Swap Token Ecosystem — VOTING

Cryptoswap Global
1 min readNov 7, 2018


Vote is activity-based poll Swap Smart Contract. Suppose you are an investor and you want to invest in the platform, you will have the right to vote based on the number of tokens you hold and the number of tokens to be spent to vote depending on ability and your desire.Because the American President election campaign before a lot of events, the honesty of the current voting system was challenged several times by the politicians and the people who go to vote. That is cheating or not? With Smart contract, it is almost impossible to cheat at any cost.

If all the votes are stored on Blockchain, it helps we can hack and decrypt them. In addition, the nature of Smart contract may help the cumbersome process becomes simple and entirely over the network. Startup Blockchain as Horizon State desire a system of vote intelligently bach and without bias throughout the world. The voting results will be transformed into Blockchain and distribution on the nodes in the network. The whole data will be encrypted and totally anonymous. This method can remove plot to manipulate the elections.

