The Difference Between Open-Source and Closed-Source

The Crypto Stone
3 min readDec 30, 2019


Author’s note: Understanding the differences between closed-source & open-source projects is challenging and requires a paradigm shift from corporate-based thinking.

Traditional, Closed-Source Projects

Oftentimes, corporations create proprietary software, developed by their company and later sold to consumers. The companies pay for the development, shoulder the marketing expenses and retain any profits made thereafter. These projects are closed-source and their sole purpose is to make money.

The Basics of Open-Source Projects

An open-source project is a non-for-profit group of volunteers that come together to innovate, simply out of passion for their work. All of the work done on an open-source project is based on community contributions and involvement. There is not a profit-model for open source projects; contributions are done for free. The code is open to everyone to inspect, contribute, or use.

The nature of open-source projects means that the door is always open for anyone who wants to contribute, but also open to anyone who wishes to leave. There is not an organized hierarchy for community-led initiatives or to those who contribute, nor are there shareholders or investors. Marketing can exist, but these projects’ growth rely on organic contributions and word-of-mouth by active community participants. Increased community involvement is directly correlated with project growth.

Examples of Open-Source Projects

  • Bitcoin- The first and highest-valued Cryptocurrency platform
  • Ethereum- Distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality
  • Particl- Best-in-class private Dapp platform. Their flagship Dapp is the free to use, P2P: Marketplace
  • IPFS- Short for InterPlanetary File System, a new internet protocol
  • Hyperledger- a library of decentralized ledger tools and protocols

Now That I Understand How Open-Source Projects Work, How Can I Contribute?

Here is a link towards one strategy that can get you started with your favorite open-source project today:



The Crypto Stone

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