YUI Finance AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Telegram group

Crypto Revolution Masters
9 min readNov 19, 2020


On 15th of November, YUI Finance conducted an AMA in Crypto Revolution Community. Our guest was Yui Admin, CMO of YUI Finance. Impressive interest from our Community with a lot of questions on Telegram. Let’s take a look at most interesting points of the AMA.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay guys. It’s time for another portion of Crypto Revolution AMAs. Let’s welcome YUI Finance. Welcome Yui Admin.

Yui Admin: Hello all! Happy to be here!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Happy to have you with us. Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how did you get involved into Crypto? What experience you have?

Yui Admin: Nice question. I am the CMO of Yui.Finance. I was a social media & marketing manager before the crypto. Keep doing same with YUI. I have also managed some crypto projects before as a marketing manager.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Nice. Were they successful?

Yui Admin: Some of them were very successful and some failed due to the bad timing. I can’t share the details since we decided to being anon in YUI. YUI must be a community driven project if we are talking about being decentralization.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Got it.

Yui Admin: We know how hard to trust anon projects these days. That’s why we are here for a fully public and audited contract:


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you. Nice. So Contract is Audited?

Yui Admin: Yes. Our contract has been audited by BLOCKCHAIN CONSILIUM which has audited popular projects before. You can verify the audit result below:


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay please introduce YUI Finance to the Community in few simple sentences.

Yui Admin: Sure! Main purpose of the YUI is to combine NFT & DeFi worlds! Our main features will be: Staking, Lending & Borrow and NFT.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Two very hot topics at the moment.

Yui Admin: Correct! The crypto world is changing rapidly. We have to follow current topic if we want to be here for a long-term success.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: So your Private Sale was successful. Right now you are at your Public Sale right?

Yui Admin: Yes. Private sale did hard cap 2 days earlier than we expect. We are in per-sale phase at the moment. 106 ETH raised and we have 117 holders!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Nice Achievement. Could you please share the details for the Public Sale?

Yui Admin: Pre-sale is going a bit slower than we expected due to the recent rugged projects but we still targeting to hit hardcap.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. A lot of rug pulls lately.

Yui Admin: Pre-Sale Page: https://www.yui.finance/token-sale

Pre-Sale Address: 0x5530AF4758A33bE9Fd62165ef543b5E2e6742953

Pre-sale price: 1 ETH= 20 YUI

Hard cap: 250 ETH

Uniswap Listing: 17th November 18:00 UTC

Token sale page is fully automated. Investors get their tokens directly once they send ETH to the token sale address.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Chat pay attention here. So why you guys decided to go through Presales and not listing straight on Uniswap?

Yui Admin: Good question. Let’s talk honestly.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. Let’s be transparent.

Yui Admin: Most of these kind of projects which list directly without pre-sale are the owners of previously rugged projects. We are sure about that. Check their groups. Check the shillers. All same! They can list on Uniswap and add liquidity without running a presale because they have enough ETH to add liquidity from previous projects.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Lol. Yeah. There is logic in this. I agree.

Yui Admin: Other option is that they are adding 100 ETH liquidity but earning 500 ETH by minting new tokens or selling their own tokens. Check their chats.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Lol.

Yui Admin: All same. Lots of porn gifs.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Haha. Yeah I see a lot of this groups lately. Lol.

Yui Admin: Useless comments by paid shillers etc. I am sure that you got my point.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeap. What will happen if you don’t reach the Hard Cap in Public Sale?

Yui Admin: We are doing pre-sale because we have not 1000 ETH from previously rugged proejcts :) Likewise we don’t have mint option. Also, team tokens are locked for 6 months.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Got you.

Yui Admin: Even staking tokens locked for 3 weeks (will be unlocked once the staking platform released). To sum up, we don’t want to be rich by dumping our tokens on our investors after exchange listing. Pre-sale is more fair.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Another question and I’m really curious about your Answer. A lot of people don’t participate in Presales cause they think after listing all people will sell and dump on them? What is your Advice here?

Yui Admin: Good question. All about creating a hype at listing with continuous updates. First dumps come if the team being late on liquidity lock. We fixed this problem by locking the pre-sale tokens. Pre-sale tokens will be unlocked 5 minutes later Uniswap listing. This will avoid us from fudders.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. Got it.

Yui Admin: Secondly, we are dealing with some middlemans to speed up CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko listings.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah Coingecko and CMC Listing is always good to be done quickly. Could you please mention few words for YUI Finance Tokenomics?

Yui Admin: To sum up, we are aiming a hype with continuous announcements & developments to support our token value.


Total Supply: 28.000 YUI

Staking: 7500 YUI ( Locked for 3 weeks — untill the staking live)

Marketing: 2000 YUI ( 50% released for private, presale and Uniswap marketing, 50% locked for the 3 months)

Team: 3000 YUI (Locked for 6 months)

Pre-sale: 5000 YUI

Private-sale: 1500 YUI

Uniswap and Exchange Listings: 9000 YUI


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you. This is a good information.

Yui Admin: You can double check all the wallets and token amounts here.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: When is Uniswap listing?

Yui Admin: Uniswap listing date is 17th November 18:00 UTC.

Yui Admin: Also, we have some good news which will show that we are here for a long-term success.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. I was going to ask about Bilaxy.

Yui Admin: Bilaxy will list us one day later Uniswap listing.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: You think Bilaxy will be good one for first CEX Listing?

Yui Admin: Yes. We observed all of these kind of medium tier exchanges. Bilaxy definetely doesn’t dump project’s tokens. They will be good to create enough volume to apply top volume exchanges after the platform released.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Got it. You plan more CEXs Listings till end of November?

Yui Admin: Yes. We are aiming to list on one more CEX. Can not give a guarantee yet. We have to see Bilaxy & Uniswap results first.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: What kind of Marketing you plan to do except AMAs?

Yui Admin: AMAs are the most fair marketing way for both side (investors and project owners).

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. I agree.

Yui Admin: We negotiate Twitter, 4chan and Telegram influencers atm. We have to get enough hype at first listing. Also we are planning to hire banner places on CoinGecko, 4chan and Etherscan. Still making a deep research on this.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Oh nice. This will definitely bring more Awareness. Could you please tell me why people have to consider your Project as a GEM, as I really don’t like that Word in Crypto. But you know so many people are using it? Why YUI Finance is GEM in your opinion? What is your long term Vision for it?

Yui Admin: I don’t use GEM. Never. We can not guarantee 10,100 or 1000x, however our initial supply will be max 9K YUI only. You know what does it mean. YFI showed us what does it mean.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: You don’t but all shilling groups do. Lol. I don’t like it either.

Yui Admin: Again. All are about to create enough hype and trust. If people keep trusting us, they won’t sell at 2–3x and all will wait for more. This will bring us a real success with continuous development & marketing.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: So many people today enter the Project just if they see price is going up. Than they sell and leave. This are the Moon Boys who are big Procent of people in Crypto today which is very sad in my opinion. And the other side is when people see price going down they start to Fud. You have any solution here?

Yui Admin: Fuds can be avoided by being active on social media.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: I’ve seen already few Projects going in bad direction cause they got shilled in some of the Shilling groups out there, than people sell at ATH and the people who bought at ATH started really bad Fud.

Yui Admin: Fud can be managed easily, If the project owners cover all the questions & problems related the fuds.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. I totally agree with you. Okay. Thank you for all the Answers. I think we covered everything. And I am really satisfied with your Answers. Ready for some questions from Community. I definitely can recommend people to participate in your Project but always do DYOR guys.

Yui Admin: Thanks for your time. Let me share one more thing: Staking Platform Demo is Ready! Feel free to watch it and let us know if you have any suggestion! We have one more cool announcement soon. Stay tuned!

Please watch the staking platform demo above and share your feedbacks in our group (https://t.me/YuiFinance). Thanks!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: You still have to answer Community questions when I open the chat. Little different AMA here.

Yui Admin: Sure. Show must go on!


Telegram User:

What is the reason forced you to choose ERC-20 to support this token actually $YUI has so high gas fee for transactions?

Yui Admin: Good point! Our staking platform will require only $1–2 fee instead of $100+. Our devs are working hard to provide a really good and user friendly platform.

Telegram User:

If anybody thinks your project really likes a scam project, and they can’t trust this project. How do you make them believe in your project?

Yui Admin: This is the biggest problem we have faced so far. We are trying to get their trust by being transperent. Check our codes, all public and audited.

Telegram User:

What’s your plans for global expansion, on building and developing or getting customers and users, or partnerships?

Yui Admin: Good question. We are planning to do some partnerships in future. But we should have a working product for this. We already have some ongoing negotiations with some popular crypto projects and trying to finalize the deal before Uniswap listing but can not give an exact date and project name yet.

Telegram User:

Why did you create this token? Is there a special reason behind naming this token?

Yui Admin: Our main purpose is to combine NFT and DeFi worlds as I stated before. The token name comes from original character on our website, YUI HINATA.

Telegram User:

Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?

Yui Admin: We will burn unsold tokens right after the token sale. Also we are discussing the burn some of marketing tokens.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thanks for your time, Yui Admin. Final Words for Community please.

Yui Admin: You’re welcome! We know how hard to believe anon projects these days, but we need your support as a legit project. I can not push you to buy from pre-sale but, please join our community and follow the process. You can jump in whenever you feel more comfortable. You can always ask your questions in DM or our community. I will reply all! Have a great day/night!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you. Like your positive and transparent Vibe.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:

Website: https://crypto-revolution.io

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/revolut20?s=09

Our Partner:

Website: https://www.yui.finance/

Telegram group: https://t.me/YuiFinance

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceYUI

