[Skin] Costume — Fallen Angel Chiara

Black Survival Official
2 min readFeb 21, 2018



This is GM Meiji, hiding in the research center and observing user issues.

For the upcoming update, I am here to announce about our newly applied Costume Skin.

#What is Costume Skin?

  • It is a skin that is a modification in terms of distinctive variations based on existing skins (original skins).
  • Costume Skin is low-cost compared to other skins, however, a player must possess the original skin first to purchase the skin.
  • A “costume” simply means ‘attire for a stage’. Hence, we want to express our characters in the same way by giving new look and appearance.
  • We will continue making the Costume Skin and original skins separately for our players.

#Fallen Angel Chiara

  • The first Costume Skin to announce is the Fallen Angel Chiara.
  • Purchasing price for this skin is 490 Gems, and this skin is only purchasable when a player already own a Chiara The Fallen skin.

#Character and Skins Announcement Schedule and Notice

  • Usually when a new character or skin is available, it is our principle to announce publicly on every Wednesday, but from now on, we will progress in announcing new characters or skins 10 days prior to the accumulative updates.
  • We also received feedback about the long wait and misunderstood when we publicly announce too early for the characters or skins are applied to the game with a major update cycle of one month.
  • For March skins and our new character Jan’s update, we will publicly announce in an interval of one or two days until next week, so stay hype and patiently wait a little bit more!

