2 min readJun 18, 2018


In simple terms, cryptoriya is the first blockchain technology that gives users the ability to exchange cryptocurrency for cash irrespective of location. Of recent, cryptoriya has gained ground in the digital market. As a result, anyone can pay for any good or service without carrying cash around.

In order to provide customers with an easy blockchain tech, the team at Cryptoriya has continuously operated via some basic principles. As a result of the areas they intend to cover and conditions they want to meet, there are conditions that have guided their operation.

The Cryptoriya seek to address some issues in the financial aspect of the less privileged societal member. Thus, a mix of existing agents network, array of traditional cards and advanced technology come together to make the effort a success.

As a result, in building the Cryptoriya tech, the following key areas were considered:

1. Cash remains the primary means of exchange in the entire world.

2. Middle men, alongside brokers all make the process expensive.

3. What the cryptoriya product seeks is to make peer to peer transaction possible.

4. With the use of smart contracts, trust can be automated and created between participants.

5. Speed and efficiency should back up all exchange of values

6. Many of the population do not understand crypto. They don’t understand how it works and are also unwilling to commit.

· Design and Approach

To achieve maximum security, the base technology will be very strong. There is the cryptoriya wallet that will be based on all blockchain platforms. There is the P2P exchange which works based on a strong matching process. The Crypto to cash seeks to make cash available within minutes to customers. The crypto to bank makes it easy for users to transfer their cryptocurrency to the bank etc. The crypto to card makes it possible for users to send their cryptocurrency to their debit card — be it visa or master card.

· The Development Roadmap

The cryptoriya’s team is governed by a clear vision achieved via a developed roadmap for the technology. For the sake of accountability, the team operates via a stage approach with each stage having its deliverables.

1. Stage 1: This is the official meeting of the team after the market research. The alpha platform will test blockchain with real data.

2. Stage 2: With the success of the alpha version, the PRE-ICO will be launched.

3. Stage 3: This will make available a full working Beta version. It is made to include a CRYPTORIYA Wallet, CRYPTO TO CRYPTO & CRYPTO TO BANK ACCOUNTS as well as CRYPTO TO CARD TRANSFER.

4. Stage 4 is the start of the public ICO that will involve the token being listed on the exchange.

5. The fifth stage is where the DEBIT CARDS get launched to all customers

6. The 6th stage sees the Cryptoriya P2P and P2P exchange launch for public use. This will make many adopt the usage.

7. The seventh stage involves further development to increase the amount of transaction on the platform




#1 Global decentralized network to Cash-Out or Exchange Any CryptoCurrency. Zero Fees, Peer To Peer & Peer To Exchange. Based on deeply research.