Cryptrade’s Weekly Development Report — December 29, 2018

Cryptrade Exchange
2 min readDec 29, 2018


December 23, 2018 — December 29, 2018

Next Week

Christmas Promotion & Airdrop

We made a Christmas airdrop to more than 30000+ bitshares traders on top of bitshares, they received 0.02019 CRCO with a memo: “Merry Christmas”. Best wishes for all bitshares traders and CRCO community!

Development of DEX

We continue to developed our dex this week, and we issued two UIA(User Issued Asset) on top of bitshares: CRYPTRADE.CRCO, CRYPTRADE.BTC.

As you see, CRYPTRADE is the prefix of the assets which are issued by Cryptrade DEX.

Release the Frontend of DEX

We developed the new page of deposit-withdraw this week. Most of the work has been done, we have already made a successful withdrawal from our frontend.

But the release was delayed due to Christmas. We really apologize for this, and we will release the frontend of our DEX next week with an API service in test env.

Deploy a witness node of bitshares for production env.

Successfully deployed one witness node of bitshares for production env.

Signature Campaign Management

We have already compiled statistics on the participation in the second week. And the rewards of second weeks have been paid.

Next Week

  1. Development the API Service of DEX
  2. Release the Frontend of DEX
  3. Deploy a faucet for registration in production env.

