Blockchain: A Financial Revolution — CASHAA the Fintech Powerhouse!

7 min readJun 27, 2018


Remarkable as to how the world acknowledges Fiat as a definitive source of value. How it has transformed the world from its inception as a form of somewhat stable value and a go to as a stable payment option in every facet of transactions of business and trade. But one is not to forget that Fiat is a volatile form of a store of value that hinges on world politics.

Without any material backing to its value; We remind ourselves that, Fiat’s whole genesis was based on the perception of a few men gathered around a table and decided that the printed paper with a recognizable set of distinct markings would be declared “legal” tender and have a value backed by the governments promises. This was the pivotal base of the modern day barter system that we currently utilize and “enjoy” and know as Fiat or loosely speaking, “money”; which has established itself as the preferred medium of exchange and adhered to for all business and trade to date.

FIAT’s successor?

Fast forward to today and what is happening to the world with the introduction of the digital age.

The world has transformed drastically with the inception of the the computer and the internet. In all things, there is a natural progression towards betterment of a system. This has been seen throughout time. Computers have evolved from a room size system to what we can hold in our hands today and to further unimaginable microscopic uses. It has also revolutionized how people and business interact on a daily basis.

What about the financial system, what about the value we apply to a country’s established Fiat pairing of value. Introducing BlockChain and BTC and the alternative spin-offs which we commonly refer to as, “Alt Coins” (Alternative Coins). Until today, this insurgence of a truly decentralized form of value that has been developing for the past few years; Fiat has not had a true challenger to it’s status quo, for which has been the dominant form of a measure of value and the way in which it is utilized and kept.

Breaking the Traditional Financial System bondage?

The fear of losing control and power over its people; are the fear of every country’s government. Understandably so, but what power are they really losing with a globally inclusive decentralized financial system. No longer are financial restrictions a factor that holds a country’s people behind with such an influence from a government centric system of perceived value.
With the Banks, we are seeing more and more restrictions being put in place to stem this financial inclusion of the masses; they are naturally showing this fear of inevitable transition from the monopoly by which we operate under. This monopoly has been bestowed upon central banks with the blessing of the respective governments in their respective countries, for long enough. They produce, distribute and control the flow of Fiat for the past many years and profit heavily from the expense of ordinary folk via extraordinary fees. Until now, there has not been a truly worthy challenger to the status quo on how this whole system operates.

Ask yourself now, Why can’t I be in control of my own money, when and where I would like to use it; with less hassle and less outrageous fees and total transparency, accountability and auditability?

A WORTHY Successor ??

Fast forward a few years from Blockchain’s and the BTC’s inception, we are now seeing an explosion of conceptual brilliance and use-case scenarios that will utilize the Blockchain Technology. The advent of companies of Alternatives Coin (“Alt Coins”) to BTC are growing everyday in a revolutionary way, more than ever before. Forthcoming:

  1. There is no longer a limit as to where the funds of an individual can be remitted to.
  2. Reduction in extraordinary fees in transacting overseas.
  3. Businesses are no longer limited to a specific location of trade and foreign exchange barriers.
  4. Businesses and Individuals are not limited to the financial institutions they are “privileged” to use and subsequently strong armed to transact with, for extraordinary fees.
  5. People can have a say in fair governance in a majority and democratic format.
  6. Accountability and Auditability of funds and funding is absolute and transparent.

Then ask yourself, why are the banks needed anymore?

Of course they are needed, people like to know they are being looked after from a authoritative point of view to feel secure. It is human nature to want to feel secure in some form or fashion. But Banks are not the issue, as they are just an intermediary vessel to do transactions of value between 2 entities, be it person and/or business. Banks are just another form of a business entity, that has been made a necessity on behalf of and by the governments. As in every and any business that has ever existed, change is inevitable.

It has come to this point where Banks must adapt to the evolution and the inevitable revolution of the concept of Fiat; in order to retain that trust that Banks have built up over the many years of their existence. Examples of some Alt Coin Platforms that are taking that step ahead of the banks in this new technological engineering of Blockchain Technology, are Ripple, OMG, Humaniq and one very under the radar Alt Coin called: Cashaa (CAS), just to mention a few. Cashaa, in particular, is a hidden gem that stands out head and shoulders above the rest, and it would be an injustice not to highlight the huge impact that will be becoming of this particular company.

CASHAA — A Full-Stack Fintech Banking Platform

CASHAA, is an all encompassing Global Remittance Company that will have a similar feel to the traditional bank with its financial products’ offerings, but is not an actual bank. Their goal and mantra ironically, is to “Bank the Unbanked” and to capture the whole brilliant concept of the blockchain technology under one umbrella in the Fintech Arena among it’s current and future competitors in the space and ahead of it’s archaic competitors, the traditional Banks.

Cashaa is attempting to treat its customers as to how banks should have been taking care of its customers, but on a global scale; fairly with little to no barriers of utility. They have undertaken this doable challenge as a first mover advantage primarily in India, as well as other countries in Europe, Americas, Africa and Asia, for which they are attempting to “Bank the Unbanked” and in so doing:

  1. Establish themselves as a full service platform for Remittance in Crypto to Fiat / Fiat to Crypto. They would directly transact between its users with either their new blockchain platform and the traditional banks in a legitimate compliant and regulatory handshake (depending on regulations).
  2. Aim to have Cross-border payments made in less than 30 Mins, 24/7, 365 days per year.
  3. Single click security & user controlled restrictions on funds as necessary.
  4. Micro-financing or Lending for those who it was not previously availed to, Legitimate Credit score rating, and much more.

Cashaa users will have one account to store, save, spend, receive, borrow and get insured on this highly integrated system with the option of various crytpocurrencies and fiat options.

Payments will be settled across the world in 200+ countries in local currencies with seamless flow between crypto and fiat exchanges. Also, the platform is upgraded to follow strong KYC, AML policies and compliance to make it fully compliant with regulations, regardless of location.

Businesses and Companies will have the option to utilize and partner with Cashaa, together with it’s CAS token utility, so as to run a more efficient back-end operation of their financial affairs. This would allow for transacting freely and seamlessly from the cryptocurrency realm back and forth with the traditional fiat financial system, as well as the crypto to crypto remittance and exchange. Partnerships such as this, will provide an outlet for these emerging business and companies and existing ones to integrate and transition with this new financial medium as it becomes a mainstay. Some onboard partners noteworthy to mention are , Populous, MegaXstore and Boon Tech to name a few.
For Further reading, Cashaa’s concise overview of its vision can be seen at it’s Cashaa’s whitepaper synopsis along with it’s roadmap.

Cashaa News:

CONCLUSION : We are witnessing the Evolution and Revolution of an outdated or soon to be outdated way of storing value, doing business and executing transactions on a global scale. For far too long there has not been an answer to this stifling grasp of business in the financial sector, until now. If there is to be a truly inclusive world for mankind, this is one of the necessary steps forward.

Either ADAPT , ADOPT or get left behind. Cashaa and many others will be the catalyst to this global inclusion and mass adoption towards true financial freedom.

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Hodl me this, Hodl me that. Take me to the moon and not come back. Financial Freedom is the journey and the end game is happiness and self legacy.