Unveiling Brian Armstrong’s Forgotten Companion: The Tale of Rex, the Iguana

4 min readMay 10, 2024


Brian Armstrong, CEO and founder of Coinbase

In the realm of cryptocurrency, Brian Armstrong stands as a towering figure, renowned as the co-founder and CEO of Coinbase, a platform instrumental in the adoption of digital currencies worldwide. Yet, behind the scenes of this titan of tech lies a charming anecdote from his childhood, one that involves an unexpected and often overlooked companion: a pet iguana named Rex.

The revelation of Rex’s existence emerged fleetingly in the documentary “Coin: A Founder’s Story.” In this cinematic journey into the life of Brian Armstrong, viewers caught a glimpse of a bygone era, where a young Armstrong shared his world not only with his beloved cats, Mochi and Toshi, but also with an emerald-green iguana, silently marking its presence in the backdrop of his formative years.

Coin: A Founder’s Story. A documentary of the life of Brian Armstrong and how he founded Coinbase

For those who followed Armstrong’s journey closely, the mention of an iguana came as a delightful surprise. Prior to this revelation, the prevailing notion among the public was that the CEO’s heart belonged solely to his feline companions. Mochi and Toshi, with their playful antics and endearing charm, had become synonymous with Armstrong’s affinity for pets, occupying the forefront of his narrative in the public eye.

The introduction of Rex, however, added a new layer to the narrative, reshaping perceptions and offering a glimpse into a lesser-known aspect of Armstrong’s upbringing. While the iguana remained unnamed throughout the documentary, astute observers pieced together fragments of information, connecting the dots to unveil the reptile’s identity.

screenshot from Coin: A Founder’s Story revealing Brian Armstrong’s green iguana

The key to unlocking this mystery lay in a seemingly innocuous Twitter exchange from 2019. In a conversation with another enthusiast of amphibious creatures, Armstrong casually dropped the name “Rex” while describing a green iguana he once owned. This seemingly insignificant detail, buried amidst the vast expanse of social media interactions, served as the missing link, bridging the gap between past and present, childhood memories and present-day reflections.

courtesy of X.com

The significance of Rex in Armstrong’s life extends far beyond the confines of a mere pet. As a companion during his formative years, the iguana played a pivotal role in shaping Armstrong’s worldview, instilling values of responsibility, empathy, and curiosity. In the sprawling landscape of his childhood home, Rex served as a silent observer, witnessing the highs and lows of Armstrong’s journey, offering solace and companionship in moments of solitude.

Iguanas, with their enigmatic allure and stoic demeanor, possess a unique charm that resonates deeply with those who welcome them into their lives. For Armstrong, Rex represented more than just a reptilian friend; he embodied resilience, adaptability, and a quiet strength that mirrored the CEO’s own ethos in navigating the turbulent waters of the tech industry.

artist’s rendition of a young Brian Armstrong with Rex, circa 1991

The revelation of Rex’s existence serves as a poignant reminder of the multifaceted nature of human experience, wherein the most unexpected encounters often leave the deepest imprints on our lives. In the case of Brian Armstrong, the addition of an iguana to his roster of pets paints a richer, more nuanced portrait of the man behind the myth, showcasing his capacity for love, compassion, and a deep-seated connection to the natural world.

As the curtain falls on the tale of Rex, the iguana who briefly graced the screens of “Coin: A Founder’s Story,” his legacy endures as a testament to the enduring bond between humans and animals. In a world fraught with uncertainty and upheaval, the simple act of sharing our lives with creatures great and small serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the inherent beauty and wonder that surrounds us, waiting to be unearthed.

