Leveraging AI in Instructional Design

Crystal Ryan
4 min readSep 3, 2023


The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is breaking barriers in a multitude of sectors, with education being no exception. Instructional design, a key facet of educational innovation, is experiencing a revolution thanks to the capabilities offered by AI tools. To understand the full extent of AI’s potential, let’s delve into the ADDIE model and explore how AI can enhance each step.


AI Tool: Learning Analytics Platforms

These tools analyze large datasets related to learner behavior, preferences, and performance, predicting learners’ needs and preferences (Gibson, 2023). Learning management systems (LMS’s) are already being utilized to track this information. As AI becomes integrated into these systems, we’ll see these analytic capabilities expand, offering instructional designers and learners feedback and guidance.


  • Offers data-driven insights into learner needs and gaps.
  • Provides a holistic view of the learners’ performance and preferences.
  • Helps tailor instructional content for better engagement.


  • Over-reliance on data might neglect individual nuances.
  • Tools may be complex and require training to use efficiently.


AI Tool: Automated Content Curators & Prototyping Tools

These tools utilize algorithms to identify best practices and examples from vast amounts of content and generate course prototypes. For example, ChatGPT could be utilized to generate ideas and create a course outline (Robertson, 2023).


  • Speeds up the course design process by providing instant content suggestions.
  • Allows instructional designers to see potential course flows quickly.
  • Enhances the personalization of the course based on the analytics gathered.


  • The auto-generated content may lack depth or context.
  • Might encourage a one-size-fits-all approach if not tweaked manually.


AI Tool: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) & Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engines, Multimedia Content Generation Tools

The development of instructional design is one of the more apparent sectors of field that have been impacted by AI. ITSs and NLP engines can create adaptive learning pathways, quizzes, and content, modifying them in real-time based on learner interactions (Gibson, 2023).

There’s also tools like ChatGPT for fleshing out course content, Dall-E 2 and Midjourney for developing course graphics, Synethesia for talking head videos, Murf.ai and Play.ht for voiceover generation, Beautiful.ai for generating presentions, and more.


  • ITSs offer real-time adaptability to learners’ needs.
  • NLPs provide instant feedback, enhancing the learning experience.
  • ITSs can simulate human tutors, offering a personalized touch.
  • Allows greater access to professional level quality custom graphics, content generation, voiceover, etc. to those who wouldn’t normally have the budget, skills, or resources to do so.


  • Developing intricate ITSs can be resource-intensive.
  • Over-personalization can lead learners into a content bubble, limiting exposure.


AI Tool: Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) & Chatbots

VLEs, integrated with AI, can offer personalized learning pathways. Chatbots can aid learners with instant answers and support throughout their learning journey. AI can also level-up the use of simulations and virtual reality in instruction (Kereselidze, 2023).


  • Facilitates seamless course delivery across varied platforms.
  • Chatbots offer 24/7 support, enhancing learner engagement and retention.
  • AI-driven VLEs can adjust content delivery based on real-time learner performance.


  • Technical glitches in VLEs or chatbots can hinder the learning experience.
  • Over-reliance on chatbots might reduce human interaction and peer learning.


AI Tool: Automated Assessment Platforms

AI algorithms can automate the assessment process, allowing for instant feedback that traditional assessment methods couldn’t offer (Hereselidze, 2023). Additionally, AI tools can lighten the burden on instructors and evaluators concerning formative assessments, enabling them to concentrate on more focused or personalized instruction.


  • Reduces the manual effort in grading and assessment.
  • Offers insights into learners’ emotions and feelings about the content.
  • Provides real-time feedback to instructional designers for course improvement.


  • Automated assessments may miss nuances in subjective answers.
  • Over-dependence can lead to neglecting qualitative feedback.

While AI tools present numerous opportunities to enhance the ADDIE instructional design process, a balanced approach is essential. Instructional designers should utilize AI to optimize the design and delivery of content while ensuring the human touch in education remains intact. As with any technology, the key lies in integration, not replacement.


Gibson, R. (2023, August 14). 10 ways artificial intelligence is transforming instructional design. EDUCAUSE. https://er.educause.edu/articles/2023/8/10-ways-artificial-intelligence-is-transforming-instructional-design

Kereselidze, M. (2023, August 17). The role of artificial intelligence in instructional design. ELearning Industry. https://elearningindustry.com/role-of-artificial-intelligence-in-instructional-design

Robertson, D. (2023). 8 practical AI tool uses for your instructional design workflow. Neovation. https://www.neovation.com/learn/87-8-practical-ai-tool-uses-for-your-instructional-design-workflow

