Crypto Revolution Masters
9 min readJul 27, 2020


On 25th of July Trias conducted an AMA in Crypto Revolution Community. Our guest was CSO of Trias, Kailing Bian. Over 100 questions on Twitter and near 150 questions on Telegram were posted. Let’s take a look at the most interestiong points from our Conversation with Kailing.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay guys it’s time for another portion of Crypto Revolution AMAs. Let’s welcome Kailing Bian. Glad to have you with us today 😁

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: Hi , nice to be here!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please introduce yourself?How did you get into Crypto? 😃

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: My name is Kailing Bian. I graduated from LSE with Master of science degree in management and strategy. My bachelor degress is in economics. I worked for Accenture, a top IT and management consulting company and after my consulting experience, I worked in the venture capital industry. I have helped more than 200 startups in their stealth business model and financing process. I joined Huobi Labs for investment and incubation. I also invested in crypto with my own fund before I cofounded Trias.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please describe what is Trias in few simple sentences?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: Trias is a full-stack decentralized trusted cloud infrastructure and an enterprise-grade blockchain. It has integrated TEE(trusted execution environment) technology, cyber security, and graph computing algorithms as a combined blockchain solutions to ensure the correct execution of software.
Trias is building a highly scalable public chain that also provides “layer -1” infrastructure to support other public chains including Ethereum and Hyperledger.
Its DApp TriasForce has already been deployed by large financial institutions and manufacturing industries.

Q1 from @Miihichan1

Why do you want to integrate real business into Trias economic model?
Most investors only focus on the price of token value in short term instead of the real value of the project. Can you tell me the benefits for long-term investors?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: The crypto world has been facing a problem of unfulfilling expectations over the last 2 years as most trendy concepts are stumbling along the way.
On one hand, scalability issues result in high costs and low incentives for developers to create DApp; on the other hand, while most of the DApps are somewhat related to gambling or a zero-sum game, applications solving real problems and creating value are rare.
Trias, a full-stack decentralized trusted cloud infrastructure and ecosystem for enterprise-grade applications, is tackling the problem consistently.
Targeting at providing enterprise-grade blockchain technology and infrastructure, and connecting the traditional clients to crypto innovations, Trias has been consistently delivering progress in its first-of-its-kind innovative technology, products, client use cases and this time, token economy.
Trias has released its MagCarta Economic Whitepaper 2.o, outlining an economy bridging the business activities to crypto space via its unique staking methods.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please give me an Example for one good Use Case of Trias?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: Sure. TriasForce, which is the main product of Trias, is a decentralized SaaS developed by our team.
Empowered by the Trias blockchain technology, TriasForce aims to provide enterprise level DSaaS.
It ensures enterprises’ core data and critical services are secure and reliable. Now we have 3 modules: TF-Security, TF-Auditing, and TF-ERP, all of them solving the ‘trust issue’ in cloud computing.
A decentralized model can help in protecting the data ownership and makes sure that the value created can be distributed to the originators.
Furthermore, it also tackles the problems of data privacy and leakages, and thus mitigates the clients’ reluctance of uploading data or rejecting the SaaS. At present, Trias’ team is cooperating with many enterprises in different industries in China and overseas to help them develop and build blockchain based enterprise service software and series products.
As far as the current situation is concerned, most enterprises are potential consumers of DSaaS, because there is a great demand for blockchain application and enterprise management services.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Are you focusing only on Asia Region or you want to expand Worldwide?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: The global community, of course. We already have very reliable partners in Japan and South Korea, and if you follow our news, we often publish stories about it.
And we just launched the Global Ambassadors Program, and we want members of the global community to be Trias product beneficiaries.
We are also actively pursuing opportunities for development in Latin America

Q2 from @Rikku4678

What is important in Trias’s MagCarta Economic Whitepaper 2.0, which applies to both businesses and individual investors. Can you tell more about the franchise model?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: The crypto world has been facing a problem of unfulfilling expectations over the last 2 years as most trendy concepts are stumbling along the way.
On one hand, scalability issues result in high costs and low incentives for developers to create DApp; on the other hand, while most of the DApps are somewhat related to gambling or a zero-sum game, applications solving real problems and creating value are rare.
Trias, a full-stack decentralized trusted cloud infrastructure and ecosystem for enterprise-grade applications, is tackling the problem consistently.
Targeting at providing enterprise-grade blockchain technology and infrastructure, and connecting the traditional clients to crypto innovations,
Trias has been consistently delivering progress in its first-of-its-kind innovative technology, products, client use cases and this time, token economy.
Trias has recently released its MagCarta Economic Whitepaper 2.o, outlining an economy bridging the business activities to crypto space via its unique staking methods. In this article, you will learn about Trias and its unique economic model.
The core mechanism of MagCarta Economic Whitepaper 2.o is to for the economy to pump revenues from real world back to the community.
The revenue and business opportunities generated globally from Trias ecosystem (e.g. selling TriasForce to company clients) are fueling the community including software developers, distributors, service providers and token-holders via Trias’ 2 parallel staking systems.
The parallel staking systems not only help Trias to expand in the enterprise blockchain market and but also build a strong community, fulfilling the needs of enterprises and individual investors at the same time.
1) The Franchise-franchisee Model incentivizes franchisees of Trias to create an enterprise-grade product ecosystem and token appreciation.
2) The Staking Auction Model allocates values generated from the business activities to the token holders.
These two models encourage more enterprise products to be developed and sold. The more the economy grows, the more the utility and values of the token. In this way, the ecosystem, the participants and the token holders get benefited.

Q3 from @MagnatSV

With blockchain being such a young industry, partnerships are an integral component of any project’s journey. Which types of partnerships have TRIAS already attained and what are the plans on this front moving forward?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: I will make this shorter.
We are continuing to promote worldwide partnerships to make the Trias chain and services widely used.
Now, many third parties from all over the world have joined Trias Alliance, such as software developers(Octa Innovations in China), data engine (Ptmind in Japan), open-source communities (Odoo), open-source compliance (Eyes protocol in Korea), security providers (CertiK in the US), and crypto projects.
Through the extensive distribution network of Trias Alliance, Trias Foundation has achieved revenues since 2019Q2. 30% of the clients paid to Trias Alliance was distributed to Trias Foundation.
To give back Trias communiity the value created from business activities, Trias Foundation has used 80% of its quarterly revenue to repurchase TRY from the secondary market during the process. A total amount fo 96,472,628 TRY was repurchased in 2019.
and all these tokens will be give back to our community through high APR staking.


Telegram User:

What are the ways that Trias generates profits/revenue to maintain your project and what is its revenue model? How can it make benefit win-win to both investor and your project?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: For generating revenue, in 2019, Trias has delivered enterprise products and solutions (TriasForce, a Decentralized-SaaS) to solve the trust and security issues for different customers in many industries:
For example, in Soochow Securities, Trias implements blockchain-based DevOps systems, targeting at insuring the stability of its stock trading system and preventing insider threats brought by contractors.
In Chongren County Substation Industry Park, Trias provides blockchain-based trustworthy ERP/MES DSaaS for more than 100 companies in the substation industry with a total product value at $0.3billion in supply-chain finance.
For benefiting investors, Trias has repurchased 96,472,628 TRY from its 2019 revenue and will contribute to Trias community through burning and staking.
Our staking will not result in a high-inflation rate because it has support from real business activities and value is created within the ecosystem.

Telegram User:

Can you explain the three layers in Trias architecture? What are the plans to encourage participants of the all layers to help this project to grow further?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: As I mentioned at the beginning Trias is composed of three layers.
1)Leviatom is an integration of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and Heterogeneous Consensus Graph, a graph computing algorithm similar to Hashgraph or DAGs. It can serve as the underlying ‘-1 layer’ for other public chains, including Ethereum and Hyperledger.
2) Prometh is a combination of formal verification and DevSecOps methodologies to achieve traceable and verifiable general-purpose software development. Prometh is also the layer that Trias cooperates with the Eyes Protocol.
3) MagCarta is a consensus-oriented programming paradigm to achieve embed and self-defined consensus strategy for high-order enterprise DApps.
As each layer needs participants, such as executors of Leviatom, developers of Prometh and enterprise clients of MagCarta, Trias has designed separate but coordinating economic models to encourage participants of the 3 layers to behave in a way altogether leading to the growth and sustainability of the economy.

Telegram User:

What’s new in the Ambassador 2.0 program? Is there availability for ambassadors of the Hispanic community? Do some requirements need to be met?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: Good question ,we nowstrongly recommend our Ambassadorial Program at this time.
The benefits of this plan are unlimited.
Unlike traditional ambassadors, who always give without compensation and get limited returns, our ambassadors will get more rights and more generous returns
This means that as long as you recognize Trias, hold a certain amount of Try, and are willing to participate in Trias community building, you are eligible to be an AMBASSADOR for Trias.
Our ambassadors have both dynamic and static benefits.
Static income mainly comes from the ambassador’s staking, with very high interest rate. Currently, the APR we provide for ambassadors can be as high as 120% or more.
Dynamic revenue mainly comes from the invitation of new partners.In other words, if someone is willing to participate in the Trias STAKING under your promotion, you and him are bound to inviting relationship, then you both will get benefits

Telegram User:

I like the fact that Trias offers one of the best staking rate I’ve ever seen with an APR of 90%-126%. What’s the Minimum and maximum amount of $TRY I can stake? Which of the exchange support Staking? How do I participate?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: The minimum staking amount is 5000TRY
and the maximum is 200,000TRY per day
per day per ppl
So theoretically, there is no upper limit, as long as the same address on the same day of continuous transfer no more than 200,000TRY
FOR NOW you can only join the staking from our official website
which means you need send your TRY from exchange wallet to a ERC-20 wallet cause the interest will be renturned after the staking to the address you sent TRY.

This Is the rules you need to follow


Question: The name of Trias token: _

Answer: TRY

Question: Trias has launched __ economic whitepaper V2.

Answer: MagCarta

Question: Trias has repurchased 96,472,628 TRY from its 2019 revenue and will contribute to Trias community through burning and _.

Answer: Staking

Question: What does TRIAS stand for?

Here the guest picked up the following Answer: Trustworthy and Reliable Intelligent Autonomous Systems


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you for the answers Kailing Bian.
Would you like to address the Community?

Kailing Bian | CSO Trias: Thanks Danny! Really great community. Love you guys!

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