CryptoValleys — Maximizing $YIELD Farming

3 min readMar 17, 2024


Alright, now that we have started Farming we’re probably wondering what the best ways to maximize our earnings are. Since all seed tiers (pico, basic, premium) follow the same rules, we can easily formulate a strategy for farming.

Let’s discuss what the 3 easy ways to optimize $YIELD Farming:

1. Optimising Chance:

From my previous articles, we have concluded that the EV, ROI, and % earning of pico, basic, and premium seeds are identical.

Expected Return in $YIELD from Farming

Similarly, the roll chances of seed rarities for all tiers of seeds are also identical.

Seed Roll Chances

While the expected EV for unlocked $YIELD averages 0.956 (assuming level 0 farm) for all seed tiers, we need to factor in the different prices of the seed tiers.

Unlocked ROI for Farming
Prices in $YIELD for each Seed Tier

Here, 1 premium seed is equivalent to 40 pico seeds, similarly, 1 basic seed is equivalent to 5 pico seeds, etc.

Now imagine this, you have 800 $YIELD:
- Yes you can play the gacha game and try to roll for the 0.78% chance of getting 4400 unlocked $YIELD straight away,
- However, if you’re unlucky and roll a common or uncommon, you are already down 400 or 80 $YIELD respectively.

Instead, you can optimize for chance by rolling 40x pico seeds to get as close as to the EV of 0.956.

2. Optimizing Time:

Depending on the rarity of your seed, its time to harvest will differ. You can find the table here:

Time to Harvest

We can simply optimize time to maximize $YIELD farming just by planting common, uncommon seeds in the early waking hours and rare+ when it’s nighttime. This means no more waking up in the middle of the night to plant new seeds.

3. Optimizing Sage Claims:

Assuming you have unlocked the Sage NPC, and are looking to unlock your locked $YIELD, here are some quick tips:

Since the harvest season is run on a GLOBAL clock and not based on your personal farm, the best way to maximize your unlocked $YIELD is to wait for the last second before unlocking, since you can farm for a higher amount of locked $YIELD before then.

Sage UI

That is currently it for how to optimize your farming experience in CryptoValleys. Will update my guides as soon as there are any updates in the future! Thanks for reading and hope to see you in my next article where I discuss some leaks of future features!

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