Living With Hope: I’ll see you next time

Crystal L.M. Roberts
2 min readNov 22, 2023

Lately, I’ve wished I was more religious in the organized sense, versus spiritual. I find myself envious of others whose faith rests securely outside themselves.

Humans are a scarier proposition — having faith in ourselves and each other is far more fraught with doubt. In my experience anyway.

But maybe that’s what faith is? Believing alongside overwhelming doubts.

What I imagine is this, those with faith have an easier path to peace. Peace is a path I’ve never found open to me. Especially these past months.

But there is something that is close. I think I’ve found something that comforts me and it’s this idea:

Whether or not past and therefore future lives are really a thing isn’t the point but… it comforts me to think that we all have unfinished business. And if we don’t get to it in this lifetime, we will get to it in the next.

Maybe then we will do it better and find peace.

While I can’t honestly claim that’s good enough for me right now, it’s better than the alternative: Dying with regret. I’d rather die with hope that I find you again in the next life. I just hope I do it sooner and do it better.

That’s something worth living for.

