Introducing Crypto Thots: the Hottest NFTs on the Blockchain. Roadmap

Crypto Thots
5 min readMay 2, 2022


As our Crypto Thots’ first roadmap is unfolding on our website, we’ve decided it would be about time we revealed part of what we’ve been working on. Of course, plans are always subject to change — if we ever get a really exciting opportunity that’ll bring you and the project more value.

Until then, here’s our official roadmap that encompasses all that we are currently able to reveal. There still are spicy things cooking in the back, but what’s been guiding us from day one (and will keep defining our future plans) is our mission, vision, and values — which are as follows.

Introducing Crypto Thots: the Hottest NFTs on the Blockchain. Roadmap

Mentally prepare yourself for the ultimate NFT experience. NFT = Naturally Fine Thots…

What’s the Mission of Crypto Thots?

Through Crypto Thots, we’re aiming to help you become a P.I.M.P in the NFT Space & get rewarded for it. Rewards include the latest developments, the best information, and the ultimate thottery.

How about the Vision of Crypto Thots?

Simply put, our vision is for Crypto Thots to become more than your standard NFT project. By owning an NFT in the Peaches collection, you become a P.I.M.P who perceives thots as the shrewd businesswomen they are.

What are Crypto Thots’ Values?

What we’re all about at Crypto Thots is building a community-centered NFT space, as well as top-notch activations. We do that through our 3,333 unique art pieces depicting a wide selection of seductive characters craving your attention.

Now let’s dive into our roadmap, shall we?

How does our Crypto Thots Roadmap Unfold?

The (Crypto) Thots Emerge

First things first, we’re building the community and initial collection of 3,333 cryptothots. To get access to our initial 3,333 unique art pieces, we’re happy to announce the whitelist is now open — and you can claim it here. To join our community of 28,000 Discord users (and growing), you can grab your invite here.

Once you’ve completed these two simple tasks, you’ll have access to some of our initial perks:

  • We’ll be revealing sneak peeks (a.k.a thot peeks).
  • 666 Whitelist (a.k.a White Knight) spots will be made available and opening up for you.
  • You’ll get access to our newly introduced Instagram filters and giveaway contests.
  • We’ll be revealing the P.I.M.P path as the first thot rumors will spread amongst crypto influencers.
Introducing Crypto Thots: the Hottest NFTs on the Blockchain. Roadmap

(Crypto) Thot Takeover Initiated

At this point, thots will be gaining more traction amongst influencers in the NFT scene. As this happens, you’ll be part of the start of the (in)famous thottery lottery giving away over $10,000.

In the meantime…

  • You’ll be getting sneak peeks of the upcoming 3D version of the thots.
  • We’ll be onboarding more real-life thot models.
  • Our second collection, “Return of The Thots” will be dropping before you know it.

Decentralized Thottery

In the third stage of our roadmap, you’ll be one step closer to gaining that passive income. This is when 20% of mint revenue will flow back to the thot community, and 10% will be flowing back to charity. The cause we’ll be supporting will be announced later on.

At this point, we’ll be introducing the breed and mix functionality. Finally, you’ll be able to build your own thot harem. The thot mix functionality will enable you to mix your crypto thots’ backgrounds and traits to create your own perfect NFT thot. As you do this, you’ll already be P.I.M.P flashing around.

Introducing Crypto Thots: the Hottest NFTs on the Blockchain. Roadmap

From S.I.M.P. to P.I.M.P

Now this stage will the one where we’ll reveal the story of how you can become a P.I.M.P.

We’ll do that through:

  • Revealing information about the P.I.M.P coin — and how you can use it to advance on the P.I.M.P path.
  • Introducing the PPI (PASSIVE P.I.M.P) concept, to take the concept to a whole new level.

The purpose of this fourth stage is for you to stake your thots NFT(s) and get your slice of that sweet passive income.

The (Crypto) Thots Emerge

Once thot tyranny is complete we’ll be ready to reveal the ultimate 3D crypto thots collection. The Crypto thots will enter the Decentraland party in our club with a splash. The club is also where a 13ETH giveaway will be taking place.

For you to be able to show off your P.I.M.P-ing skills on the blockchain, in this fifth stage we’ll also be introducing a new game introduction: P2E (P.I.M.P 2 EARN). We’re looking forward to revealing more about this concept soon enough.

Introducing Crypto Thots: the Hottest NFTs on the Blockchain. Roadmap

Thus, if you’re looking for the latest developments, the best information, and the ultimate thottery… then join our Whitelist right now (as 666 Whitelist spots are available). And while we’re at it, don’t forget to join our fast-growing Discord community of 15,000 users.

She doesn’t belong to the streets. She belongs in your collection.

