MonsterNFT Instruction

2 min readSep 27, 2021

Monster NFT is a kind of NFT asset randomly generated and stored on the blockchain with different names, careers, and random properties, which can be used in any scene. The rarity of monster NFT is determined by its career, properties, and game ecology. Level, scene, and appearance are omitted as part of further expansions.

Contract Address


Step1. Click on:

Step 2. Pay 10 FTM with claim function to summon a monster

You can also easily claim your Monster from the website


Quantity and Distribution

The total amount of Monster NFT is 11,000. Among which, the first 10,000 are randomly distributed to community users and the rest 1,000 belong to the development team.

Career and Property

Monster’s property is constituted of 60 points of basic properties and 30 points of random properties. The basic properties are as follows:

Monster Dictionary

There are 79 kinds of monsters and 15 kinds of careers that have the corresponding numbers as follows:

Monster Prefix

We design some interesting adjectives that can be randomly united with monsters as follows:


Future Outlook

A complete metaverse contains not only heroes but also monsters. Community developers are welcome to interact with the metaverse to build more fun game scenes. Please feel free to contact us for any developers, art designers, and game planners who are interested in our game. Let’s strive together to create the metaverse ecology.

Community & Rewards

  • We will continue to hold community activites to reward good ideas and creative developments for Rarity and MonsterNFT Meta Universe.
  • Welcome to commmit new expansions and front end web pages.
  • Welcome developers with the same interests to contact us.


Q: Why should I have to pay 10FTM to claim one MonsterNFT ?
A: There’s a negligible gas fee for claim one MonsterNFT on Fantom currently. To prevent arbitrary claims and over-concentration, you have to pay a set rate for the claim of MonsterNFT. Eventually FTMs will be awarded to the people who have made an outstanding contribution to the community.




We are a dedicated decentralized gamefi team with a strong expertise built along the years within the Blockchain industry.