ICO Review: Blocklancer: Scam ICO Alert

2 min readSep 4, 2017


No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.

This is their team tagline. And looking at their Website it should be clear to them that it really takes an orchestra to play a symphony. You don’t raise 25 million Dollars with such a website & thrash demo site (More about it later).

Blocklancer ICO Site

So are these bunch of teenagers really capable of launching a serious Freelancer platform. No Way Jose! Their Roadmap starts with Concept Creation & before they even have a business plan & use cases, they concentrate on creating a Smart Contract to raise money for their Lambos.

Their next stop on the Roadmap is API & Tools & Start Building Up User base…really? These guys have no idea of any Software Development lifecycle. They have probably used their computers to search for terms like “How to get rich fast?”.

I flipped through their White Paper to realise that the so called System Architecture is some text copied from other websites and not really in any way close to a System Architecture.

They want to compare themselves with famous websites like Freelancer & Upwork. All the facts presented about those websites is absolutely false & no way they should even dare to compare themselves with those established websites. I have personally used both the websites since last 5 years & I have seen them evolved over time. Just by taking less commission they are not going to attract any one to their platform.

And specially not if their demo looks like a website from 1992.

Demo Website of Blocklancer

I would love to point out more mistakes, but I think I have made my point already. I would advise everyone to stay away from this thrash ICO, but do your own due diligence.

The whole crypto community is flooded with the lots of scam ICOs & it is normally the small investors who lose money. Please do your own research & don’t be in any rush to invest in ICOs. There will be many good ICOs to come in near future.




I am a Crypto Investor & Enthusiast since 2014. Love investing in new technologies & ICOs.