MST Tokenomics(Part One): MST, veMST, gMST

7 min readJan 14, 2022


It’s no secret we’ve been working to bring staking and vesting to the Metaland economy. Proud parents of freshly hatched monsters have been asking us daily for the specifics, and while we aren’t ready quite yet to reveal some of our more ambitious plans, today we’re going to start giving some more concrete details on the kinds of rewards you can look forward to, and the methods of getting them. So let’s jump into it!

As you know, MST is used to incentivize behaviors that benefit the Metaland Game ecosystem, so let’s give a little recap of where we stand. We will be exploring and incentivizing multiple forms of GameFi within Metaland. The development team hopes to build upon and expand the good work already done in this space, and together with community members, explore more advanced models of community governance. To this end, we’ve developed two forms of governance token: GameDao (gMST) and DeFiDao (veMST)

  1. Through game governance, we aim to stimulate game creativity and enrich game scenarios. The challenge laying ahead is to balance and rebalance the interests of late entrants and early players.
  2. Through financial governance we expect to drive the glamour and growth of the game. The challenge here is to balance and rebalance the interests of ordinary players and investors.


MST is the governance token of the Metaland Game community.

Token symbol: MST

Address: 0x152888854378201e173490956085c711f1DeD565

Total Supply: 100,000,000

Max Supply: 100,000,000

Circulating Supply:1,454,045


Released details for now

  1. Initial liquidity pool, 1%
    1,000,000 MST released
  2. Foundation Reserve, 5%
    138,888 MST released
  3. Airdrop, 1%
    315,157 MST released

DeFiDao (veMST) + GameDao (gMST)


veMST is obtained by locking MST.

MST holders can lock their MST into the DeFiDAO to receive veMST. The longer they lock for, the more veMST they receive. Vote locking allows you to vote in governance, receive your MST rewards and receive game revenue.

veMST stands for voting escrow MST. They are your MST locked for voting.

  • The number of veMST you will receive depends on how long you lock your MST for. The minimum locking time is one week and the maximum locking time is four years.
    1 MST locked for 6 month = 0.12 veMST
    1 MST locked for 1 year = 0.25 veMST
    1 MST locked for 2 year = 0.5 veMST
    1 MST locked for 4 year = 1 veMST
  • veMST is NFT.
  • One veMST NFT will be awarded every time players locked their MST .
  • Holding veMST can be rewarded with game earnings.
  • Holding veMST can be rewarded with released MST
  • Players holding veMST can participate in game governance voting, with voting power decreasing over time.
  • veMST as NFT can be transferred, and exchanged at secondary market, each one’s value is related to the amount of MST players locked.


gMST is obtained by locking MST. gMST can only be held by game characters(Monster, Heroes).

MST holders can lock their MST into the GameDAO to receive gMST. 1 MST can be exchanged for 1 gMST. gMST needs to be locked for a fixed amount of hours, after which it can be redeemed back to MST.

gMST represents the identity rights of the characters in the game, which could be used to select tribe representatives, govern distribution of assets in the game, participate in special dungeons, or guild governance etc.

  • gMST is obtained by locking MST
  • MST:gMST exchange ratio 1:1
  • gMST can only be possessed by the game character
  • To Transfer gMST between characters is not allowed.
  • The unlocking time of gMST is calculated according to the last locking time
  • Holding gMST will grant players the right to decide how to distribute the proceeds of the vault


Game governance (GameDAO) is created and improved by game makers and players; financial governance (DeFiDAO) is jointly managed by veMST holders. Users can complete the value transfer through the portal, as follows:

  • If the gamer wants to make a difference in the game, he can deposit MST into the vault and replace it with the in-game value gMST. AssetBox will map the corresponding gMST value for that game character.
  • Gamers could participate in DeFi governance by depositing MST in the vault and exchanging it for veMST to gain voting rights.

As always in the crypto space, our plans for Metaland are always evolving, and the power of these governance tokens is only going to grow as we add features to both the game world and the economy that supports it. At the moment you need significant technical ability to meaningfully describe yourself as a dungeon master in this space, but as tools mature, we hope to clear obstacles between good game makers and those who want to play what they make.

That’s it for today! In the next installments, we’re going to get deeper into the financial governance, and then the first new gameplay feature: Mining Field. Until then, keep hatching!

The March Of Progress

The elder had told them to stand firm. The taboo-breaker’s forces wouldn’t touch them, they wouldn’t dare, they were here to swell their forces, not make enemies. Still, standing here in front of a monstrous warrior easily thrice his size, Roland’s tongue would not come unstuck from the roof of his mouth.

“Tell me where the shade is, puny fey,” said the humanoid, leering. Their enormous chest was a tapestry of violence, depictions of butchery in war, and every gory trophy offered in devotion to the dark figure in the centre. “Speak afore my blade sings. Speak, and maybe only one need die tonight.”

A wild thought crossed his mind, and he couldn’t shake it. Barbara. She looked like a Barbara.

Roland looked past Barbara’s shoulder, and saw the elder hidden amongst the gathering crowd just past his house, indistinguishable, unshakeable. He glanced back at the warrior, and she turned to look where he’d looked, then turned back and grinned.

“No!” Shouted Roland.The warrior turned around and smashed Roland’s door in, the holly wreath dropping to the floor, then hacked at it with their blade, before turning back to Roland.

“What a shame about your precious house! Now, where is it?”

Roland’s fist unclenched. Good, he hadn’t given the game away. Why was he worrying about himself, anyway? Injury to one was injury to all. The elder always taught them that being the elder simply meant seeing the world like the elder. He walked over to the house, picked up a rock, and threw it perfectly at one of his pots, smashing it to pieces.

“I can’t help you with that. If you want to smash my house, I suppose I can help you, if that helps you move on quicker, and I can start rebuilding sooner.”

For the first time now, Barbara looked uncertain, until the sound of a horn blasted through the village, and she rushed to the gap between the houses, putting one palm to her heart. “Now you’ll see, you little weirdo! Titanbane comes, and they’ll know what to do with your stupid village!”

Roland could not see past her body, but he heard heavy footfalls towards the village, then a soft, deep voice that carried.

“Will you not come out then, coward? You would hide amongst your children like an ant queen ready to sacrifice excess grubs?”

Though Roland could not see the figure blotting out the sun, he saw that every warrior in view was looking lovingly in that direction, while his neighbours acquitted themselves well, maintaining their best impression of the elders calm. Perhaps they would get through this after all, he thought.

“Very well. You have chosen this path yourself, and must live with it,” said the voice. Then there was a scream, and a body landed on top of his house, crushed and bleeding.

The villagers did not yet move. Several more were smashed into houses, before the elder held up a hand, and said “Wait. Enough.”

Roland thought they would be next, but instead the elder drew forth an ornate-looking dagger, then Roland started trying to push through, as the elder slit their own wrists and throat. They did not just fall to the ground, though. They presented their wounds outward, and smoke began to pour forth from them, emptying them like a husk until a great being of Shadow stood in the town centre.

“You are right.” Said the elder monster, their voice fuzzy like something heard in a dream. “They are my children, and unlike your parent, I must set a good example.”

“My parent died before I met them,” replied the voice, which Roland realised must be Titanbane. “I ate them. It was the best thing they could have done for me. Monsters don’t need weak parents.”

The elder darted forward, and the two great shadows wrestled with each other, until one was ripped in twain. A deep sighing noise came forth, and the shadow cast over the village grew longer and wider. Then it retreated, and without a word every soldier turned and followed it out of the village, hand still on chest.

Roland walked over to the body of the elder, still in disbelief. It looked less like a dead person and more like an empty husk. Whatever that Shade was, it had filled the elder all this time, unbeknownst to all, expertly moving every limb, teaching them right from wrong.

Roland turned and walked out of the village without even a goodbye. There was only one thing to do. Follow the path of destruction, find out what the end destination was, and make sure his people got a say. He owed the elder that much.






We are a dedicated decentralized gamefi team with a strong expertise built along the years within the Blockchain industry.