The Top 5 Decentralized Perpetual Protocols to Make 50x-100x (GMX, LVL, GNS, MUX, PERP, +bonus)

4 min readJul 14, 2023


Decentralized perpetual protocols are a new breed of cryptocurrency exchange that offer traders the ability to trade perpetual contracts without the need for a centralized intermediary. These protocols are built on blockchain technology, which ensures that all trades are executed in a transparent and trustless manner.

Here are the top 5 decentralized perpetual protocols:

1. GMX

Buy $GMX token

Trade on GMX platform

Price July 2023: $57

Price 2025: $754 (x13)

GMX Perp Dex $GMX token

GMX is a decentralized perpetual protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain. It offers traders a wide range of features, including margin trading, leverage up to 100x, and a variety of order types. GMX is also one of the most liquid decentralized perpetual protocols, with over $100 million in daily trading volume.

2. gTrade

Buy $GNS token

Trade on GNS platform

Price July 2023: $4.6

Price 2025: $164 (x35)

gTrade Perp Dex $GNS token

gTrade is a decentralized perpetual protocol built on the Binance Smart Chain. It offers traders a similar set of features to GMX, including margin trading, leverage up to 100x, and a variety of order types. gTrade is also one of the most liquid decentralized perpetual protocols, with over $50 million in daily trading volume.

3. Level Finance

Buy $LVL token

Trade on LVL platform

Price July 2023: $3.5

Price 2025: $330 (x95)

Level Perp Dex $LVL $LGO Token

Level Finance is a decentralized perpetual protocol built on the BNB Chain. It offers traders a unique value proposition, as it allows them to trade perpetual contracts on a variety of assets, including stocks, commodities, and fiat currencies. Level Finance is also one of the most secure decentralized perpetual protocols, as it is backed by the insurance fund of the Level Protocol.

4. PERP protocol

Buy $PERP token

Trade on PERP platform

Price July 2023: $0.53

Price 2025: $33 (x62)

PERP Dex $PERP Token

PERP protocol is a decentralized perpetual protocol built on the Polygon network. It offers traders a simple and user-friendly interface, as well as low fees. PERP protocol is also one of the most scalable decentralized perpetual protocols, as it can handle up to 10,000 transactions per second.

5. MUX

Buy $MUX token

Trade on MUX platform

Price July 2023: $14.5

Price 2025: $1000 (x70)

MUX Perp Dex $MUX Token

MUX is a decentralized perpetual protocol built on the Solana network. It offers traders low fees, fast transactions, and a high degree of scalability. MUX is also one of the most secure decentralized perpetual protocols, as it is backed by the insurance fund of the Serum protocol.


Buy $KWENTA token

Trade on KWENTA platform

Price July 2023: $264

Price 2025: $10 000 (x37)


Decentralized perpetual protocols are a new and exciting way to trade cryptocurrency. These protocols offer a number of advantages over traditional centralized exchanges, including:

  • Transparency: All trades are executed on the blockchain, which ensures that they are transparent and auditable.
  • Trustlessness: There is no need to trust a centralized intermediary, as all trades are executed directly between users.
  • Liquidity: Decentralized perpetual protocols are becoming increasingly liquid, as more and more traders are using them.

If you are looking for a new way to trade cryptocurrency, I encourage you to check out one of the decentralized perpetual protocols listed above.

Keywords: decentralized perpetual protocols, GMX, gTrade, Level Finance, LVL token, LGO token, PERP protocol, MUX token, cryptocurrency trading, blockchain technology




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