xTRX AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Telegram group

Crypto Revolution Masters
8 min readDec 21, 2020


On 15th of December, xTRX conducted an AMA on Crypto Revolution Community. Our guest was xTRX Manager, Founder of xTRX. Impressive interest from our Community with a lot of questions on both Twitter and Telegram. Let’s take a look at most interesting points of the AMA.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay guys. It’s time for another portion of Crypto Revolution AMAs. Let’s welcome xTRX and xTRX Manager. Chat is muted. Welcome xTRX Manager. Happy to have you with us today.

xTRX Manager: Really happy to be here today.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Your Presale is starting in 1 hour? Am I right?

xTRX Manager: That is right! Our presale is now in 59 minutes on purchase.xtx.finance.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Cool. Will try to finish by that time cause you will be busy. Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how did you get involved into Crypto?

xTRX Manager: I was enthused by crypto since bitcoin was out. As a developer, bitcoin’s direction was the next big thing. After spending good time in spending on blockchain development, I got to work with the xtrx team.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: That’s exciting. So you have a huge Experience in Blockchain and Crypto.

xTRX Manager: Yeah haha, I am aging together with bitcoin.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please describe what is xTRX in few simple sentences?

xTRX Manager: Of course! xTRX is a rebase token that is pegged to TRON(TRX) one of the fastest growing crypto in the market. Along with our rebase features, xTRX will provide multiple defi products: xBridge, xLend, and xSwap. xTRX is a hedging option, investment channel, and a defi powerhouse that benefit the community.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: It’s the first Rebase Token on Tron Blockchain right?

xTRX Manager: That’s right, also first rebase token to peg itself to Tron.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Very interesting. Now question is huge procent of people don’t really understand Rebase Tokens and how they work at all. Could you please give a brief Description to Community. And also how you think to educate Community more about it.

xTRX Manager: Right, rebase token projects have been quite confusing to crypto investors. Simply, rebase tokens are tokens that change in supply depending on price fluctuations. At every certain period of time in day, supply will automatically adapt to the price changes. xTRX only has positive rebases compared to other tokens. We will educate community through AMAs, articles, and guides. Users can simply understand it like this.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Will have only positive Rebases??

xTRX Manager: Yes, and no negative rebases.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: This is quite interesting as well. Is the team behind the Project public?

xTRX Manager: No, we are an anonymous team. We decided to go anonymous due to our philosphical goals and aspirations about where the platform should be in its final stages of dev. However, we have a public partner and incubator.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Is it your Contract audited already?

xTRX Manager: We are currently having our contract audited by Slowmist.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Listing on Uniswap right after Presale I guess?

xTRX Manager: That’s right, immediate listing on Uniswap with liquidity.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please mention few words for xTRX Tokenomics? And for the Products you will offer to Investors?

xTRX Manager: Yes. We have an allocation for liquidity, presale, and the team. Team tokens will be locked via third party on smart contract. We were very careful in designing tokenomics to support long term growth. Further details are on xtrx.finance.

Most excited about what we have to offer to the community. xSwap, xLend, and xBridge are blockchain based service focusing on decentralized finance. xSwap is permissionless, decentralized crowdfunding.. xLend is decentralized lending, and xBridge is a token bridge protocol. More info on https://xtrx.finance/products

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thanks for sharing and introduction. You know now people are scared from Rug Pulls. How you will make people trust you guys?

xTRX Manager: The key to building trust is transparent timely communication with a roadmap for services. We have already showcased a sneak peek of what is coming first: liquidity mining on https://xtrx.finance/farming.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Oh. That’s great.

xTRX Manager: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and so is trust. All I can promise on behalf o f team is that xTRX is here to make a change in the blockchain space.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Starting straight with Twitter questions now.

Q1 from @RahulJayaraj9

For an investor/trader how can they make benefits from xTRX?How can xTRX attract and comfort them using xTRX?

xTRX Manager: They can benefit from xTRX by the demand that is in correlation to demand for Tron. As TRX becomes more attractive to crypto users, so does xTRX. But not to forget our own ways of deflationary mechanisms and multiple token use cases.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Are you guys close to Justin Sun?

xTRX Manager: Haha with increasing support from the community, I think the whole Tron community will be paying attention to xTRX.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Lol. Yeah. I guess it will happen.

Q2 from @Corrie_Dorf

It stated, xTRX is pegged at the price of Tron (TRX) with a ratio of 1:1. So, what is the basic difference between xTRX and TRX? What xTRX’s products are already in operation and what are the functions and benefits to its user?

xTRX Manager: Basic difference is TRX is a utility coin within tron’s ecosystem used for transaction fees. xTRX in respect to Tron is an investment channel to provide hedging options for Tron investors. Currently, our products are in development and will be soon available to users. With increasing demand of our products, xTRx will increase token uses cases and demand.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: What kind of Marketing you plan except AMAs till end of the year let’s say?

xTRX Manager: We are in talks with different active crypto projects for liquidity farming event, trading event, and bounties. Our marketing team is working hard to engage users as much as possible.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Marketing is always important step.

xTRX Manager: That is right.

Q3 from @jakenoinc

Just looking at your project name from one peek, one can guess that it has something to do on tron network. Why exactly have you chosen to build on tron network? What advantages do you see tron giving your project over others?

xTRX Manager: Because Tron is one of the fastest growing blockchain platform with increasing number of dapp transactions, increasing volume, and vocal community. With Tron’s demand increasing, xTRX will follow. Also our products will be on the Tronchain.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Do you have any exciting partnerships coming up and you can mention them? Chat be ready for Quiz Part after the Answer!!

xTRX Manager: Cannot disclose details yet… but all I can mention is we are working with a team to have the most accurate price data for decentralized lending and rebase.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you. Less than 30 minutes to xTRX Presale guys. Get ready. Ready for Quiz, xTRX Manager?

xTRX Manager: Awesome! looking forward to it.


Question: What is the ratio that xTRX pegs Tron to?

Answer: 1:1.

Question: What are the 3 features of xSuite?

Answer: xSwap, xLend and xstaking.

Question: How do you purchase xTRX tokens?

Answer: 15th December 2020 at 13 UTC, purchase.xtrx.finance.

Question: Our new and upcoming partner will help us in which way?

Answer: Oracle blockchain — to provide data and price feeds.


Telegram User:

Why did you decide to switch from ERC-20 chain to TRC-20 just before your pre sale?

xTRX Manager: We are launching our xBridge service in 2021 Jan and we want to host an event of converting our own contract from erc-20 to trc-20 as a demonstration of the service.

Telegram User:

Can you explain the hedging option without negative Rebase feature of your platform? How does it works? How to obtain no negative rebase for xTRX platform?

xTRX Manager: We have a deflationary mechanism instead of the negative rebase to increase the scarcity of the tokens. A certain percentage of tax would be collected and a part of it will be shared to the holders. The remainder will be burned automatically.

Telegram User:

Can you list 1–3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

xTRX Manager: Not having a negative rebase to provide the most benefits to the users is one of the killer features. The all in one DeFi protocol of xSuite is the next and our price peg is the last.

Telegram User:

Projects that are not traded on major exchanges remain unnoticed. What do you think about listing the token on the leading exchanges?

xTRX Manager: We will be listing on Uniswap as soon as our sale is completed. We are discussing with multiple CEX at the moment and you can expect it to be listed by the end of the month.

Telegram User:

Investors are afraid of scam, exchange is afraid of scam, partners are afraid of scam, so what does Your project guarantee not to scam investors?

xTRX Manager: We are backed by reputable partners who have conducted their due dilligence to check that we are reliable.

Telegram User:

Can you provide an overview of your tokenomics? Will the design of the token increase and decrease with the success of the platform, does it include any scarce pathways, such as equity, storage, or burning?

xTRX Manager: A detailed tokenomics can be found here: https://xtrx.medium.com/xtrx-token-metrics-in-detail-5771d046f8a2. And also, the token amount will always either increase or be the same because there is no negative rebases.

Telegram User:

How do you plan to promote about your project in different countries where English is not spoken very well? Do you have a local community so they can understand your project?

xTRX Manager: We have community managers from around the world to answer your questions :)

Telegram User:

What do you think is the biggest problem xTRX will solve which is not solved by other projects and why is the problem important to solve?

xTRX Manager: I think the most important part is that it is adding an additional layer of protection to the volatile market. As the price fluctuation within the market is quite large, it is always better to have an insurance rather than fully depending on the market.

Telegram User:

Do you have a plan to help boost token demand and scarcity? will there be a burning or repurchasing program to create price and demand stability?

xTRX Manager: Yes, are deflationary mechanism burns and increases the scarcity of the tokens.

Telegram User:

I wanted to follow your project for the long term. Where i can get all the latest news about your project? Do you have Twitter/Telegram/Discord community? If yes can you share the link here because there is a lot of fake telegram/twitter groups?

xTRX Manager: Our website is xtrx.finance. Our community is https://t.me/xtrxofficial.

Telegram User:

The elastic supply is constantly changing. What are your recommendations for investors about it, when to buy? An increase in supply will reduce the price dramatically, how can that be avoided or reduced in xTRX tokenomics?

xTRX Manager: For the case of xTRX, it is simply better to buy as early as possible because the supply is not going to decrease with its no negative rebase solution. The longer you hold, the more tokens you will have in your wallet.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you for your time, xTRX Manager. Final Words for Community please.

xTRX Manager: Wow that was great guys. Thank you for your time and support.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: And please share the Sale when it starts in less than 1 minute.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

Website: https://crypto-revolution.io

Telegram group: https://t.me/crypto_revolution1

Twitter: https://twitter.com/revolut20?s=09

Our Partner:

Website: https://xtrx.finance/

Telegram group: https://t.me/xtrxofficial

Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/xtrxcommunity

Twitter: https://twitter.com/xTRX_Official

Medium: https://medium.com/@xtrx

