Black Survival Fan Kit (v.171101)

Black Survival Official
3 min readNov 2, 2017


Hello hello! GM Nadja has worked hard to prepare the Black Survival Fan Kit. GM Camilo and GM Lars have done their best to make them easily accessible to non-CJK fans.

The Fan Kit contains a vast amount of Black Survival media — including voice, art, and bonus material. Please read the document contained within the archive! In short, you may use the files freely as long as you love Black Survival. :)


<How to Use the Black Survival Fan Kit>

1. The copyright of the Black Survival Fan Kit belongs to Archbears.

2. The Fan Kit may be used and edited freely by fans of Black Survival. However, we forbid the usage of the Fan Kit for the purpose of discrediting the game or the company. We also forbid the usage of the Fan Kit for the purpose of insulting specific individuals or organizations.

3. The usage of the Fan Kit places the right to the material to the user. The user may not attribute their material to Archbears. Further, failure to uphold the laws of the Republic of Korea when using the Fan Kit prevents Archbears from any legal responsibility.

4. Commercial use of fan creations made with the Fan Kit or based on Black Survival is permitted under the following conditions:

① It must be a creative endeavor
— You may not use the Fan Kit as it is provided; it must reflect your input to the material.
— Image manipulation and retouching are considered to be creative endeavors.

② It must be sold directly
— It can be sold for profit on-site or over the Internet.
— You must request our permission to use a third-party commercial distributor.

③ The profits must remain below 3,000,000 KRW per month
— You must request our permission to sell fan material as a corporate or business entity.
— You only need to request our permission if your sales exceed 3,000,000 KRW per month.
— You only need to request our permission if your sales exceed 2,000,000 KRW per member of your creative group per month.

We are grateful that you want to create fan material based on Black Survival. It is not our intention to limit your fan activities with this guideline. We created this guideline because some fans had a difficult time asking about the hard details. With these set in stone, you won’t have to worry about blurred lines. (Truth be told, as long as we can be sure that you do not intend to make a business out of it, we may relax some of these points on case-by-case basis… if you ask politely.)

We hope this guideline helps you make the best out of the Black Survival Fan Kit. To everyone who play and love Black Survival — thank you!

Black Survival Fan Kit Index

BG_Reward: Background images (old and new) & special frames given out as reward for achieving a certain league!

Character_Illust_Voice: Voices for all playable characters, as well as NPCs (such as Dr. Thomas and Bear) as well as their illustrations.

ETC: Miscellaneous media, including the logo, emoticons, BS characters in SD, and such.

Sound: In-game BGM and sound effects.


  • New material (Characters and Skins) will be updated as they are released!
  • Skin-specific voicelines could not be implemented in-game, so we are sharing them with the Fan Kit. They are only recorded in Korean, however.

