Introduction of Crypto Sanguo’s new Land and Battle System

Crypto Sanguo
4 min readNov 3, 2019


The development of the new system is still going on. Our goal is to make the game more strategic and to better simulate the battle environment of the ancient China.

Current work:

All the time resets at 8am Beijing time (or 8pm New York time). Here 1 day means 8am to 8am.

1) Player can buy land from the system or from other players; renting a land is also possible.

With the land, player can deploy up to three heroes on it, and by doing so, the heroes will gain additional 40% SGT (Sanguo Token) drops when battling with NPC.

Additionally, by deploying heroes on to multiple particles of land, the player’s token assets will be evenly distributed among the particles, thus less likely to lose his token in PvP battle.

2) If the player buy land from the system, by paying 100,000 IOST or 200,000 IOST, he becomes a king of a state.

King immediately gets 50–100 particles of land, and if he doesn’t need so much, he can sell and rent out them.

Players who buy or rent land from the king becomes a land owner or renter. Land owners have the right to relocate to a new state, but renters can’t do so.

3) In the new battling system, there are land owners/renters and no-landers.

No-landers can be attacked twice per day, 5% per time; and the attacker needs to spend 2 points of stamina, plus 200 SGT in the 2nd time.

Land owners/renters are placed in states by defaut, and they can’t be attacked directly before the state is defeated.

To defeat a state, one needs to click the “Attack” button on the state screen, spends 1 point of stamina, and then he will be randomly matched with a player in the state.

After all the randomly matched players in the state are defeated, the state itself becomes defeated. Now it’s the time to attack the owners/renters inside the state freely (again twice per day, and 2 points of stamina per time).

Planed work:

1) 80% of the IOST proceeds of selling lands will go to a new dividend pool (or pot), called land owner’s pool.

Currently we sold 1.1 million IOST, and 80% of them is 880,000 IOST (10 % for the 3-tier referral system, 10% for the team).

Proceeds in this pool will be rewards to land owners once per week, and 5% per time.

As we sell more land in the future, more IOST will be added into this pool.

2) The system will charge 3–6% tax of SGT on states depending on its size; and kings will be allowed to charge tax with a custom tax rate on land owners/renters.

The SGT charged by the system will be kept in each state’s small pool / pot, and will accumulate until the state is defeated.

The attackers who made contribution to the defeat will share SGT.

3) King will have the power to protect certain players inside his state, so that these players won’t be matched randomly during the attack, until the state itself is defeated.

4) NPC managed states and tasks will be added in the future, and by battling in these tasks, players can get new rare items.


1) Why should I buy a land?

A: To mine 40% additional SGT, and to prevent others from snatching your SGT. Only land owners get dividends from the land owner’s pool.

2) Why should I rent a land?

A: If you can’t afford to buy one, then you should rent. The disadvantage of renting is that you can’t relocate the land to a new state of your choice, and you don’t get dividends from the land owner’s pool.

3) Why should I become a king?

A: King is actually a wholesaler. He buys land from the system in batch, and retain the land to other players. Moreover, he has the right to charge taxes.

If the king sells all land in his state, he still keeps the shell of the state. In the future, we will allow trading of states.

4) The system seems complicated. What if I don’t buy or rent?

A: Relatively, you get less SGT, comparing to those who bought or rent land. However, it’s very fair, they paid for it.

5) If I buy or rent a land, but I didn’t use the land, am I a no-lander?

A: Yes you are.

6) When being attacked, do I lose less or more from the new battling system?

A: As a land owner or renter, the maximum amount you can lose is 5–10% per day; and as a no lander, the maximum amount you can lose is also 5–10% per day. It’s the same as the old system.

However, there is one scenario that one player was a no lander, been attacked, then he buys or rents a land, and been attacked on the land again. In this case, if he is not lucky, he will lose up to 20% per day.

It’s also possible that a land owner/renter lose his land and becomes a no lander after selling or the land owner takes the land back. We plan to force all land lord to rent with the term of 15 days or 30 days, so that the case won’t happen very often.

Anyway, it’s complicated. We will try our best to solve this problem.

7) The game is getting more and more complicated, and it scared me. Is it good?

A: The Crypto Sanguo game is more of an experiment. We want to test and push the boundary of blockchain games.

We will try our best to make it more new player friendly. And if you have any good suggestions or interesting ideas, let us know.

