Why Crypto Investments Have Intrinsic Value Compared to Stocks:
A Comparative Analysis

Crypto Talks
3 min readApr 2, 2024


by Phil,
Founder & CEO of Crypto Talks LTD.

In the realm of investing and finance, there’s a common assertion among stock investors that cryptocurrency investments are purely speculative, lacking any real underlying value. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that the opposite may hold true. Allow me to elaborate.

Understanding Stock Investments:

Stock investors often tout the idea of purchasing a share of a company, citing tangible assets and business backing as sources of value. Take Apple, for instance. Its products, such as iPhones, iPads, and iMacs, are undeniably popular. Yet, what truly renders these products valuable is the utility they offer — access to applications for communication, entertainment, finance, and more.

In essence, an iPhone’s worth lies in what it enables users to accomplish. But here’s the crucial question: Do you need to own Apple stock to benefit from its products? The answer is a resounding no. Stock ownership in Apple primarily serves as a speculative endeavor that hinges on the anticipation of price appreciation fueled by the assumption that the company will continue to produce desirable products. In essence, the value of Apple stock is predicated on speculative demand rather than intrinsic utility.

A Shift to Crypto Investments:

Now, let’s pivot to the realm of cryptocurrency, using Solana as a case in point. Solana operates as a Layer One blockchain, offering smart contract capabilities that empower developers to build decentralized applications (DApps) atop its robust infrastructure. Much like the Apple ecosystem, the value proposition of Solana lies in the utility it provides to users through these DApps.

Drawing parallels to the Apple example, individuals seek to use applications built on Solana’s blockchain for various purposes, ranging from decentralized finance (DeFi) to gaming and beyond. However, unlike traditional stocks, participation in the Solana ecosystem necessitates the possession of SOL tokens to facilitate transactions and interactions within the network. In this context, investing in SOL is akin to investing in both the underlying infrastructure (akin to owning Apple stock) and the indispensable product (reminiscent of owning an iPhone).

Divergent Paths:

It’s essential to recognize the distinction between stock investments and crypto investments. While stock ownership hinges on speculative demand driven by expectations of future company performance, cryptocurrency investments often possess inherent utility value tied to the functionality of blockchain networks and associated tokens.

In essence, investing in stocks may be viewed as a speculative endeavor, dependent on market sentiment and perceptions of future company success. Conversely, crypto investments, particularly those tied to blockchain platforms facilitating real-world applications, offer a more tangible value proposition rooted in utility and network participation.

Looking Ahead: The Inevitability of Crypto Utility

As we gaze into the future of finance and technology, it becomes increasingly apparent that the utility offered by cryptocurrencies like SOL may transcend speculative investment avenues. While stocks currently serve as vehicles for speculation and ownership in companies, their indispensability in everyday life remains limited. However, as blockchain technology continues to proliferate and decentralized applications become integral to various industries, the necessity of crypto tokens like SOL for accessing these ecosystems may become as ubiquitous as smartphones are today. In this paradigm shift, the true value of crypto investments lies not only in speculative gains but also in their potential to underpin fundamental shifts in how we interact with and navigate the digital landscape.



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