Love is Green

Lotus Laura
4 min readNov 24, 2022
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Did you know that the color of love is not red — it’s GREEN! …?

According to spiritual healers, the color of true love is actually not the bold red we commonly mistake it for, it is green!

The body holds seven chakras, going from root to crown, from tailbone to above the head, through the colors of the rainbow. Starting at red and ending at violet, the heart chakra is the fourth, represented by the color green.

It really makes sense when you think about it, and reveals so much about society. Love is symbolized by a heart, and that heart is almost always colored red. Red lips, red cheeks, red dress… love is typically connected to the color red.

But really, love is certainly green. When you see green, you think of healing. It resembles abundance, like the trees that grow all over the planet. It’s a very giving color.

It resembles abundance, like the trees that grow all over the planet.

The meaning of life is LOVE, and there is no point in living without it. But what we tend to believe is “love” is often false. We see love as ownership, possession, codependency. It is also seen as competitive, aggressive, and fierce like the color red.

When it comes to friends — we see love as ownership, as in “this is my friend” … we see…

