QuiverX Special VIP AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Community

Crypto Revolution Masters
13 min readJan 22, 2021


On 21st of January QuiverX conducted their 3rd AMA in Crypto Revolution Group. Our Guest was again Ivan Castillo , CEO of QuiverX. He shared so many news with us during the AMA and give us so many good Advices. Let’s take a look at most interesting points from our conversation!


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Let’s welcome again Ivan from QuiverX.

Ivan | QuiverX: Hey Guys! Yoo man. It’s big pleasure to have you for 3rd time here. How are you? 😀

Ivan | QuiverX: Thanks happy to be back!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: And I can bet not for the last time. Lol 🙂

Ivan | QuiverX: Doing well it’s early here 8:00am lol so not to early but it is when your working until 3:00am lol. I don’t think it will be the last time 💪

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Hah. I know you are pretty much hard working person. Could you please introduce yourself again for the new people in the group?

Ivan | QuiverX: Yes definitely…

Ivan Castillo is the founder of QuiverX Capital. He brings a wealth of leadership experience, including over 10 years of Project Management in both the government and civilian sectors. USMC Veteran and certified in Lean Six Sigma since 2012, with a proven ability to maximize workflows and enhance product output.

Hobbies include ancient and esoteric philosophy, specifically interested in the power of the human spirit.

Ivan and his life partner Veronika currently live and work in Los Angeles, California.
I use that one often lol

Danny| Crypto Revolution: So yesterday was an important day for US. How are the things there? ( 20.01.2021 — Joe Biden, New President of USA officially started his mandate )

Ivan | QuiverX: Lol to be honest I don’t know I primarily live in a virtual world lol

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Haha. Lool. You got new President. 😅

Ivan | QuiverX: But I guess same as it has been from what I read on the news which I’m not sure it trustworthy if it’s ever been.
Yeah no comment 😅 I have nothing against him but feel he’s not all there sometimes. It’s all good though like most corporation there’s a whole board of people running the show.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Is it something important from esoteric philosophy you can share to Community? Something that will help them to go through 2021 cause we all know will be again not an easy year.

Ivan | QuiverX: I guess the biggest thing would be to remain unattached which is easier said then done but I believe in the power of change.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Unattached? 😀

Ivan | QuiverX: Yeah… not to get stuck on concepts, ideas or, unnecessary emotions and realize tomorrow is a new day.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Got it. Will be good if we can do it 🙂

Ivan | QuiverX: Lol that’s why it’s called a yoga practice 😅

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Do you think Human Spirit can help in Crypto Universe?
Always good to practice Yoga

Ivan | QuiverX: Well it’s the human spirit which is the driving force of our entire system. If the spirit is corrupt the system will be corrupt.
I think dreaming big and bringing that dream to reality is what makes us as humans unique.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: So we are kinda still in Bull Run. How long you think we will be in it? Or Bears will come soon? 😅

Ivan | QuiverX: Of course I’m not a financial advisor but I think BTC will retest and go sideways while some of the other coins make a move to the upside before going down but you never know what kind of news will come out at any time to turn things for better or worst.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: When Altcoins season sir? 😀

Ivan | QuiverX: Idk lol I’m waiting too 😅

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Haha.

Ivan | QuiverX: Shall we get into the question lol 💪

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Okay. I can talk with you few hours. Haha.
Let’s move ON 😁 Could you please introduce QuiverX in Layman’s term to Community?

Ivan | QuiverX: Sure basically every project raising capital outside of the traditional banking system is crowdfunding. Our aim is to offer a unique spin on that by assisting business through our incubator program and onboard non crypto projects to create a secondary market for tokenized equity.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Which is pretty innovative and amazing

Ivan | QuiverX: Of course we will also work with individuals looking to start crypto related projects and utility coins as well.


Q1 from @KostasmedM

What is your top 3 priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming months?

Ivan | QuiverX: I got a head start on some of these so I’ll post them as we go.
2021 will be full of many major milestones. And many of them are interdependent.

First we will continue to focus on ensuring compliance with regulatory bodies to include licensing, banking institutions and, following all guidelines for vendors in the digital market space.

We feel this will play a major roll in securing our roll as a reliable crowdfunding portal and incubator for legitimate businesses to enter the market and grow. DEFI opened a lot of opportunities for people to take advantage of the current climate by boasting large claims but few have created proper business or have an understanding of how to do so and I believe this is why many have quick turnarounds and rapid attrition.

Second priority’s will be adoption. I say adoption and not marketing because adoption covers a wider influence and indicates a specific focus on function. Of course we will be marketing but ideally our efforts convert into people who use and stick with our service. We want to transform the way people think about raising equity and offer functionality to the way investors are are able to use their digital assets.

It’s great to have crypto gains but making them accessible so that you can buy gas or office supplies adds tremendous value to cryptocurrency as a whole.

This is why we have decided to introduce the QuiverX ATM and Debit Card which will offer all major currencies as well as QuiverX and make promote the easy download of our mobile wallet which in itself is a complete defi trading platform and finical management system.

We also will focus on converting clients who wish to fund raise on our portal by utilizing a range of on boarding techniques such as consumer outreach, focused advertisements and, direct interaction with businesses via one on one and group meetings / conferences.

Our third top priority amongst the long list of things we aim to accomplish this year will be development.

We will complete much of the development for the QuiverX and xEarn marketplace this year. Likely will continue to develop for the foreseeable future but the bulk of the core idea will be completed by this year and we will continue to think of creative and innovative ways to add value and provide ease of use to the entire QuiverX ecosystem.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Man you will have a lot of work. Lol

Ivan | QuiverX: Lol 😂

Danny| Crypto Revolution: But as I know you guys are pretty hard working team so I’m sure you will achieve everything

Ivan | QuiverX: Yeah I believe as long as we have a clear vision and stick to the plan we will be fine.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: So about adoption. Many people are in Crypto just for the money and still many people don’t know anything about Crypto and Blockchain Technology. What are your ideas here except the Debit Card and QuiverX ATMs?
I’ll have more questions about QuiverX ATMs but time will come for them 😀

Ivan | QuiverX: We will continue to educate and provide ease of use so that people don’t feel it as something new they have to completely change from but something that makes what they are already doing easier. I think that’s the best way to get people to use and stick with a product.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Yeah agree. I was looking through the QuiverX Team before the AMA. Really amazing people there. Do you plan to get new people in team on board during 2021?

Ivan | QuiverX: Yeah actually we just hired a director of sales for the QuiverX platform and outreach coordinator for the ATMs.
We definitely plan to expand our team this year. We outsourced at the beginning with reliable and experienced companies to bootstrap the business and rapidly increase output without sacrificing quality but moving forward we plan to do many of these things in house.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Thanks man. I’m sure you will find good people

Q2 from @Ontortk

It’s your 3rd AMA in crypto revolution community. why you need to do AMA again and again in this community? We really curious to know that what is the main purpose behind that?

Ivan | QuiverX: Our goal on doing another AMA and likely many more AMAs like this with Crypto Revolution is our way of updating and providing support to those in the Crypto Revolution community who have decided to take this journey with us by answering questions and making ourselves available rather then to do one AMA with the hope of a few quick sales and moving on.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Yeah this is what I like. It’s better to focus on one Community than doing 50 AMAs a month 😅 Well in my opinion

Ivan | QuiverX: For sure.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: And chat many of you know that I know Ivan online before he started QuiverX back in August 2020
And probably many of you don’t but now they do 😀

Ivan | QuiverX: Haha yeah.. so you guys know Danny was like there are too many scams get back at me after your on uniswap because I have to keep the community safe. I though that was cool which is why I wanted to continue working with him.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: And hopefully I can be able to meet him Live when he comes to Europe. Lol. All depends on COVID-19 situation.

Ivan | QuiverX: I think it was when I told him we were going through LID with a liquidity lock that he agreed to host the AMA lol.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Yeah. This was the key.

Q3 from @deminfur

Based on your tokens, there is an allocation of 19.18% for Bankrolls, what is the purpose of this allocation and where will it be used?

Ivan | QuiverX: Many may not know but creating a token and doing it the right way isn’t a simple process and there are many unseen aspects that go into having a successful projects. For example part of these banks rolls are to provide liquidity to exchanges or additional liquidity pools. Aside from providing liquidity to DEX/CEX listings we will also use some of these bankroll funds to supply liquidity to our ATMs and have them as a reserve for developmental or other project opportunities that may spontaneously arise.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Yeah cause many get involved in 1 day tokens and Rug Pulls which is their major mistake. Long term Investment always is a better option.

Ivan | QuiverX: We have created at least 3 other liquidity pools outside of Uniswap and plan to list on other large exchanges where we will need to provide liquidity and that is why we kept the reserve.


Ivan | QuiverX: The QuiverX atm function as a crypto atm only but most crypto atms only have a buy feature but ours has a buy and sell feature which will allow people to easily cash out.

We have a huge edge when it comes to atms since our director of sales has been in the sales business for many years working for major companies and for the last few years has been the GM for a medical cannabis company with connection to local dispensaries through California and other states which will be our primary focus since these businesses are mostly cash based and unbanked.
The card will likely be metal and we’re not going to go the gimmick route of having 5 different cards we will have one card with different benefit levels.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Nice. This is better

Ivan | QuiverX: It’s going to be black.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: You currently have 2 QuiverX ATMs in USA right?

Ivan | QuiverX: Yes the first one is in Santa Monica and the next one will be in Beverly Hills.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: You plan to have them Worldwide?

Ivan | QuiverX: Yes definitely

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Nice. Hopefully Europe will be next 😀

Ivan | QuiverX: Step by step

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Small steps will get us to a Greatness 😁

Ivan | QuiverX: They call it a ladder to success because you can’t jump to the top lol

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Haha 😂 Yeap. What are the taxes to use the QuiverX ATMs?

Ivan | QuiverX: Haha yes most atms have a associated fee. Usually business charge as little as 8% all the way up to 17% we will charge a 10% fee which will continue to grow the atm business and some buybacks along the way.


Ivan | QuiverX: In order to apply for the card we will have a page on the site in the next few days where people can apply. We will first be located in the US we will be available in Europe likely in July and in Australia and Asia’s hopefully by the end of the year.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Oh that’s great man. Can’t wait to purchase my QuiverX Card when will be available in Europe.

Ivan | QuiverX: Solid 💪

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Tell me more about the Mobile QuiverX Wallet which will be actually released till end of January right?

Ivan | QuiverX: Yes we are in the final phases of Quality assurance at the moment and it will be a complete trading solution so no more liability of connecting wallets for phishing sites and will make it easy for many people who don’t trade or understand uniswap trading. It will offer early information to up and coming presales so that people can connect to them reliably and make it easy for people to move in and out of projects as needed.

It will also have a fiat to crypto gateway where you can buy eth so no more running out of gas at critical times.

It will also be a financial management tool for the payment card.
So you can track spending, manage the card and cancel the card if lost or stolen just like any banking app.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Will be available for download on Google Play and Apple Store right?

Ivan | QuiverX: Yes I will share the download link with you as soon as it’s available.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: I can’t wait for it 😀 Excited. Few Words for xEARN? How is connected to QuiverX?

Ivan | QuiverX: Yes definitely thank you for bringing that up.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: It’s important 😉

Ivan | QuiverX:


So xEarn is governance for featured voting.

It’s 12k supply

We are also creating an entire marketplace for vendors to offer services.

One of the things that is challenging when starting a business is finding legitimate persons to provide services where you can pay in crypto.

Our marketplace provides that.

Here’s a sneak peak and the first time we’re showing it.

Danny |Crypto Revolution: Thanks for sharing the Video man

Ivan | QuiverX:



Ivan | QuiverX: Yes great!

We definitely have been working with some big named projects and will continue to make valuable and mutually beneficial integrations and partnership.

With Ferrum we will be working to provide exclude staking for people who are enrolled in our incubator program.

We offer 1Inch trading to protect from front run bots

We are with Chainlink to provide transparent book keeping.

We have some more stuff going and and some new releases this month and next month which will be pretty great additions to the ecosystem.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: Really great Partnerships man


Question: What would you like to see from QuiverX next.

  • Lending Or DEX?

Best Answer: Lending beacuse craze and demand is high most of high tvl project is lending protocol.

Question: What are some feature partnerships would you like to see in both larger and smaller projects?

Best Answer: Partnerships with Big corporations and blockchains like polkadot, cosmos, binance smart Chain and the likes of them.

Question: In addition to our current card benefits what benefits would you like to see in the future?

Best Answer: Hard Wallet

Ivan | QuiverX:


Telegram User:

Can you elaborate on the experience of the development team who developed QuiverX?

Ivan | QuiverX: The development is done by OpenXCell they are a top rated development company that had worked for very well known companies such as Google.

Telegram User:

Will we able to stake XRN very soon?

Ivan | QuiverX: Yes xEarn staking will be available very soon before the end of the month. I will share the staking pool with @dani_unss as soon as it’s available.
Governance and decision making in terms of voting are exclusive to XRN holders. Voting will be utilized to pick which businesses will be showcased and given prime advertisement and marketing opportunities based on how successful the community think they will be.

QuiverX is a utility token for the QuiverX platform but we do have a QuiverX -xEarn pool on uniswap for easy trading.

Links for both:



Danny| Crypto Revolution: Thank you Ivan! Man I think we touched everything important.

Ivan | QuiverX: Yeah that was great thank you guys for your time today and thank you Danny for being engaging and detail oriented.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Something you want to add before I let you go.
Lol. 100 minutes 😁

Ivan | QuiverX: Nah I think we touched on everything lol.
Just thank you again to everyone involved and were looking forward to an exciting 2021.

If your question wasn’t answered and still want to know I’m happy to answer here after we conclude or you can message me directly.

Danny| Crypto Revolution: For business inquires: admin@quiverx.io

Official Site: https://quiverx.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quiverx5
Announcements: https://t.me/QuiverX

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

Website: https://crypto-revolution.io

Telegram group: https://t.me/crypto_revolution1

Twitter: https://twitter.com/revolut20?s=09

Our Partner:

Website: https://quiverx.io/

Telegram group: https://t.me/QuiverXCapital

Telegram Announcement group: https://t.me/QuiverX

Twitter: https://twitter.com/quiverx5

