Essentia — The Next Generation Layer of Interoperability and Data

Smith UK
3 min readMay 25, 2018


Essentia which is considered as the next generation layer of interoperability and data, is a multi-chained set of protocols which connects and decentralize the resources in order to create new powerful interactions as well as experiences.

Why do you need to decentralize the power of data?

Is it necessary to decentralize the power of data? Yes, it is. Let me explain its vital necessity. Just think about your data and platforms. They are scattered all around for sure. Now think of a puzzle with different pieces. Is a puzzle piece worthy when it is alone? No. But, with all the pieces arranged together in the correct order, you can build the picture. The same goes with your data and platforms. Although there are different pieces of internet, there is no way to gather them to one place and work them together. You may have your own data and used them in different platforms. But, what if there’s a system where you can take all your platforms into one framework and replace your old models with new ones? What if there’s a system which enables new powerful interactions? That would be awesome. That’s when Essentia comes in handy.

How does Essentia help you?

Simply, Essentia is a framework which is engaged in decentralizing inter-operability and data management. The process may sound complicated. But, the whole thing is composed of two major components. The two major components and what they do are described below.

1. Essences

In Essences, the entities own their data and inter-link them across multiple services. They can be either individuals, groups, companies and organizations. No matter what, the Essences is capable of effective decentralization of internet users. Not only that, inter-operability between them is possible too.

2. Synergies

Simply, Synergies are the connective tissues which connect all the operations. Their task is to link different platforms, modules and resources together in order to enable them to inter-operate.

In here, the developers can build on top of them. The users can pay and gain access to powerful and efficient applications of Essentia framework, which runs across every single best technology all over the world.

Features of Essentia

The Essentia consists of many outstanding features.

1. Modular

Essentia is rapidly expanding to fit in to the growing decentralizing life. In here, you have the chance to add your platforms, wallets and dApp just in one click.

2. Scalable

A higher throughput enables simultaneous support of millions of users.

3. Full data ownership

Your data is your own property. So, you have all the power to control your digital identity as well as your freedom.

4. Multi-chain and Multi-device

This framework has the capacity to support different block chains such as Etherum, Bitcoin, etc. You can simply use this on any device.

5. All in one seed

The whole framework is based on “all in one seed” concept. The one seed is Essentia, which has the power to unlock all the decentralized web experiences of yours.

6. KYC & GDPR by default

There’s no risk either to your data or your identity, as every process is followed by a verification process.

Projects integrated with Essentia

Some of the world’s well-known projects have already integrated with Essentia. They are as follows.

· Gnosis

· Bitcoin

· Status

· Aragon

· Ethereum

· Storj


· Kyber Network

· Mysterium

· Akasha

· EtherDelta

· Flyp.Me

In this rapidly developing internet world, Essentia is something worth trying. To find more information about Essentia, you can have a visit to their official website

Official Website:

ANN Thread:

Official Telegram Group:

Author Details:

Crypto Smith (;u=1651598 )



Smith UK

I am a teen entreprenuer and really love to work with others. #entreprenuer #music #hiphop #happy #life #youngblood