He is ready to burn them all.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Lol.

Telegram User:

Is your project is fully decentralized and is there some risk of centralization in the future?

Alex Disnac: This is a DAO — our goal is to become completely decentralized in a few months.

Telegram User:

You will agree with me that ADOPTION and UTILITY is very key to project survival and success, what’s being done to drive global adoption of Pteria amidst crypto regulations, legislation and competition?

Pteria Team: We agree 100%. DAO is without any specific legislation, Pteria adoption can be come from any Countries ;)

Telegram User:

If you guys were me… where would you buy Pteria tokens and how much?

Pteria Team: Follow your gut instinct ;)

Telegram User:

Community is one of the main keys in building a project, what is your strategy to spoil the community?

Alex Disnac: We love our community! We already helped one of our Pterians after he lost 59 ETH in a single transaction. Read more:

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Insane guys. Not too many people will do it.

Telegram User:

Why Choosing Pteria as project name?

Alex Disnac: From the serie “Queen of Souths”.

Telegram User:

DeFi project is very popular and there are many DeFi projects right now, what are your plans for now? What makes PTERIA unique?

Pteria Team: Pteria plus is that is pass through several third party project and is not linked to any single one. A project can die, but if PTeria stays in 10+ projects can survive and increase its value.

Telegram User:

Southeast Asia is a very vibrant school and there are a lot of development projects here, so do you have any plans to grow in Southeast Asia?

Pteria Team: Yes, we are already talking with several gaming company that are strong in Asian market: from South Korea to Japan, from India to Singapore.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay guys you covered already a lot of Questions. I think it’s time for Final words for Community when Pteria Team finished his answer.

Pteria Team: We would like to answer to all your questions, feel free please to replicate them in our Telwgram Channel and we’ll be xtremely happy to provide you all answers. Thank you to have us in your Community and we really hope to see you on board on Pteria DAO project. Love from NoWhere.

Alex Disnac:

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay opening the chat. Please post your Transaction straight in the group. Thank you.

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