CryptoSwap Ecosystem — Swap fund

Cryptoswap Global
1 min readOct 1, 2018



Step 1: First you have to register your account with CryptoSwap, CryptoSwap will send you a confirmation code to confirm the reliability and security for your account.

Step 2: Log into your account and link CryptoSwap address for your ETH account you’ve registered and verified personal mail. Note: Address ETH is personal address. (Example: from, or applications for Trust Eth).

Step 3: Use the address registered ETH ETH into contracts to transfer information minh.With powerful optimization, intelligent platform to run on the contract CryptoSwap system, members can send from $ 200 to $ US $ 50,000.

Step 4: System Management Smart Swap Contract will automatically update the amount that you have just moved into a clear and transparent way possible.

Step 5: After every 12 days, Smart Contract system will automatically update the capital and the interest that you have corresponds to the amount you have contributed.

Step 6: Smart Contract will automatically calculate the amount including interest rate with interest the original maximum of up to 300% and deposited directly into your wallet that you do not need any of the other to get the amount on.

