Mars Colony — be there faster than Elon Musk.

3 min readFeb 12, 2022


People have dreamed of exploring the cosmos for centuries. It started with studying the sky. When the basic phenomena were roughly explained, the idea of travelling to orbit appeared, then to the Moon. At the moment there is a race to see who will be the first to go to Mars. One of the participants (and not without a chance to win) is Elon Musk. Would you like to thumb your nose at this billionaire and settle the Red Planet before him? Well, here is your chance…

A few weeks ago another interesting project appeared on the Harmony One network — Mars Colony. The team’s assumption is to create a place set in Mars scenery where you can buy and sell NFT plots and stake your plots getting passive income depending on the level of infrastructure development. The plans is to create its own DEX exchange and expansion to other ecosystems, but about that in a moment.

The project has a native token — CLNY. We get it as farming rewards and use it to expand our plots.

Currently there are 21000 plots on virtual Mars and this number is not going to change. At the presale stage the price of a single plot was 250 ONE, at the moment the floor on the is 1700 ONE, however it must be emphasized that the prices of plots change quickly and thanks to the large volume of sales, Mars Colony has been in the TOP2 of all projects on the mentioned NFT exchange for several weeks.

The huge interest in the project since its inception has caused incredible volatility on the CLNY currency. At its peak, the price was almost $45, currently it is consolidating in the range of $1.6–2.4.

What can the project offer?

  1. Ownership of plots. As I mentioned above, the plots are currently only available on the secondary market ( Owning a plot will give us the right to make decisions that can have influence on the project (governance function).
  2. Plot Expansion. Basic NFT currently gives 1 CLNY/day of passive income. With the available expansions we can increase the daily yield:
  • Base Station (cost 30 CLNY): +1 CLNY/day
  • Robot Assembly (cost 120 CLNY): + 2 CLNY/day
  • Transportation (cost 120 CLNY): +2 CLNY/day
  • Power Production (cost 120 CLNY): + 2 CLNY/day

3. Liquidity Mining. This option was made available quite recently. Right now, throwing a CLNY-ONE pair into the pot earns CLNY with an APR of 446% (at the time of writing this article).

Additional options — will be added at a later date:

  1. Daily challenges — It has not yet been revealed what they would consist of. Perhaps it will be a reward for daily attendance? Surely the team needs to add more usability to make this improvement.
  2. DEX Exchange. According to the team, negotiations are underway with potential business partners to create their own decentralized cryptocurrency exchange.

As you can see above, the project should definitely grow. As more features and improvements are added, we will see more and more interest in Mars Colony.

I’ll also add that a new visualization of the plots is being worked on. The first sneak-peak has already been shown:

In the next post I will introduce you to the interface of the application and show you how to navigate through it.

In the meantime, I invite you to the Discord server of the project: Mars Colony, where you will find the latest news and contests related to the project.

