Purple And Green Crystals: It’s Types, Meaning And Benefits

6 min readJan 11, 2024


Purple and green crystals, such as the tranquil amethyst and vibrant peridot, enchant us with their rich colors and deep-rooted symbolism. Amethyst, in its soothing shades of violet, is cherished for both its beauty and its ability to bring peace and spiritual clarity, often adorning jewelry and aiding meditation.

In contrast, green crystals like the lush emerald symbolize prosperity and renewal, making them prized assets in fine jewelry. Peridot’s unique green glimmer is thought to harmonize emotions and ease stress.

Furthermore, these crystals are not just eye-catching ornaments; they hold stories and secrets of healing and culture. Ever wondered what other mysteries they might hold? The journey into their world is as intriguing as the stones themselves.

Key Takeaways

  • Amethyst is known for its soothing violet shades and spiritual clarity.
  • Green crystals like emerald symbolize prosperity and renewal.
  • Peridot’s green glimmer is believed to harmonize emotions and reduce stress.
  • Unique mineral compositions, including iron, chromium, and manganese, give these crystals their colors.
  • Difference between purple and green crystals in terms of symbolism and uses.
  • Healing properties attributed to these crystals, such as stress relief and emotional balance.
  • Types of purple and green crystals, including amethyst, charoite, emerald, and peridot.
  • Versatile uses of these crystals in jewelry, Feng Shui, meditation, and more.
  • Proper care recommendations for preserving the beauty and energy of these crystals.
  • Effects of purple and green crystals on the human body’s energy field.
  • The role of these crystals in natural settings and cultural significance.
  • Increasing popularity of these crystals in fashion, jewelry, and wellness circles.

Understanding Purple and Green Crystals

Purple and green crystals owe their mesmerizing colors to their unique mineral compositions. Elements like iron, chromium, and manganese play pivotal roles in bestowing these crystals with their distinctive hues.

For instance, amethyst gets its purple color from irradiation and iron impurities, while malachite’s green is due to its copper content. This section uncovers the fascinating interplay of geology and color, revealing the science behind these natural wonders.

Benefits Of Purple And Green Crystals

The alleged benefits of these crystals range from psychological to physical. Purple crystals like lepidolite are believed to alleviate stress, while green stones like jade are said to attract luck and promote healing.

In addition, these claims, steeped in tradition and anecdote, offer a glimpse into the potential impact these stones can have on one’s well-being.

Types Of Purple And Green Crystals

These are the types of purple and green crystals:


Amethyst, a type of quartz, is renowned for its stunning violet shades, which vary from light lavender to deep purple, owing to iron impurities and irradiation.

Historically, it’s been prized for its beauty and purported soothing effects, believed to boost spiritual insight, peace, and healing. In addition, commonly used in jewelry and meditation, this crystal is appreciated for its clarity and unique structure, often found in geodes.


Charoite, a rare silicate mineral from Siberia, is notable for its vibrant purple, lilac, and violet swirls, accented with white, black, and sometimes green.

Additionally, its complex composition gives it a unique appearance and texture. It’s believed to convert negative emotions into positive energy and enhance spiritual insight. In addition, used in jewelry and valued in crystal healing, charoite is celebrated for its alleged metaphysical qualities.

Green Crystals


People value emeralds, a type of beryl, for their rich green color, sometimes with a bluish hue, which defines their worth. Despite their hardness, they are susceptible to chipping due to inherent fissures, known as “jardin.”

Historically, emeralds have symbolized wealth and renewal, and luxury jewelry prominently features them. In crystal healing, they are believed to foster emotional and physical well-being.


Peridot stands out for its unique lime to olive green hue, consistent even under artificial light, due to its iron content. As a gemstone with a single color variant, its intensity varies with iron levels.

Furthermore, symbolizing protection and prosperity, it’s August’s birthstone and popular in jewelry. In crystal healing, it’s believed to reduce stress and boost confidence and assertiveness.

Related: Green Crystals With Black Dots

Stones With Purple And Green Crystals: A Diverse List

  • Amethyst: Known for its captivating deep purple hue.
  • Charoite: Distinctive for its swirling patterns of purple, lilac, and violet.
  • Emerald: Valued for its rich and vivid green color.
  • Peridot: Recognizable by its unique lime to olive green shades.
  • Fluorite: Often found in a range of colors, including both purple and green hues.
  • Sugilite: Typically displays shades of deep purple, sometimes with green inclusions.
  • Ametrine: A blend of amethyst and citrine, showing zones of purple and yellow, occasionally with green tinges.
  • Seraphinite: Mainly dark green but can have shimmering patterns of silver and purple.
  • Moss Agate: Primarily green with inclusions that may appear purple under certain lighting.
  • Alexandrite: A unique gem that changes color from green in daylight to purple in incandescent light.

Uses Of Purple And Green Crystals

These crystals find their way into various aspects of life. In jewelry, they add a touch of elegance and meaning. In Feng Shui, they are used to balance energies within a space.

Moreover, even in meditation practices, these stones serve as aids for focus and grounding. Their versatility is a testament to their enduring appeal.

Care Of Purple And Green Crystals

Proper care is essential to preserve the beauty and integrity of these crystals. Generally, you should use mild soap and water for gentle cleaning, while avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures.

In addition, storing them properly, away from direct sunlight and in a stable environment, helps maintain their vibrancy and energy.

Effects Of Purple And Green Crystals On The Human Body

In the sphere of crystal healing, people believe that these stones influence the human body’s energy field, with purple crystals like amethyst believed to aid in calming the mind and enhancing intuition.

Many holistic wellness seekers cherish the effects of green crystals like peridot, associating them with heart chakra healing and emotional balance, even though these effects lack scientific proof.

What Do The Green And Purple Crystals In The Mines Do?

In their natural setting, these crystals are more than just geological formations. They often play a role in local ecosystems, influencing the mineralogy and biodiversity of their surroundings.

Moreover, they hold cultural significance, with many communities attributing mystical properties to these stones right from their source.

Much like the purple and green crystals, the black crystal with white spots also hold their own cultural and mystical significance in local communities, serving as a symbol of the interconnectedness between the natural world and cultural heritage.

Trends And Popularity Of Purple And Green Crystals

The allure of purple and green crystals, such as amethyst and peridot, is on the rise, driven by their increasing popularity in areas like fashion, jewelry design, and interior decoration.

Their vibrant colors and unique properties have made them favorites in wellness and spirituality circles, further amplified by social media influencers.

With a growing emphasis on natural, ethically sourced gems, these crystals are not just aesthetic choices but also symbols of personal beliefs and values, leading to their heightened demand in various markets.

Furthermore, this trend reflects a deeper cultural shift towards appreciating the natural beauty and supposed healing qualities of these captivating gemstones.

Related: White Crystal With Black Spots


What does the amethyst crystal do?

Amethyst, known for its striking purple hue, is believed to promote calmness, enhance spiritual awareness, and aid in meditation. It’s also used in jewelry and as a decorative item for its aesthetic appeal.

What is a purple green stone?

A purple green stone, like fluorite, often exhibits a unique blend of purple and green hues. People value it for its beauty and believe it has balancing and grounding properties in crystal healing.

Why is amethyst lucky?

People consider amethyst lucky due to its historical association with calming and protective qualities, and they often use it to enhance intuition, spiritual growth, and inner peace, making it a favored gemstone in various cultures.

What is purple ghost crystal?

Purple Ghost Crystal, a type of quartz, is known for its ethereal, ghost-like inclusions that create a mesmerizing, layered purple appearance. People admire it for both its unique aesthetic and its perceived metaphysical properties.

Is it OK to wear amethyst?

People consider wearing amethyst safe and often embrace it for its beauty and the purported soothing properties it is believed to possess. It’s popular in jewelry, believed to bring calmness and clarity to the wearer.

