J4K 2021 — Hybrid Cloud, Native Java and the Future of Cloud Development

Cesar Saavedra
2 min readMar 17, 2021


Happy New Year 2021! We hope your family and friends are doing well and enjoying good health. Last year established a profound change in life for many and for everyone in multiple areas of life. But we will persevere and there will be new innovations on how to move forward. We saw great technology advancements, especially around remote work and how important cloud computing is for the world. We will also need to adapt J4K (https://www.j4k.io) to this new norm using virtual conferences and increasing our ability to help each other as a community.

Last year’s J4K virtual conference was full of great content, keynotes, and entertainment. We had over 1,600 attendees from all over the world, 66 speakers, workshops, and sessions among 4 different tracks in 2 days. If you missed or want to rewatch any sessions, you can watch the recordings at our J4K YouTube channel.

Based on our experience from J4K 2020 along with feedback from attending other virtual conferences last year, we would like to adjust the agenda for the 2021 events.

We will have two smaller events in 2021. Each will contain a more compact agenda, defined as approximately half a day of presentation time, 2 tracks per event, with about 6 sessions per track, and 30 minutes per session (for most sessions). Check out https://www.j4k.io for updates!

The lineup of speakers will focus on innovative topics related to running Java on K8s on different cloud providers. The first event will be on June 9, 2021 and the second one some time in October. Like last year, both events will be free of charge to attend so make sure you invite your friends and colleagues to attend. There’s always room to learn and get ahead of the game. Why not, it’s free and you might just make new connections for your future in the cloud.

We have been reading, experiencing and hearing about virtual conference fatigue as well as too many long virtual events getting in the way of a working week. We believe that this new format will be more appealing, beneficial, and useful for everyone. In the spirit of continuous improvement, this new format will only be for the calendar year 2021. In the fall of 2021, we will gather feedback and review the experience for J4K 2022. Depending on the feedback from these two events in 2021, for 2022, we could have a single in-person or virtual event, or multiple virtual events, or a combination thereof.

We thank you for your continued support towards the success of J4K and look forward to seeing you at both 2021 events!

The J4K Organizing Team

