Synastry and The Nodes in Astrology

Crystal McCrory
3 min readJul 25, 2024


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

The Secret of Why We Love Who We Love

There are countless assumptions surrounding why certain people connect in this life while others don’t. We all meet people through work, school, hobbies, and mundane activities, however most of these people are forgotten. Even when people try diligently to meet others they may not land on meaningful connections. It is often said that the moment we stop looking is when our love will appear.

In reality what is happening is that in transit and in synastry the nodes connect us with meaningful, times, places, and people that either move us forward or hold us back. We can often feel it immediately when we meet someone significant.

People often say “I felt like I knew him/her forever” when only just meeting them. This is the connection most likely to lead to marriage. This is often a South Node connection that over time will not just feel familiar, but perhaps stifling.

Then there is the relationship that is hard to define but fun and exhilarating. This is the relationship that doesn’t need a title — you just know you feel good together. It is often slightly uncomfortable for the individual and those around them, yet they can’t resist the pull. These are North Node connections.

The sign of the Node can speak to the feeling of the bond. Taurus relationships are often focused on building and gaining financial stability. Gemini relationships may have a focus on talking and sharing information. Capricorn bonds can be focused on the workplace and gaining prestige.

A planetary connection to the Nodes is highly significant and will explain the tone. Venus connections will be all about love and attraction while Mars connections can be highly sexual. Most often people marry those they have South Node connections with to the Moon, Sun, Venus, or Ascendant.

Unfortunately if there is only a South Node connection the relationship will lose its luster but remain very difficult to break. At best a relationship will also have North Node Connections that allow the couple to grow together.

What happens more often than not however is that because of our societal commitment to marriage being eternal, people often remain in South Node relationships for longer than they should. Not only does society place a stigma on breakups, but the nodes are indeed our comfort zone. Leaving it can feel like the uncomfortable rebirth of an infant — painful and cold. However once the initial shock is over there is new life, a new path, and renewed hope.

The South Node is often described as being closely aligned with the energies of the Moon. The Moon represents the mother in the Zodiac. It is nurturing and familiar, but eventually it is our destiny to make our own way.

The North Node is our path forward in this life. It is often closely associated with the Sun. Most of us feel uncomfortable embracing this new energy because its tendency is to be unfamiliar (away from the mother). Yet when we express it there is a feeling of freedom and growth. Many view relationships as a stabilizing force. Relationships are how we build new families and create new life, therefore it is no surprise that many of our relationships will feel stifling over time.

In an ideal world we experience both again and again. Growth and familiarity, followed by growth and familiarity again. Much like a helix, the growth of plants, and the movement of planets, this spiral upward is essential for our evolution. Around and up, and around and up again.

Astrology shows us this process in a literal sense. The rotation of the Sun and the Moon align perfectly giving us eclipses. These eclipses are always aligned with the Nodes. The movement of the Nodes shows us the helix pattern of our lives and the people we connect with along this spiral. Understanding this process helps us to remove the shame and fear attached to endings, new beginnings, and the unknown.

The Nodes can point us to our individual destiny, moments of crisis, times of growth, and where, when, and whom we may love.

I am accepting readings for Birth charts, Progressions, Prediction, Solar Return, and Synastry readings.

