Is Female Infertility Curable?

3 min readAug 29, 2022


Many have suggested that infertility in women is curable without understanding what the term means. Curing relieves a person from an illness, but only those disorders can be rectified. Otherwise, non-curable conditions need treatment to reduce infertility, such as infertility in women.

Hence, this article will cover all the insights of Infertility In Women to know whether it is curable.

Female Infertility :

Infertility in women is a complicated situation in which a woman fails to conceive with his female partner or a condition in which couples cannot complete the reproduction process fluently due to the poor health conditions a woman.

Female Infertility symptoms :

The common symptoms of female infertility are :

  • Endometriosis illness is one of the most common symptoms of infertility in women. A replica of a tissue that grows inside the uterus lining grows outside of it near other reproductive parts.
  • Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes- Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes obstruct the path of sperms and eggs to meet to complete the fertilization process.
  • Poor lifestyle- Poor lifestyle factors such as excessive consumption of smoke, alcohol, and drugs cause infertility in women too often.
  • Trouble in the reproduction system- Trouble in reproductive organs also drastically affects women’s health and leads to infertility.
  • Ovulation disorder is a complex condition in which women of reproductive age fail to produce the expected number of eggs in each cycle of the month.
  • Age- Age is a significant factor in deciding the quality and quantity of eggs as it declines with age.
  • Genetic disorder- Genetic disorders that pass on from generation to generation can cause infertility in women.
  • Chronic illness- Neverending chronic diseases such as increased sugar levels in the blood and high blood pressure affect fertility in women.
Female Infertility Treatment
Female Infertility Treatment

Diagnostic options for female infertility treatment

Ovulation testing is done to detect the luteinizing hormone (LH). Also, a blood test will be performed for progesterone to understand by the hormone level whether ovulation is occurring or not.

Hysterosalpingography- In this, an X-ray contrast will be injected into your uterus to capture the images and examine the complications occurring inside the uterus. It also ensures the working of the fallopian tubes by monitoring if the inserted liquid passes through your fallopian tubes.

Laparoscopy- In this method, a small incision will be made below your lower abdomen to insert a thin device to examine the reproductive organs.

Genetic testing- Genetic testing helps find the trouble arising due to genetic factors.

Ovarian reserve testing- This test helps determine the quality and quantity of eggs for ovulation, especially for women over 35.

Other hormone tests- Another hormone test will be done to check the levels of ovulatory, thyroid, and pituitary hormones to examine the dilemma in the reproductive organs.

Possible female infertility treatments -

Possible female infertility treatments that help the couple plan for a baby effectively are-


Some of the most common fertility medicines include but are not limited to in the initial stages of infertility are-

  • Gonadotrophins
  • Gonadotrophin
  • Clomifene
  • Metformin

Surgical procedures-

With the presence of these surgical procedures, anybody can reduce the risk of infertility.

  • Fallopian tube surgery- Fallopian tube surgery will be performed so that a fertilized egg can get attached to the uterine lining of the woman.
  • Surgery for endometriosis, fibroids, and PCOS- Surgeries will be performed to remove tissues and cysts.

Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART)-

  • Intra-uterine Insemination (IUI)- It is a method in which extracted sperm from a man’s semen are directly inserted into a woman’s uterus to complete the reproduction process.
  • In-vitro fertilization (IVF)- In-vitro fertilization is a method in which extracted sperms and eggs are combined in a petri dish inside a laboratory.
  • Donation of sperms and eggs- Donated sperms and eggs will be used when a man or a woman fails to use their eggs and sperms.

How to know more?

You must have realized by now that infertility in women is not curable and can only be treated via various treatments. Also, with the help of modern technologies and different available treatment options, anyone can successfully plan for a healthy baby without getting anxious and depressed. For more information about the Best IVF Clinic In Ghaziabad, you can always pay a visit to Crysta IVF to solve all your doubts regarding female infertility and get your effective IVF treatment in Ghaziabad.

Source URL Click Here:- Female Infertility Treatment

