CryptoZoon Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds to Support the GameFi NFT Marketplace

4 min readSep 13, 2021



CryptoZoon is pleased to announce the integration of a price feed oracle solution using the market-leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink. CryptoZoon has integrated Chainlink Price Feeds for reliable pricing information within our NFT marketplace, enabling various NFT collectibles and crypto assets to be listed at a stable price and then purchased in a different cryptocurrency using real-time exchange rates.

We selected Chainlink Price Feeds because they offer decentralized, tamper-proof, and accurate sources of on-chain price data streams for smart contracts. Chainlink Price Feeds have been time-tested in production and help secure tens of billions of dollars across the gaming and DeFi industry, giving us great confidence in the integration.

CryptoZoon’s Digital Creatures Universe

CryptoZoon aims to be the first ecosystem to combine the thrill of gaming and the value of digital collectibles, resulting in a premier digital creatures universe. CryptoZoon makes use of next-level NFT-based gameplay within a blockchain-based decentralized financial system, making the game not only for fun but part of the emerging play-to-earn GameFi (Gaming + DeFi) industry.

The concept behind CryptoZoon is high scalability and incredibly approachability for consumers. CryptoZoon stands out by finding the ‘equi-foci’ where the fun online gaming experience meets the value of NFT collectibles.

CryptoZoon also offers a marketplace where users can seamlessly trade digital collectibles for ZOON tokens, trade various crypto-assets, and participate in yield farming. The market-leading price feeds of Chainlink bring an additional layer of reliability to the platform by becoming the default source of exchange rates referenced during most CryptoZoon trading activities This will give users an up-to-date, decentralized source of price information to help limit any price slippage on the CryptoZoon marketplace.

How Chainlink Provides Secure and Reliable Oracles

Given the historical performance of Chainlink Price Feeds, we identified them as the most effective and secure solution in the market. Unlike other oracles that are centralized or rely on low-quality data, Chainlink Price Feeds use high-quality data and decentralized infrastructure to prevent inaccurate data or data feed outages.

Some of the notable features of Chainlink Price Feeds include:

  • High-Quality Data — Chainlink Price Feeds source data from numerous premium data aggregators, leading to price data that’s aggregated from hundreds of exchanges, weighted by volume, and cleaned from outliers and suspicious volumes. Chainlink’s data aggregation model generates accurate global market prices that are resistant to API downtime, flash crash outliers, and data manipulation attacks like flash loans.
  • Secure Node Operators — Chainlink Price Feeds are secured by independent, security-reviewed, and Sybil-resistant oracle nodes run by leading blockchain DevOps teams, data providers, and traditional enterprises. Chainlink nodes have a strong track record for reliability, even during high gas prices and extreme network congestion.
  • Decentralized Network — Chainlink Price Feeds are decentralized at the data source, oracle node, and oracle network levels, generating strong protections against downtime and tampering by either the data provider or the oracle network.
  • Reputation — Chainlink provides a robust reputation framework and set of on-chain monitoring tools that allow users to independently verify the historical performance of node operators and oracle networks, as well as check the real-time prices being offered.

“Our work integrating Chainlink is a major milestone, helping ensure users are consistently referencing fair market exchange rates within our marketplace. Chainlink price data reflects wide market coverage and is backed by decentralized infrastructure for high tamper resistance and availability, resulting in a more reliable and trusted user experience on CryptoZoon.”

-Ray T., CryptoZoon

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry standard oracle network for powering hybrid smart contracts. Chainlink Decentralized Oracle Networks provide developers with the largest collection of high-quality data sources and secure off-chain computations to expand the capabilities of smart contracts on any blockchain. Managed by a global, decentralized community, Chainlink currently secures billions of dollars in value for smart contracts across decentralized finance (DeFi), insurance, gaming, and other major industries.

Chainlink is trusted by hundreds of organizations, from global enterprises to projects at the forefront of the blockchain economy, to deliver definitive truth via secure, reliable oracle networks. To learn more about Chainlink, visit and subscribe to the Chainlink newsletter. To understand the full vision of the Chainlink Network, read the Chainlink 2.0 whitepaper. Want to discuss an integration? Talk to an expert.

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About CryptoZoon

CryptoZoon is a GameFi collectibles project hosted on the fast and trusted smart chain BSC (Binance Smart Chain) and features tokenized digital creatures in a virtual universe.




💎CryptoZoon💎 is a complete platform of Digital Creatures Universe live on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).🚀🚀🚀